Angular: NGRX a clean and clear Introduction – Frontend Fun – Medium The objective of this article is to provide a clean and clear introduction to ngrx. In order to accomplish this, I am going to explain the...
raspberry_pi - 57 Raspberry Pi commands that everyone should know_ 742 votes and 119 comments so far on Reddit
Introducing NgRx Explorer for VS Code – AngularDoc – Medium We are excited to announce the addition of NgRx Explorer to our AngularDoc extension for Visual Studio Code.
10 Best Angular DataTables with Pagination, Sorting and filter feature Here are the 10 best angular datatables with pagination, sorting, and filter feature. these angular datatables components are open source and easy to use. find here the features of each table component with demo and documentation.
Angular 7 Features | What’s new in Angular 7 ? Angular 7 is coming with lot of new features. Find here the angular 7 major features and whats new in Angular 7.
Simplified Angular unit testing In this article, we will learn how to write (simple) unit tests for your Angular modeling blocks (service, component, async task, etc).
A Layer Above Database Connectors that Provides a Common API, like PDO and JDBC, but for Node.js
I created a common API for Node.js on top of two DBMS drivers. The API is inspired from PDO and JDBC. It's named LADC for "a Layer Above...
50+ Data Structure and Algorithms Interview Questions for Programmers There are a lot of computer science graduates and programmers applying for programming, coding, and software development roles at startups...
Are Progressive Web Apps the Future? - undefined
ServiceWorker Cookbook Introduction. The Service Worker Cookbook is a collection of working, practical examples of using service workers in modern web sites. Tip: Open your Developer Tools console to view fetch events and informative messages about what each recipe's service worker is doing!
Offline POSTs with Progressive Web Apps – Web Dev @ Microsoft – Medium A Microsoft intern's take on Progressive Web Apps, and providing a great offline experience with offline POSTs.
Deep Dive Into The New Vue Devtools v5.0 – Brandon Lyons – Medium Earlier this month the Vue devtools version 5.0 beta was released, bringing amazing new features to the already debugging powerful tool...
Create Telegram Bot for Home Assistant Home Automation, Home Labbing, Home Improvement
Creating a Continuous Integration commit pipeline using Docker [Tutorial] | Packt Hub undefined
Creating a Continuous Integration commit pipeline using Docker [Tutorial] | Packt Hub undefined
How to use animation with Angular 6 – Introduction
Ionic 4, Angular 6 and Cordova: Export and View PDF File A comprehensive step by step tutorial on Ionic 4, Angular 6 and Cordova export and view pdf file using
dom-to-image, jSPDF and File Opener
What are Progressive Web Apps? By now, you've probably heard that Progressive Web Apps are the future of all mankind. They'll bring world peace, end hunger, save the rainbows and unicorns, bring balance to the force, and a whole lot more. In the process, they might even push the mobile web forward, bring parity to web a
Why every beginner front-end developer should know publish-subscribe pattern? AKA: How to implement asynchronous code in a less painful way.
Persist Form - Akita - State Management for Angular The PersistNgFormPlugin helps to keep your form synced with your store. One common scenario is preventing your user from losing data he filled in a form, after navigating away without saving it. Let's take for example a Stories store. export interface State extends EntityState {}. .
Building Docker Images for Deploying Angular Apps - The Info Grid In this demo, we are going to use docker to build an image for deploying an angular app to multiple environments using dockefiles.
7 Reasons Why You Should Develop Your Next Web App Using Angular Web app development is making waves in the current marketplace. Though applications have been around for quite a long time, they are...
How to Create Printer-friendly Pages with CSS — SitePoint Craig Buckler reviews the art of creating printer-friendly web pages with CSS, showing how to retrofit them to any site, at minimal cost, without affecting or breaking existing functionality — delighting users and raising your site above competitor sites.
Logging HTTP Errors in Angular 6 - The Info Grid In this post, we are going to use the same HTTP Interceptor to catch HTTP errors – 500, 401, 400 etc. – and logging them remotely.
CSS Optimization Tools for Boosting PWA Performance — SitePoint Ahmed Bouchefra shows how to use various tools and related techniques to help build a better PWA by focusing on CSS optimization — demonstrating how to remove unused CSS, inline the critical path CSS, and minify the resulting code.
Angular Console The Power of the Angular CLI. The Convenience of an App.
Coolors coolors
CSS and PWAs: Some Tips for Building Progressive Web Apps — SitePoint In this article on CSS and PWAs, David Attard discusses a number of techniques that can be used when creating the CSS required for the development of PWAs.
Understanding a RESTful API using Node.js, TypeScript and Pokemon Let's use TypeScript to make a Pokemon API to read data from json file.
Electron Fiddle Helps You, Well, Fiddle with Code Electron, the cross-platform desktop app-building platform that thinks your CPU is free real estate, now has its own playground: Electron Fiddle. Writing that he's "seen how empowering 'code playgrounds' like JSFiddle, Glitch...
Scotch undefined
Apollo-Angular 1.2 - using GraphQL in your apps just got a whole lot easier! Check what's new in Apollo Angular and how to get the full potential benefits of using Angular + GraphQL + TypeScript combined thanks to...
Blog - Hobbytronics Pakistan Sonoff is a family of Smart WiFi Switches to control almost every electric gadget in our home. All type of Sonoff devices are connected to cloud servers attached to user account and user may control them using eWeLink iOS and Android apps. Internet is the backbone of whole system connecting Sonoff devices and eWeLink iOS and [...]
Getting Started with Debugging Angular Apps in VSCode - The Info Grid In this post, I am going to show you how to get started with debugging angular apps in VSCode. We shall target Firefox, Chrome and Edge.
Top 33 JavaScript Projects on GitHub – ITNEXT August 2018
How to build an image cropper form control in angular - The Info Grid We are going to build an image cropper and package it as a form control which is ready to be used in any of our forms.
Ionic 4 and Angular 6 Tutorial: Firebase Realtime CRUD Mobile App A comprehensive step by step tutorial on build Ionic 4, Angular 6, Cordova and Firebase Realtime CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Mobile App
Angular Material Autocomplete with HTTP Lookup - The Info Grid In this demo, we will build an angular autocomplete component that gets autocomplete suggestions from a http service such as a REST API.
Attribute Directives ❤ Angular Forms – Netanel Basal In this article, we'll examine creating Angular Directives that interact with the Angular Forms controls.
Angular Testing with Headless Chrome – Angular In Depth Configuring Angular CLI to leverage Headless Chrome for Unit and E2E tests
Ionic 2 vs ReactNative vs NativeScript - DiscoverSDK Blog Ionic 2 vs React Native vs NativeScript – What to choose for mobile development - DiscoverSDK Blog
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Introducing Electron Fiddle – Felix Rieseberg – Medium Create, share, and play with small Electron experiments.
10 Steps to Setup and Containerize an Express Server This article is a step by step guide on how to bootstrap and containerize an Express Server using Iron Node as a base image in 10 Easy steps...
Animate Dynamic Components in Angular – Netanel Basal In this article, we'll learn two different techniques to animate a dynamic component in Angular as it enters and leaves.
Angular Console — The UI for the Angular CLI – nrwl Today we are happy to announce Angular Console — the UI for the Angular CLI.
MongoDB, Express, Vue.js 2, Node.js (MEVN) and SocketIO Chat App The comprehensive tutorial on MongoDB, Express, Vue.js 2, Node.js (MEVN) and SocketIO Chat Application
Hassle free PWA icons and splash screen generation undefined
Build a CRUD-y SPA with Node and Angular | Okta Developer This tutorial walks you through building a simple CRUD application in Node and Angular 6.
The Bear Stone Smart Home Icon Collection 2018 ~ vCloud Info undefined
Let’s Build a Pizza Store with Akita — State Management for Angular Applications What is Akita?
Using Ionic With Capacitor in One Go Learn how to use Capacitor plugins in an Ionic Native Progressive Web App (NPWA)
Awesome Home Assistant A curated list of awesome Home Assistant resources for automating every aspect of your home
Build a Simple CRUD App with Core 2.1 and Angular 6 | Okta Developer This tutorial walks you through building a simple CRUD application in ASP.NET Core 2.1 and Angular 6.
Identity Server 4 Solution Architecture After presenting my project containing Identity Server at a few conferences, I've been asked quite a few times to share the code. Unfortunately, the code in question is my real-world startup's code and I can't give it away. I am however, happy to share with you all how I structured the application and how it ...
Customizing Angular CLI 6 build — an alternative to ng eject undefined
Let’s have a chat about Actions and Action Creators within NgRx I think it's time you and I talk a bit about action creators. But before we get into action creators let's first start with actions.
Automatically remove unused css from Bootstrap or other frameworks undefined
Block ads at home using Pi-hole and a Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi Jacob Salmela explains how to use Pi-hole and any Raspberry Pi to block online advertising on all devices connected to your home network.
Introducing the New KeyValuePipe in Angular – Netanel Basal Angular version 6.1 has been released and it's shipped with a new useful pipe — KeyValuePipe .
The Complete Guide to Authentication in Angular with Akita Authentication is an essential part of most web applications. These days, the most common way single-page applications know whether the...
Introduction - Akita - State Management for Angular Akita is a state management pattern, built on top of RxJS, which takes the idea of multiple data stores from Flux and the immutable updates from Redux, along with the concept of streaming data, to create the Observable Data Stores model. Akita encourages simplicity. It saves you the hassle of creating ...
PWA on Windows: PWA, Windows and TypeScript – diaries In this series I assume that we have an existing PWA that wasn't built with Microsoft tools and knows nothing about Windows and cover ways...
Stencil Welcome to Stencil, the magical, reusable web components compiler.
Custom directives in Angular 6 — building a Google places autocomplete Final Project:
How to combine tab navigation with side menu in Ionic - jomendez In this short tutorial we are going to try to combine side menu navigation and tab navigation patterns into one application.
Node.js, Express.js, Sequelize.js and PostgreSQL RESTful API Step by step tutorial on building RESTful API using Node.js, Express.js, Sequelize.js and PostgreSQL.
Create an application with Angular 6 and .Net Core: Step by step guide Angular 6 is announced recently which has introduced some pretty awesome features. Let us see how to create Angular 6 application with and without using .Net Core SPA templates using Visual Studio ...
Using Ionic With Capacitor in One Go Learn how to use Capacitor plugins in an Ionic Native Progressive Web App (NPWA)
Learn how Angular Elements transmits Component’s @Outputs outside Angular In our last article we described how Angular Elements works under the hood. We identified that Angular Elements is a bridge to connect...
How to make a modern dashboard with NVD3.js | CSS-Tricks undefined
Turn your Angular App into a PWA in 4 Easy Steps – poka-techblog – Medium Make your Angular App installable on devices by making it a Progressive Web App (PWA). All you need to do is follow these 4 easy steps!
Why you should leave React for Vue, and never use it again. Recently, Vue.js gained more stars that React on Github.
RxJs switchMap, mergeMap, concatMap (and exhaustMap): Complete Guide Some of the most commonly used RxJs operators that we find on a daily basis are the RxJs higher-order mapping operators: switchMap, mergeMap, concatMap and exhaustMap. For example, most of the network calls in our program are going to be done using one of these operators, so getting familiar with
Building An Audio Player App with Ionic, Angular, RxJS, and NgRx Learn how to develop modern mobile apps with Angular, Ionic, RxJS and NgRx. Follow this tutorial to create a mobile audio player app.
Simplifying Different Types of Providers in Angular | Infragistics Blog An Angular Service provider delivers a runtime version of a dependency value. Therefore, when you inject a service, the Angular injector looks at the providers...
How To Unit Test Angular Components With Fake NgRx TestStore What are we going to learn?
The Extensive Guide to Creating Streams in RxJS – Angular In Depth For most developers the first contact with RxJS is established by libraries, like Angular.
Ionic 3, Angular 5 and Cordova Geofence with Google Places API A comprehensive tutorial on how to build Ionic 3, Angular 5 and Cordova Geofence App using Native Cordova Geofence Plugin and Google Places API
How to Program Your Raspberry Pi to Control LED Lights undefined
Angular NGXS Tutorial With Example From Scratch Angular NGXS Tutorial With Example From Scratch is the today's leading topic. We have covered the Angular NgRx Store pattern in this blog, and now it is time for an alternative to this library called Angular NGXS. Ngxs is a d...
The Beginners Guide to Service Workers and Angular << – blog A service worker is a small JavaScript program (a worker) that runs in the background and intercepts HTTP requests. It is up to the worker implementation to decide what to do with these requests (and the worker gets access to every HTTP request, not just those made from the application scripts like...
RxJS: Eight Operators Worth Getting to Know – Netanel Basal # mapTo
15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for July 2016 Here is our list of web development libraries that you should check out in July 2016! This month we've included a touch gestures library, a powerful address picker, as well as other great resources from GitHub.
15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for July 2018 A collection of our favorite resources for this July, packed with awesome free resources including some powerful CSS frameworks and JS tools.
Building a Highly Scalable, Resilient REST API with Terraform, Go and AWS I've recently had the pleasure of playing around with Terraform and trying to come to grips with how to apply what I've learned to more...
TechTalko undefined
Using Docker, Docker Compose, Angular-CLI 6+, Sass, and Pug (Jade) The purpose of this guide is to have a working Docker setup with Angular CLI while using Pug. I had some problems while getting the three...
esphomelib - A comprehensive solution for using ESPs with Home Assistant Use the esphomelib suite to make using ESPs really simple.
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Education For Betterment undefined
Education For Betterment undefined
Education For Betterment undefined
Node.js Authentication using Passport.js Node.js Authentication using Passport.js, Learn how you can implement a local Node.js authentication strategy using Passport.js and Redis. This is the 8th chapter of the Node Hero
How to Turn a Raspberry Pi Into a Plex Media Server undefined
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winstrap 0.5.12. Bug fixes. 0.5.11. Added 5 new glyphs to the symbols font. Updated Bootstrap to v3.3.7. Added Entity list and Put box. Added !important to spacer classes. Bug fixes. 0.5.8. Added default styling for , , , , and . Fixed Jumbotron max-width issue on wide screen ...
21 Top Vue.js UI Libraries For Your App – Hacker Noon A master-list of the best Vue.js UI component libraries for 2018.
Angular 6 JWT Authentication with Node.js | Toptal undefined
dragula - Browser drag-and-drop so simple it hurts Dragula provides the easiest possible API to make cross-browser (IE7 included!) drag-and-drop a breeze in your applications.
Javascript and HTML Barcode Library (Windows Store apps) Javascript and HTML Barcode Library (Windows Store apps)
Upgrading an Ionic 3 application to Ionic 4 - Modus Create Ionic is one of the coolest frameworks out there for developing hybrid mobile apps and Progressive Web Applications (PWAs). As an Ionic partner, we have been following Ionic's development closely and are very excited about the upcoming major release of the framework, Ionic 4.
Using Angular 6 Material Auto-complete With Async Data A neat UX pattern is to use an auto-complete component to help select known options. Let's say I want to choose a user from a list of...
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Nrwl Nx 6.1: Better Dev Ergonomics, Faster Builds – nrwl Nrwl Extensions for Angular (aka Nrwl Nx) is an open source toolkit for enterprise applications, which we at Nrwl developed based on our...
Angular Authentication: Usando Http Client y Http Interceptors - Juan Manuel Lopez undefined
Polly.JS Standalone, framework-agnostic JavaScript library that enables recording, replaying, and stubbing HTTP interactions.
Eight Essentials for Hybrid Identity: #2 Choosing the right authentication method Howdy folks, I'm here to share with you the next part in our Eight Essentials for Hybrid Identity blog series, based on what we've learned from working with tens of thousands of organizations on this hybrid journey. When setting up single sign-on for your employees and partners to all their SaaS applications and on-premises apps
Real-Time Charts using Angular, D3, and Socket.IO Learn how to use Angular, D3, and Socket.IO to build an application that provides real-time charts to its users.
Learn how to handle authentication with Node using Passport.js In this article you will learn how to handle authentication for your Node server using Passport.js. This article does not cover Frontend...
Event Source with Angular – ITNEXT Event Source is a part of SSE (Server Sent Events). It pushes data to browser by providing one way communication between server to browser...
Metro 4 Components Library Metro 4 is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS. Quickly prototype your ideas or build your entire app with responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components, and powerful plugins built on jQuery.
A curios case of the @Host decorator and Element Injectors in Angular As you know, Angular's dependency injection mechanism includes a bunch of decorators like @Optional and @Self which impact the way...
Cookbook Community maintained list of different ways to use Home Assistant.
Replacing jQuery with Vue — SitePoint Nilson takes a shot at convincing you that using Vue.js doesn't have to be a headache, and will help you write better code faster, even for basic projects.
Upgrading a project without CLI to Angular 6 – Angular In Depth In the following article, I'm going to describe the challenging process of updating an Angular application with custom Webpack...
Creating a Library in Angular 6 – Angular In Depth Angular libraries just got a lot easier to create thanks to the combination of the Angular CLI and ng-packagr.
Clean NgRx reducers using Immer – Angular In Depth Declutter your reducers with Immer
Reactive Front-ends with RxJS and Angular Sergi Almar introduce the fundamentals of RxJS, explaining how to manage data streams like UI events, async HTTP requests, WebSockets / SSE in a uniform way.
Angular + Redux — The lesson we’ve learned for you – Supercharge’s Digital Product Development Guide – Medium In my first blog post I'd like to share our experiences with Redux and Angular in hope of helping out the ones who are just about to...
Smart table for Angular — part 1 – ITNEXT Smart table for Angularjs has been a reference in Angularjs community in term of table/grid component. It was praised for its declarative...
A Taste of Angular Material Virtual Scroll – Netanel Basal As a developer, you've probably had to implement a big list or table for your application using an infinite scroll technique.
Workbox | Google Developers Workbox is a set of service worker libraries that making build progressive web apps easy.
Docker Networking- How to connect multiple containers undefined
Home Assistant Control Panel An Angular Control Panel for Home Assistant. Automate your home with this simple to use, fully configurable, Hassio control panel UI.
Deep dive into Docker Overlay Networks: Part 1 Deep dive into Docker Overlay Networks: Part 1
Docker Stacks and Attachable networks We explore attachable networks, stacks and v3 compose format through worked examples with real use-cases to back up the content including serverless and RPi
Creating a Library in Angular 6 – Angular In Depth Angular libraries just got a lot easier to create thanks to the combination of the Angular CLI and ng-packagr.
Angular Elements : Build Custom Elements using Angular 6 Angular Elements allows us to create reusable components, which can be used in other frameworks as custom elements. Find here Step by Step Guide to create Custom Elements using Angular 6.
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Beyond SPAs: alternative architectures for your PWA | Web | Google Developers Building a Progressive Web App doesn't mean building a single page app! Read about alternative architectures for content-focused PWAs, to help you make the right decision for your use case.
Capacitor - Five Apps in Five Minutes Build a PWA, iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows Desktop app with a single codebase using Capacitor.
Managing State in Angular Applications – nrwl Victor Savkin is a co-founder of, providing Angular consulting to enterprise teams. He was previously on the Angular core team at...
Best 13 Free Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates The popularity of Bootstrap framework contributes to the popularity of Bootstrap admin template. With Bootstrap it is very easy to create responsive, highly customizable, attractive admin templates. There are a plenty of admin templates available that provide multiple functionalities that would be needed for a back-end application. There are free and premium admin template available ...
Announcing the Release of NgRx 6, New Projects, and Looking Ahead Today we are excited to announce the official release of v6 of the NgRx framework. This release is jam packed with bug fixes and...
Announcing Nrwl Nx 6.0 – nrwl Nrwl Extensions for Angular (aka Nrwl Nx) is an open source toolkit for enterprise applications, which we developed based on our...
Authenticating Firebase and Angular with Auth0: Part 1 — SitePoint Kim Maida explains how to authenticate firebase and Angular with Auth0, covering custom tokens and lazy loading.
Reactive Range Component in Angular – Tomasz Kula – Medium Keeping Form Controls in Sync with Angular Reactive Forms — Part 2
How to implement Vuesax in a project with webpack and Vue CLI 3 Vuesax is a frame of components based on vuejs, it is a framework that is designed from scratch to be incrementally adoptable.
JSON APIs Are Just Web Applications - A common misconception is that a JSON API is vastly different from a web application that renders server-side HTML. In this article we explore how to convert an HTML-based web app into a JSON API in order to demonstrate how similar the two really are in a
Build A Real World Beautiful Web APP with Angular 6 — A to Z Ultimate Guide (2018) — PART I No more ugly tutorials projects ! No more fictional brands examples!
Unit and Integration tests for Angular components. Part 2 out of 3. How deep integration tests should be?
Automate Deployment of Angular Apps using AWS CodeBuild - The Info Grid Building and deploying Angular app is very time consuming, especially with large application. You also must keep track of which branch you are deploying to which environment and a little mix-up could be catastrophic. You can smoothen the building and deployment of your application using AWS CodeBuild.
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A SQLite Tutorial with Node.js In this tutorial I will be demonstrating how to use SQLite in combination with JavaScript inside the Node.js environment with the help of the sqlite3 Node.js driver. For those not familiar with SQLite, it is a simple single file relational database that is very popular among smart devices,
Angular Routing Progress Indicator Tutorial Angular Routing Progress Indicator Tutorial is the today's main topic. Proper tools make application development quicker and easier to maintain if you did everything by hand. The Angular CLI is a command line interface tool t...
This is What Microsoft Said About PWAs at Build 2018 - Microsoft didn't promote Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) as heavily this week as Google did. But there is some great information to be had.
Updating my AlbumViewer to ASP.NET Core 2.1 and Angular 6.0 Took some time to upgrade my AlbumViewer application to ASP.NET Core 2.1 RC and Angular 6.0. The .NET Core update was very smooth with only very minor adjustments required showing that Microsoft has smoothed out the update path significantly from the frenetic pace of past versions. The Angular update was a bit more involved primarily due to the changes in rxJS.
Docker tutorial: Get started with Docker volumes Learn the ins, outs, and limits of Docker's native technology for integrating containers with local file systems
Progressive Web Apps on the Desktop | Web | Google Developers Desktop progressive web apps can be 'installed' on the users device much like native apps. They're fast. Feel integrated because they launched in the same way as other apps, and run in an app window, without an address bar or tabs. They're reliable because service workers can cache all of the assets they need to run. And they create an engaging experience for users.
Caching HTTP requests with Angular Often when working with Angular applications, we make HTTP requests to access data from an API. Sometimes we are making requests to the same API endpoint in which case it'd make sense to cache the result of the response to avoid further requests.
13 reasons why we all should be excited about Angular v6 - JAXenter We've already reviewed the new release, but it's tradition to celebrate new releases with gifs. So, how much do we love Angular v6? Let us count the ways.
How to build a library for Angular apps? – Tomek Sułkowski – Medium The complete, step-by-step guide
Angular 6 has arrived - Here are its new features in overview. The new CLI of Angular 6 automates tedious library updates and integrating tasks and can build npm packages. It's still experimental, but evolutionary.
Inspecting Animations in DevTools | CSS-Tricks I stumbled upon the Animation panel in Chrome's DevTools the other day and almost jumped out of my seat with pure joy. Not only was I completely unaware that such a thing exists, but it was better than what I could've hoped: it lets you control and manipulate CSS animations and visualize how everything works under
TOAST UI :: Make Your Web Delicious! The TOAST UI Is Free Open-source JavaScript UI Libraries Maintained By NHN Entertainment.
What’s New in Angular 6 A brief review of all the exciting updates coming with the new Angular 6 release, including Angular Elements, Service Worker improvements and more.
The benefits of application state normalization in Angular Why we should normalize the application state and how we can use normalizr to achieve it
Strapi - Node.js REST API Framework with extensible Admin Panel. The most advanced Node.js Content Management Framework (Headless CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
Angular Change Detection Explained Wonder how change detection in Angular works? This article is a write-up of that talk and discusses change detection and tricks to make is super fast.
A Comprehensive Guide to Angular onPush Change Detection Strategy 👉 Default Change Detection Strategy
beeman/angular-elements-chat-widget angular-elements-chat-widget - Chat Widget built with Angular Elements
Education For Betterment undefined
A Comprehensive Guide to Angular onPush Change Detection Strategy 👉 Default Change Detection Strategy
How to Implement Angular 2+ Routing Everything you need to know about Angular Routing and certainly most of what you could know. Join me for a deep dive into Angular Routing.
Implementing NgRX 4 NgRX 2 isn't quite the same as NgRX 4 and as I've transitioned, I've learned better ways. This is the correct, NgRX approved way, of implementing NgRX 4.
Attaching an Angular Child Component’s Form to a Parent This past week I implemented a pattern I've been pondering for almost a year now. I like to create rather modular and granular code such that if my data structures are nested, the components that represent them on the screen...
Why more Angular Modules are Better than One Angular Modules are good. And more is better. But why are more Angular Modules better?
Angular 5 Learning with writing youtube App – Tarun Sharma – Medium tkssharma/Web-Development-with-Angular-2-and-Bootstrap Web-Development-with-Angular-2-and-Bootstrap — Web Development with Angular 2 and...
Amazing Angular2 DOM Tips, Tricks, and Warnings I've learned quite a few things about Angular2 DOM tips, tricks, and warnings that you'll want to pay attention to as you get started.
Wanna create Angular Elements? Here’s how! – Tomek Sułkowski – Medium The "from-scratch" guide to authoring Web Components with Angular (in 10 steps)
jhop undefined
An Easy to Understand Webpack 4+ Configuration File with Comments Configuring Webpack could be a challenging and daunting task for most of us but if you spend sometime researching, reading and watching...
Build a CRUD app with Core and Angular | Okta Developer ASP.NET Core and Angular are powerful frameworks for backend and frontend development. Learn how to put them together to build a modern web app, and secure it with Okta.
Angular @ViewChild: In-Depth Explanation, All Features Covered This post is complete guide to the @ViewChild operator. We will learn how and when to use it, alternatives, we will focus on less well-known uses cases.
VS Code Extensions for Happier JavaScript Coding – Hacker Noon As a web developer, having a well calibrated editor is paramount to productivity. One of the best parts of Visual Studio Code as a general...
Adding a LCD to a ESP8266 arduino electronics projects for home, ham radio, model railroading and more.
Validation Using Template Driven Forms in Angular 5 undefined
REST vs CRUD What You Need To Know CRUD is the short form of Create, Read, Update and Delete. It refers to the action of writing data in a storage system like a ...
Authentication in Angular with NGRX undefined
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Validation Using Template Driven Forms in Angular 5 - CodeProject undefined
Vue Firebase CRUD Example Vue Firebase CRUD Example. In this example, we connect our Vue js application to the Firebase and perform create, read, update and delete operations. I am using Vue cli and Vue 3.0 and Firebase. We use vue router and routing loading indicator for better user experience.
Angular 4 Components With Example undefined
Integration Testing in Asp.Net Core 2.0 – Aram Koukia When you are building an API, and doing all the right unit tests and ad-hoc tests and etc, the next type of test in the test pyramid is...
Building Adaptive Layout Designs using Angular Flex Layout - The Info Grid How to add adaptive layout design to your angular application. In today's example, I will create a simple example that will display a form in either modal window or new page based on screen size.
Angular - All Talks from ng-conf 2018 A collection of all lectures that were presented during the conference within one page. Each session includes a concise description and relevant slides.
Angular 6 wants to be smaller, faster and easier-to-use - SD Times The Angular team is working to release the next version of its web application platform
Angular Universal: Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide This post will be a complete practical guide for getting started with Angular Universal. We are going to go start with an existing Angular application, and we will progressively turn it into an Angular Universal application while explaining every step along the way! We will first learn about the main
Building Real-World App with ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 - Web Development Tutorial ASP.NET Core and Angular 2(4+) is an ideal combination for building real world modular and cloud-optimized applications. As we know that ASP.NET Core is a complete re-write version from Microsoft for building cross-platform applications. Salary ranges for .NET developer in USA as reported by given below but with experience in latest framework version i.e. .NET Core plus exposure to Angular 2 will... Read More >>
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In Angular 5 Use Of Router Guards - Education For Betterment undefined
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Education For Betterment undefined
Angular Services do NOT have to be Singletons – Netanel Basal As you probably know, when we add a service to a @NgModule() declaration, it will be a Singelton. Meaning, it will live as long as our...
Building blockchain data streams into Angular 5 using websockets (part 2) Use multichain blockchain software to connect two Digital Ocean droplets
Integrating Blockchain with web applications, a technical guide (Part 1). Use multichain blockchain software to connect two Digital Ocean droplets
apple/foundationdb foundationdb - FoundationDB - the open source, distributed, transactional key-value store
Windows Server 2016 / Docker Privilege Escalation After catching Microsoft's talk at DockerCon discussing the recent addition of Docker container support in Windows Server 2016, I wanted to play around with the technology with the aim of understanding how this could be leveraged during a security assessment. Before starting, I first had to configure Windows Server to
Share Data Between Window Containers with -Volumes-From - Deploy Windows Containers In this blog post, I'll show you how to use the –Volumes-From switch and connect from one Windows Container Volume to another Windows Container volume. –Volumes-From Using –Volumes-From I can create one Container with volume attached to the host and then create a second container and connect to the attached volume created on the first ... Continue reading "Share Data Between Window Containers with –Volumes-From"
Authentication in Angular with NGRX undefined
Running Jenkins builds in containers A container application platform's ability to dynamically bring up isolated containers with resource limits changes how you can run CI/CD tasks.
Static Site Generators: Nuxt.js – A man with no server – Medium A few months ago I wrote a post about trying to improve the performance of a React application by emulating Server Side Rendering. That...
VuePress Vue-powered Static Site Generator
Introduction to @nrwl/bazel schematics – nrwl If you haven't used the Angular CLI to build out your Angular applications you're missing out. The CLI contains a set of really helpful...
Education For Betterment undefined
All you need to know about Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) PWAs are web applications developed using a number of specific technologies and standard patterns to allow them to take advantage of both...
NgRx: Patterns and Techniques – nrwl Victor Savkin is a co-founder of, providing Angular consulting to enterprise teams. He was previously on the Angular core team at...
49 CSS MODAL WINDOWS Collection of HTML, CSS and JavaScript modal windows. Demo and download code (*zip). Update of February 2017 collection. 7 new items. #html #html5 #css #css3 #javascript #jquery
#webdesign #webdevelopment #ui #ux #frontend animate-modal-out-from-trigger.gif
14 Free Angular JS Books 14 free Angular JS books. Download (.pdf) and read online. Angular is a platform that makes it easy to build applications with the web. Angular combines declarative templates, dependency injection, end to end tooling, and integrated best practices to solve development challenges. Angular empowers developers to build applications that live on the web, mobile, or the desktop.
Angular Authentication: Using the Http Client and Http Interceptors Hey! I'm Ryan and I teach at Angularcasts. Follow me on Twitter and let me know what you're working on!
Intercepting HTTP requests from Electron apps with Postman Not all APIs are documented. In a recent project — VSCodeThemes, I set out to scrape the Visual Studio Marketplace without an official API.
A Practical Guide to Angular Elements Learn about the final changes of Angular Elements concerning Angular v6 and how to install, create and use an embeddable Custom Element using Angular Elements.
Speeding Up Webpack, Typescript Incremental Builds by 7x What if I told you your Webpack is doing too much work all this time? Webpack 4 brought a lot of goodies for developers but to use it at...
Another reason why your Docker containers may be slow In my last blog post I was talking about Kubernetes and how ThoughtSpot uses it for its dev infrastructure needs. Today I'd like to follow...
ionProperty 1.2 - Completely Refactored! - Ionic Theme ionProperty - Ionic 3 Real Estate Properties Theme, completely refactored with IonicPage / Deeplinking, PWA build scripts and more...
Ionic 3, Angular 5 and Cordova Local Notification Example
Step by step tutorial on how to create Local Notification using Ionic 3, Angular 5 and Cordova with Native Local Notification Plugin
Native QR Scanner Implementation in Ionic. – Piash Sarker – Medium First of all, We will create a complete IONIC application from the start. Developers like me always eager to see the output first. Let's...
10 Best VSCode Extensions for Angular Development Visual Studio Code Editor has lots of extensions which can be used for faster angular app development and reduce the errors. Best Visual Studio Code Extensions makes application development faster. Here is the list of 10 Best VSCode Extensions for angular development.
The offline cookbook ServiceWorker brief overview gives you control over caching and how requests are handled. It doesn't give you patterns, you create them yourself. Let's look at a few!
A Beginner’s Guide To Progressive Web Apps PWAs take advantage of the latest technologies to combine the best of web and mobile apps. This articles look into recent advancements in the browser and the opportunities we, as developers, have to build a new generation of web apps.
How to make PWAs with Ionic Progressive Web Apps are fast becoming a major deployment target. Recent releases like the the Starbucks PWA provide validation that progressive web apps have arrived. Because Ionic is built on the web, Ionic apps can work anywhere the web runs, including as a PWA. In today's post, we will go o
Retrieving Data with HTTP - Ionic 3, Angular 4 and RxJS undefined
Ionic 3 and Angular 5 Mobile App Example Step by step tutorial of the brand new Angular 5 implementation with Ionic 3 to create Mobile App
Ionic 3 and Angular 4 Mobile App Example [Updated October 7, 2017] Step by step tutorial of Ionic 3 and Angular 4 Mobile App Example with pages lazy loading.
How to Build a Home Media Server using Plex, FreeNAS and Custom Hardware Did you know that with some free software and some in-expensive hardware, you can build a home media server that's a lot like Netflix without the monthly cost? Yes, that means you can throw out those annoying DVD's and CD's that collect dust and are always in the wrong box. That's because after you've stored ...
48 Answers on Stack Overflow to the most popular angular questions I gathered the most common questions and answers from Stackoverflow. These questions were chosen by the highest score they received.
Angular And Contentful - Content Management For Single-Page Web Apps - In this tutorial you'll learn how to integrate Contentful with your Angular 5/6 application. Contentful is a content management platform which allows you to structure and manage content in the cloud. This content can then be used across multiple platform, e.g. the same content is consumed by a website and a mobile app. The Contentful website is available at Contentful And Angular In this tutorial you'll learn how to us...
Angular Material Icons Components with Angular 5 - The Info Grid Icons are a necessity when building modern day web apps and sometimes they can be frustrating. How to use material icons with different icon sets.
Scotch undefined
TypeScript — JavaScript with superpowers — Part II – Indrek Lasn – Medium Welcome back, for more articulated experience — read the part I first.
CRUD Operations Using Azure Cosmos DB - ElegantCode Sometimes it is useful to just start at the beginning. See what CRUD operation look like on Azure Cosmos DB.
Node.js Top 10 Open Source for the Past Month (v.Feb 2018) For the past month, we ranked nearly 250 Node.js Open Source Projects to pick the Top 10.
Advanced caching with RxJS When building web applications, performance should always be a top priority. One very efficient way to optimize the performance of our applications and improve the experience of our site is to use caching mechanisms. In this post we'll develop an advanced caching mechanism with RxJS and the tools provided by Angular to cache application data.
Bringing Search to Angular Today, we are excited to launch Angular InstantSearch — our newest library for easily creating search UIs in Angular applications. Our mission at Algolia is to make sure any website or application ...
Angular InstantSearch -Lightning-fast search for Angular - Makes it easy to design the perfect search experience using prepackaged search components or creating your own! ⚡ Lightning-fast search for Angular
Algolia Community Everything from our community in one place
Object.assign() vs Object Spread { … } In Angular Ngrx Reducers How to get better type checking and code completion support with Typescript in Angular Ngrx reducers or any other Redux-like library
Securing MEAN Stack (Angular 5) Web Application using Passport
Step by step tutorial on securing MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular 5, Node.js) Stack Web Application using Passport.js
️ How To Create Your First Custom Angular Schematics With Ease ️ Learn how to create, publish and use your own custom Angular Schematics to increase your productivity and enhance developer experience!
File Uploads with Angular Reactive Forms – Austin – Medium Reactive forms are great for basic inputs but what if we want to use them with file uploads? A really good reason to bind these two things...
Sexier Imports in TypeScript – Netanel Basal In almost every application that does not use the technique we'll talk about, we'll see imports such as the following:
Education For Betterment undefined
O API — an alternative to REST APIs – Hacker Noon In the past, when tasked with building an API for a web site I would define a suite of URLs to handle the various tasks I wanted to...
How To Speed Up Continuous Integration Build With New NPM CI And package-lock.json While very controversial, the new npm release 5.7.0 brings some amazing features which will have noticeable positive impact on your...
Angular 5 – Handling Token Based Authentication: Part 1 - The Info Grid Token based authentication is popular for single page applications. A token is a security code issued by a server for authenticating and identifying users.
Search Engine Optimization with Angular 5 - The Info Grid Today, I will show you how to optimize your Angular 5 for search engine and other crawlers.We are going to take a few steps to prepare our app for search engine optimization like adding page title and meta tags to your pages.
JAMstack PWA — Let’s Build a Polling App. with Gatsby.js, Firebase, and Styled-components Pt. 1 In this two-part tutorial, We will show you how to get up and running with a progressive web application (PWA) that makes use of a...
Demystifying the Dependency Inversion Principle in Angular In this article, I'd like to talk about the letter D in the SOLID principles and how we can implement it in Angular. This D refers to the...
Improved Redux type safety with TypeScript 2.8 – Martin Hochel – Medium Conditional mapped types to the rescue
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How to create a PWA a scoring 90+ score in Google Lighthouse using Ionic 2 I just created a Progressive Web App that scores 99 out of 100 in the Lighthouse auditing report. I used Ionic 2 (Angular) to get the...
Push Notifications in Ionic – Ankush Aggarwal – Medium Updated to Ionic 3
Ionic: How to create PDF file with PdfMake(step-by-step) Ionic is a hybrid platform that helps to create native mobile apps with JavaScript. In this article, we are going to learn how to create a...
143 CSS Menu Collection of HTML and CSS menu with little JavaScript: accordion, circular, dropdown, fullscreen, horizontal, mobile, off-canvas, side, toggle and sliding. Update of June 2017 collection. 26 new items.
Version Stamping your App with the Angular CLI – Austin – Medium When building applications, you typically need some way to show the build version somewhere in your app. This can be tricky when using a...
Node js JWT Authentication Tutorial From Scratch Node js JWT Authentication Tutorial is the topic we will discuss today. Full form of JWT is JSON Web Token. If we want to build a secure web application, then we have to implement Authentication. After that, we need to build ...
Understanding mergeMap and switchMap in RxJS – Netanel Basal Higher order observables are one of the most influential features in Rx. They're also one of the most difficult to understand.
A new Angular Service Worker — creating automatic progressive web apps. Part 2: practice Announcement: I present about Angular Service Worker this Tuesday, November 7 at AngularConnect conference in London.
A new Angular Service Worker — creating automatic progressive web apps. Part 1: theory Announcement: There is "Part 2: practice" of this article is available.
Developing Progressive Web Apps in Ionic Framework Ionic is an HTML5 based framework used to build Progressive Web Apps. This article discusses how to develop Progressive Web Apps in Ionic.
How to make PWAs with Ionic Progressive Web Apps are fast becoming a major deployment target. Recent releases like the the Starbucks PWA provide validation that progressive web apps have arrived. Because Ionic is built on the web, Ionic apps can work anywhere the web runs, including as a PWA. In today's post, we will go o
Understanding Error First Callback and Callback Hell in Node.js - Part 2 The error-first callback is just a standard protocol for Node callbacks. With this pattern, a callback function is passed to the method as an argument. We can pass any number of arguments to a callback function but the first argument passed to the callback function must be an error object and the rest is callback results. If the first argument i.e. error object is null (no error was raised), then the operation was successful and if the error obj...
Express Middleware Tutorial Example From Scratch Express Middleware Tutorial Example From Scratch is today's leading topic. Express works like when we hit the request on the server; it must return a response of a webpage like HTML or PHP or send a JSON response to the API...
awesome-nodejs undefined
How to Setup a Raspberry Pi VPN Access Point Setup a basic VPN router using the Pi.
Learn how to build real-time web applications using #Wolkenkit, a CQRS and event-sourcing framework for JavaScript and Node.js, that perfectly matches DDD. Read on 🎢 >>
Building Real-Time Web Applications using wolkenkit.png
Documenting API using Swagger << AegisSoftwares’s Blog Technology: Swagger is the most popular framework used for designing, testing, documenting the A...
CRUD operation in Angular 4 : Angular 4 + Core 2.0 CRUD operation Part II Note – You can find the source code of my sample application here. This post is the Part II post for Angular 4 + Core 2.0 CRUD operation. In my previous post(Part I), I explained how to do Database...
Faster Angular Applications - Understanding Differs. Developing a Custom IterableDiffer · Minko Gechev’s blog Articles about computer science, Angular, JavaScript, and compilers.
Faster Angular Applications - Part 2. Pure Pipes, Pure Functions and Memoization · Minko Gechev’s blog Articles about computer science, Angular, JavaScript, and compilers.
Faster Angular Applications - Part 1. On Push Change Detection and Immutability · Minko Gechev’s blog Articles about computer science, Angular, JavaScript, and compilers.
await vs return vs return await When writing async functions, there are differences between await vs return vs return await, and picking the right one is important.
Storybook Logo The UI Development Environment You’ll to use Try … Try Now. npm i -g @storybook/cli cd my-react-app getstorybook. Documentation. Search storybook documentation. Basics · Quick setup · Adding to existing project · Writing stories · Configuration · Babel configurations · Webpack configurations · Custom scripts & styling · Serving static files · Addons.
Monetize Electron Desktop Applications With CoinHive And Angular Learn how to use CoinHive in your Electron with Angular desktop application to have your users mine Monero XMR cryptocurrency instead of showing ads.
Supercharged CommitLog WordPress: Docker undefined
Supercharged CommitLog WordPress: Pilot undefined
Google’s AngularJS JavaScript framework gets a component kit Angular CDK has tools for developers to add common interaction patterns, while doing less coding and minimizing bugs
Different ways of unsubscribing from RxJS Observables with Angular - codecentric AG Blog Angular uses RxJS as a backbone of the Angular application. RxJS uses the concept of Observables and Observers, where an Observable is a source of data and Observer is the one who use the data.
Sapper — The New JavaScript Framework You Seriously Need to Try In my writing here on JavaScript Report, I try not to be a cheerleader. But every once in a while something comes along that gets me excited. Sapper is one of those things. It's a new JavaScript framework built on top of the Svelte library. If you like fast
Micron.JS - a [μ] microInteraction Library a [μ] microInteraction library built with CSS Animations and controlled by JavaScript Power
Injecting JS into electron apps (And adding RTL support for ‘Microsoft Teams’) Heya !
Angular 5 with Web API – CRUD Operations In this article, we'll create a CRUD application using Angular 5 with Web API. CRUD Operations Insert Update and Delete will be implemented inside an Web API Using Entity Framework and then consumed from
Next.js, Razzle, CRA. Why you should use them for a next project. TL;DR: don't write and use custom starters.
3D Print a Home Automation Switch undefined
Dynamically Loading Components with Angular CLI – Angular In Depth In this post we will show how to leverage the Angular CLI to split components into their own bundles, which will allow them to only be loaded when needed.
11 Angular Component Libraries You Should Know In 2018 11 popular Angular component libraries for building your Angular app in 2018.
Exploring the .NET Core Docker files: dotnet vs aspnetcore vs aspnetcore-build In this post, I look at the various Docker base images available for .NET Core development, how they differ, and when you should use each of them.
Vue.js review of 2017 – Kevin Peters – Medium Throughout this year, Vue.js has grown so much and many changes were introduced which resulted in a lot of hype in Vue.js. In this article...
Creating a Responsive Dashboard in Angular 5 From Scratch The motivation behind me writing this is that I have yet not found a robust open-source tutorial of a dashboard module in Angular that...
Angular 5 Server Side Rendering With Firebase — Step-By-Step Guide Intro
Kubernetes: Getting Started How do you get started with 'an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications'?
Build Custom “Serverless” Push Notifications for Any Website in 6 Minutes with StdLib and PhantomJS
Push notifications are a great way to stay informed on content you're interested in. However, not every website supports them. For example...
A Sliding Nightmare: Understanding the Range Input | CSS-Tricks You may have already seen a bunch of tutorials on how to style the range input. While this is another article on that topic, it's not about how to get any
Learn Svelte Introduction. What is Svelte? If you've ever built a JavaScript application, the chances are you've encountered – or at least heard of – frameworks like React, Angular, Vue and Ractive. Like Svelte, these tools all share a goal of making it easy to build slick interactive user interfaces. But Svelte has a ...
22 CSS TOOLTIPS Collection of HTML and CSS tooltips. Demo and download code (*zip). Update of March 2017 collection. 6 new items. #html #html5 #css #css3 #javascript #jquery #webdesign #webdevelopment
#ui #ux #frontend automation-tooltips-with-simple-data-attributes.png
Convert A Node.js RESTful API To Serverless With OpenWhisk Learn how to take a Node.js with Express image processing API and convert it to serverless using IBM's Bluemix cloud and Apache OpenWhisk.
How I Scraped 7000 Articles From a Newspaper Website Using Node A simple node script to scrape everything
5 Angular directives you can use in your project - Lucidchart Our engineers have written over 65 custom directives so far. Here are the top five that we think you'll find useful in your project.
Node.js Realtime Resources - Realtime API Hub This section highlights the realtime resources available for Node.js developers. Realtime Node.js Libraries Realtime application framework (Node.JS server) – Socket.IO enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication. It consists in: a Node.js server (this repository), a Javascript client library for the browser (or a Node.js client). Some implementations in other languages are also available. Sails – Sails.js is a web framework that ...
Feathers - An open source REST and realtime API layer for modern applications. Wow your users. Build incredible real-time applications in record time.
Introduction to Forms in Angular 4: Template-Driven Forms What You'll Be CreatingForms are critical to any modern front-end application, and they're a feature that we use every day, even if don't realize it. Forms are required for securely logging in a...
Practical RxJS In The Wild — Requests with concatMap() vs mergeMap() vs forkJoin() Managing multiple requests with RxJS can be done in multiple ways. Each with its pros & cons. Learn when to use concatMap(), mergeMap(), ...
Angular 5 and .NET Core 2 with Visual Studio 2017 - CodeProject undefined
Pushpin — An Open Source Library That Turns REST APIs into Realtime APIs An intro to evented APIs and how to build them with Pushpin
Zero Config TypeScript Bundling with Parcel – Hacker Noon How the hell do they not make a bigger deal of this?
My List of RxJS People to Follow – Fahad Ibnay Heylaal – Medium I started getting seriously interested in RxJS by mid 2016, especially when I started developing FrintJS.
My List of RxJS People to Follow – Fahad Ibnay Heylaal – Medium I started getting seriously interested in RxJS by mid 2016, especially when I started developing FrintJS.
State of JavaScript: TypeScript rises, Angular falls JavaScript developers prefer ES6, React, and Express, while TypeScript, Vue.js, and GraphQL draw strong interest
State of JavaScript: TypeScript rises, Angular falls JavaScript developers prefer ES6, React, and Express, while TypeScript, Vue.js, and GraphQL draw strong interest
Swap out those old crappy 3-way light switches for good - CNET Here's how to swap outdated three-way light switches for something much better.
npm vs Yarn - Which Package Manager Should You Use? npm and Yarn are two well-known JavaScript package managers. If you're trying to decide which one you should be using, check out this guide.
Build a cheap computer for your kids with Kano OS and a Raspberry Pi - CNET Instead of repurposing an older computer, help your kids build one of their own without spending too much.
Learn Angular 5 in less than 60 Minutes - Free Beginner’s Course undefined
StrongLoop - LoopBack 4 Developer Preview Release Back in April, we kicked off LoopBack 4 as the next major advance of the popular Node.js based open source API framework. The team has been working on the new code base since then. Today I'm super excited to announce that the first Developer Preview release of LoopBack 4 is ready for you to test ...
How to make your HTML responsive by adding a single line of CSS In this article I'll teach you how to use CSS Grid to create a super cool image grid which varies the amount of columns with the width of...
Introducing electron-toolkit: The Electron app to build and launch Electron apps Recently, I wrote an article "🦋Electron: The Bad Parts" about all the expectations-meet-reality moments I had with Electron. And the...
Angular5, Core CRUD for Inventory Management using EF and WEB API - CodeProject undefined
Introducing Turbo: 5x faster than Yarn & NPM, and runs natively in-browser Note: This is part of a talk I'm giving at Google's Mountain View campus on Wednesday, December 6th — come join!
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Angular E-Commerce App with Headless CMS Sanity [Live Demo] - Snipcart Learn to build an Angular e-commerce app strapped on top of Sanity, a powerful headless CMS. Live demo & open source code repo included.
Show loader on every request in Angular 2 – Beautiful Angular – Medium Providing feedback to our users is essential for good user experience. Because Angular is single page application when user navigates to...
Custom Overlays with Angular’s CDK - Part 2 In this follow-up post we demonstrate how to use Angular's CDK to build a custom overlay that looks and feels much like the Google Drive file preview overlay. We'll pick up from where we left off and implement keyboard support, image preloading and add animations in order to make our overlay more engaging.
How To Style Angular Application Loading With Angular CLI Like a Boss Slow internet is a fact of life in many places around the world. Prompt users to wait instead of leave with nice loading animation...
How To Style Angular Application Loading With Angular CLI Like a Boss Slow internet is a fact of life in many places around the world. Prompt users to wait instead of leave with nice loading animation...
Querying For The Closest Parent Element in Angular – Netanel Basal Imagine that you have a component with a nested structure. undefined
Features of Angular 5.0.0 – A Better Version of Itself The K&C's team has chosen the fascinating facts about a new version and it is ready to tell you about it
PowerShell Magazine >> Containerizing a web application In this article, we will look at different options for containerizing a web application. We will go through the following deployment scenarios, going from traditional options to cloud services and co...
Lighting Fireworks With a Raspberry Pi A couple of months ago I purchased several relay boards and switching power supplies off eBay with the plan to re-use one of my original (256 megs of RAM and no mounting holes) Raspberry Pi model B computers as a sprinkler controller. The parts arrived and I set them aside expecting to have time to work on the project after the 4th of July. About two weeks before the 4th though I realized if I got the project assembled in time I could use the spr...
Custom Overlays with Angular’s CDK The Angular Material CDK provides us with tools to build awesome and high-quality Angular components without adopting the Material Design visual language. Its goal is to make our life as developers easier and extract common behaviors and patterns shared between multiple Angular Material components. In this post, we'll use the CDK to build a custom overlay that looks and feels much like the Google Drive file preview overlay.
Grails 3 Angular 5 Profile CRUD Web Application Example Step by step tutorial on how to build CRUD web application using Grails 3 Angular 5 profiles with the working example
Part 1: Learn Angular 2 from scratch with a small project I am going to start a project "Employee" angular 2 app. I will start it from very basic level, and don't worry if you are at beginner level..
Is Angular Flex (with Angular Material) Better than Bootstrap for Responsive Layout? - The Info Grid For responsive design, Angular has Angular Flex, it provides a responsive layout much like bootstrap does. But is Angular Flex better than bootstrap?
Build Ionic 3 Angular 5 Calendar UI with Event Integration
Step by step tutorial of building your own calendar UI with native event integration using Ionic 3, Angular 5, and native Cordova calendar plugin
Easy Dialogs with Angular Material Building modals and dialogs isn't easy - if we do it ourselves. Angular Material comes with a powerful dialog service that makes it very easy to create custom dialogs in our own applications. Let's take a look!
MEAN Stack (Angular 5) CRUD Web Application Example Step by step tutorial on building MEAN Stack (Angular 5) Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) Web Application from scratch using Angular CLI.
Zepto.js: the aerogel-weight jQuery-compatible JavaScript library The aerogel-weight jQuery-compatible JavaScript library
Angular 5 Forms Update - Angular 5 is here and many changes have been made to further improve the framework. In the following let's take a look at the update which has been made to the Angular Forms package. You can now control for a form (or single form elements) when the value or the validity is updated. This feature has been available in AngularJS 1.x but missed in Angular 2+ so far. The following update options can now be used in Angular 5 forms: change: change is th...
Angular Bazel Build with Dev Server In this post I will show how to wire up a simple implementation of a Bazel build with a "live refresh" dev server.
How to build a command-line app in Node.js using TypeScript, Google Cloud Functions and Firebase by Chidume Nnamdi (ngArchangel)
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Top 12 Productivity Tips for WebStorm and Angular – Part 2 — SitePoint Todd Motto walks you through his top productivity tips for Angular development with WebStorm.
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What’s new in Angular 5? - JAXenter Angular 5 has been released. We're taking a closer look at some of the new features and even giving you a sneak peek at Angular 6.
Angular 5 – Handling Token Based Authentication: Part 1 - The Info Grid Token based authentication is popular for single page applications. A token is a security code issued by a server for authenticating and identifying users.
Electron is Cancer – Casper Beyer – Medium You Wouldn't Want to Spread Cancer, Would You?
How to build a HTTP Interceptor in Angular 5 - The Info Grid How to build a HTTP Interceptor in Angular 5 - An Interceptor enables you to catch HTTP requests and responses so that you can modify them.
Angular 5 - Smaller, Faster, Easier To Use Programming book reviews, programming tutorials,programming news, C#, Ruby, Python,C, C++, PHP, Visual Basic, Computer book reviews, computer history, programming history, joomla, theory, spreadsheets and more.
What’s new in Angular v5: Animations – Netanel Basal Angular version 5 is here and with her a new wave of features. In this article, I want to explore what's new in animations.
Speed Up Your Angular Application and Development with Angular CLI and Ahead of Time Compilation
Why you should use Angular CLI to ease your development process and compile it Ahead of Time (AoT) to achieve super speed!
How to upgrade your Angular 4 App to Angular 5.0 - The Info Grid So, today I will show you how to upgrade your angular 4 app to Angular 5. Angular 5 was finally released earlier this week after a several delays.
Ionic 3 and Angular 5 Mobile App Example Step by step tutorial of the brand new Angular 5 implementation with Ionic 3 to create Mobile App
Third Party Applications Used in Web App Development - DZone Web Dev A developer reviews some of his favorite third-party web development applications that help make the development of web apps easier and more efficient.
I have been doing web app error tracking and debugging wrong all these years Protecting the source maps and improving web app debugging experience in production
Angular 4 + Electron – Menus and multiple windows in your desktop apps.
Hi Friends, This again is an update to my previous post on the same topic. In this post we are going to see how to build menus and how to open multiple windows in your application. Let's begi...
The Electron Open Framework and Why It’s Awesome for Apps Development These days, there are many types of desktop devices and operating systems. Getting programs that work on all of them can be a challenge. Electron open framework solves this problem.
Implementing Dynamic Views in Angular – Netanel Basal In this article, I will show you how to solve a common problem using the Angular way. Imagine that you have a layout like the following:
Quick, painless, automatic updates in Electron – freeCodeCamp Let's face it: most users won't go back to your site and download the updates for your brand new Electron app. So you need automatic...
Quickly Create Simple yet Powerful Angular Forms — SitePoint Forms are an essential part of most web applications. Kaloyan Kolev shows how to create template-driven and reactive Angular forms along with validation.
How to switch from Gulp to Webpack: a tutorial to get you started Switching from Gulp to Webpack 3 is traumatic. But fear not, I'll guide you through the process. This is a tutorial that gets you covered, code included!
Dockerize a Node.js service with MongoDB using Docker Compose This article will help you understand and learn containerizing your services using Docker. We will also learn how to spin up a multi-container environment using docker-compose
Building An Angular 5 Project with Bootstrap 4 and Firebase This post has been published first on
Widgetoko: A Node.js and Electron application written in C# A few weeks back we started kicking around some ideas for leveraging Retyped and Bridge to build an actual cross-platform desktop...
messenger.js undefined
Developing a Web Application Using Angular (Part 5) - DZone Web Dev In the final part of our in-depth series on building an Angular application, we look at some basic ways web devs can use debugging and inspection tools.
Developing a Web Application Using Angular (Part 4) - DZone Web Dev We continue to build our Angular application, this time taking a look at implementing our User interface (UI) layer, using HTML, CSS, and Typescript code.
Home Automation System - OpenHAB v.2 and local network monitoring Just to go deeper in the learning of the OpenHAB v.2 world, I tried to design a little and simple local network monitor tool. For this purpose OpenHAB v.2 give us a 2.0 Binding, which can be setup directly through Paper UI: ...
vscode-electron-debug undefined
Secure your apps! Join MVP Brock Allen and Microsoft’s own Scott Hanselman for an introduction to the basics of using, hosting, and configuring IdentityServer to secure your applications.
Virtual Academy_Identity Server_FY18_FB_1200x628.png
Developing a Web Application Using Angular (Part 3) - DZone Web Dev We continue our series on developing an Angular app by implementing the service layer, implementing a service in our app and discussing asynchronization.
Building an Angular 4 Component Library with the Angular CLI and ng-packagr One of the best tools available for building Angular applications is the Angular CLI.
Learn How to Upgrade Angular 2 Apps to Angular 4 In this blog, we will be going to discuss about how to upgrade angular 2 web app. It is very easy to upgrade web applications from angular 2 to angular 4
Controlling Appliances From Smartphone We all have switched on lights,fan and other appliances using Bluetooth as a for low range applications. Now we are going to look over controlling appliances using...
Nrwl Nx — An open source toolkit for enterprise Angular applications. Nx is designed to help you create and build enterprise grade Angular applications. It provides an opinionated approach to application...
How to Use MQTT With the Raspberry Pi and ESP8266 In this Instructable, I will explain what the MQTT protocol is and how it is used to communicate between devices.Then, as a practical demonstration, I shall show you...
egoist/vue-electron-link vue-electron-link - Open link in default browser from your Electron app.
10 Amazing Halloween Props You Can Make with a Raspberry Pi Advertisement
Developing a Web Application Using Angular (Part 1) - DZone Web Dev We begin a series in which we take an in-depth look at creating an Angular web application by exploring the concepts of UI and UX, and getting Angular set up.
Best-practices learnt from delivering a quality Angular4 application Back in Sept 2016, just when Angular team bit the bullet and released Angular2 Final, I was able to convince my customer to use Angular2...
Build Your DOM Additions with Angular and TypeScript – Visual Studio Magazine Here's how, in Angular, you can use directives to dynamically modify HTML in Views without polluting your business logic.
alvarcarto/url-to-pdf-api url-to-pdf-api - Web page PDF rendering done right. Self-hosted service for rendering receipts, invoices, or any content.
Setup angular authentication using OpenID Connect and Okta in your app Matt Raible takes you through how to build angular authentication in your app in only 20 minutes, using OpenID Connect and Okta.
CSS & jQuery Animated Toolbar Icons A CSS animated toolbar which uses jQuery to add a bit of functionality. It includes some icons and the general style of the toolbar can be classified as material. The code does not take much and doesn't affect the page load.
Office 2010 Style Ribbon Toolbar in HTML/CSS/JS I have created an implementation of the Office 2010 Ribbon toolbar that can be used in any website. It is written in HTML, CSS, and JS. Try a demo at []( or watch the [video on YouTube]( Download the source from [GitHub](
ubc-farm/ribbon-toolbar ribbon-toolbar - Tabbed UI based on Windows Ribbon
Build an Animated Angular v2+ Dashboard Use Angular animations to add pizazz to your app.
CSS Flexbox 101: Vertically Align your items Now – The 360 Grid – Medium I believe many of us still believe CSS is that messy thing everyone wants to avoid. Its 2017 and that is no the case anymore.
3 Tips for Angular Runtime Performance from the Real World Co-authored by Andrew Wiens
particl/partgui partgui - Particl Angular GUI - The source for the Particl GUI.
Raspberry Pi NGINX: Build your own Web Server - Pi My Life Up In this tutorial we take you through the steps to setting up a Raspberry Pi Nginx server. Nginx is a memory efficient alternative to apache.
Complete Beginners Guide to Angular 4 Angular 4 is a complete and flexible application framework, mainly maintained by Google and a very active community. This version, commonly known just as Angular, was completely rewri
10 Pure CSS Call-To-Action Button Sets Every website and landing page should have a clear call-to-action button. This encourages the user to click and perform an action, whether to make a purchase, start a trial, or sign up for an account. There is no single best ...
RxJS Advanced Tutorial With Angular & Web Speech: Part 2 Build an app to learn about the power and flexibility of RxJS in Angular while exploring speech recognition with Web Speech API.
Angular Form Validation Example Tutorial Angular Form Validation Example Tutorial. We are using Angular 4 or formerly 2. Angular 4 Form Validation is the main topic.
Create a Barebones Angular App with the --minimal Flag Create a simple Angular application for quick development.
Lazy Loading in Angular v2+ Lazy loading in Angular is easy business thanks to the Angular router.
Part 2: Creating a Multiple User App with Ionic 2, PouchDB & CouchDB In the last tutorial we discussed some strategies for creating a multi-user app with PouchDB and CouchDB, specifically in the relation to the todo application created in this tutorial. If you are u...
PouchDB Tutorial: Building an Offline App with PouchDB and CouchDB PouchDB was created to help web developers build applications that work as well offline as they do online.
Experimenting With Simple CRUD Operations Using PouchDB In Angular 2.1.1 Ben Nadel experiments with PouchDB to create a locally-persisted CRUD application with Angular 2.1.1.
Angular Fundamentals: Angular Universal and Server Side Rendering The angular universal project can help you increase the user experience of your angular application by a lot. Learn what angular universal is and how to implement in to you application in this article!
Finally! Ngx-admin (Nebular based) is out now! #Angular #angular4 #github #Admin #nebular - Angular News We will continue supporting ng2-admin version, but if you are starting from scratch we recommend using ngx-admin version. Unfortunately, there is no way to update from ng2-admin to ngx-admin, but some parts (Nebular components) could be manually included. x based version: Blur Admin – – This template is based on Nebular framework, documentation and other ...
Ionic 3, Angular 4 and SQLite CRUD Offline Mobile App Step by step tutorial on how to create an offline mobile app with Ionic 3, Angular 4 and SQLite using Native SQLite Plugin.
Learn Angular Tutorial - Part 5 - CodeProject This part 5 of Learn Angular Tutorial. In this we will see how to implement Lazy loading and how we can use Jquery with Angular.; Author: <b>Shivprasad koirala</b>; Updated: 22 Sep 2017; Section: Client side scripting; Chapter: Web Development; Updated: 22 Sep 2017
Learn Angular Tutorial - Part 3 - CodeProject This is Part 3 of Learn Angular Tutorial. In this we will see how to implement SPA using Angular routes. Also we will be looking in to implementing Angular validations.; Author: <b>Shivprasad koirala</b>; Updated: 22 Sep 2017; Section: Client side scripting; Chapter: Web Development; Updated: 22 Sep 2017
Learn Angular Tutorial - Part 2 - CodeProject This is part 2 of Learn Angular tutorial step by step. In this we will create our first Angular project and understand the various concepts like Components and modules.; Author: <b>Shivprasad koirala</b>; Updated: 21 Sep 2017; Section: Client side scripting; Chapter: Web Development; Updated: 21 Sep 2017
RxJS Advanced Tutorial With Angular & Web Speech: Part 1 Build an app to learn about the power and flexibility of RxJS in Angular while exploring speech recognition with Web Speech API.
Learn Angular Tutorial - CodeProject This is Part 1 of Angular tutorial step by step. In the first part we will cover Node, TypeScript, Module loaders , bundlers and VS code.; Author: <b>Shivprasad koirala</b>; Updated: 21 Sep 2017; Section: Client side scripting; Chapter: Web Development; Updated: 21 Sep 2017
Angular-split library Loading... Fork me on GitHub.
Angular2: Using Data Service to communicate between components in Angular2 Application Since services in angualr2 are singleton, so this give us leverage to have same value through different modules and components, during complex application development, we come across a common scena...
Angular 2 - Pagination Example with Logic like Google | Jason Watmore’s Blog UPDATED Mar 16, 2017 to Angular 2.4.9 - An example of how to implement pagination in Angular 2 and TypeScript with logic like Google's search results
Angular 2/4 - Communicating Between Components with Observable & Subject | Jason Watmore’s Blog UPDATED May 23, 2017 to Angular 4.1.3 - A quick description and example of communicating between components in Angular 2/4 using the Observable and Subject classes
Angular ng-template, ng-container and ngTemplateOutlet: Guided Tour This is a Complete Guide To Angular Templates: it covers ng-template, ng-container, the ngTemplateOutlet structural directive, and more.
Heating and Irrigation Home Control System This is a Heating and Irrigation Home Control System using Raspberry Pi hardware and the OpenRemote platform. This system is currently running, performing the following functions: reducing the consumption of the electricity in my home, remotely controlling the heat by turning it on/off from any location, and remotely irrigating my plants when I leave on holidays. For the heating system, I have used: - one Raspberry Pi model B. - DI.O device...
Protecting Angular v2+ Routes with CanActivate/CanActivateChild Guards Use guards to control the flow of your Angular application.
The Missing Introduction to Angular and Modern Design Patterns Angular (aka Angular 2, 4...) is a new framework completely rewritten from the ground up, replacing the now well-known AngularJS framework...
beeman/ngx-scrollspy-angular-cli-demo ngx-scrollspy-angular-cli-demo - Example implementation of JonnyBGod/ngx-scrollspy with Angular CLI
Conditional module imports in Angular – Hacker Noon Whenever you're introducing third-party services to your Angular application there are cases that you need those services only for...
Angular & Redux Introduction To State Management With Angular 4 The concept of Single Page Web Applications is great for building modern web-based applications. However as more and more applications are being transferred into the browser the...
Wi-Fi Enabled bed lamp - Project to teach the kids In today's world where school is all theory with very little reality to pin it to in our mental model, we decided to try and give some kids as many different experiences as we could as early as possible. Once they get to the ...
Angular 2 Set Focus on Element - theCodeCampus We are going to create a directive that makes use of an EventEmitter in order to trigger the focus state on any HTML element in our components markup. The final usage will include someMethode() which will be trigger the focus, you might want to bind this to your (click) event. Now we are going to add focus to an HTML input element. Example of Final Usage: [crayon-59bc997de7f10526250730/] [crayon-59bc997de7f1a685557068/] Step by Read more...
Angular Reactive Forms: trigger validation on submit In this article we will learn different approaches of validating all form fields when user clicks on submit button for Angular Reactive Forms. We will also l...
Building an slide-out notification drawer with Angular 2 animations Update - Aug 15, 2017 - Thanks for jhillhouse92 for the PR to get this working with Angular 4. I appreciate the help! As Angular 2 is maturing one of the items I was really looking forward to was the animations. I'm certainly no animation expert, but I do appreciate
Animated slide panel with Angular – Anton Moiseev – Medium One of my favourite Angular features is animation. Meaningful animation can greatly improve usability of your application. Of course...
🎊 Event Emitters in Angular 🎊 – Netanel Basal When you start learning Angular one of the first things you learn is how to communicate between child and parent components.
🦋Electron: The Bad Parts – Philipp Langhans – Medium Most cross platform programming languages and frameworks contain good and bad parts. Electron probably has more than its share of the good...
Building a Simple Carousel Component with Angular – Netanel Basal In this article, we will create a simple carousel component with Angular that includes animation with the help of the Animation Builder...
- Juri Strumpflohner Learn about advanced topics such as dynamic components, ComponentFactoryResolver, ViewContainerRef, ngTemplateOutlet and much more...
Building a movie app interface with Vue.js – Hassan Djirdeh – Medium By Hassan Djirdeh
Angular: Continuous Integration with Visual Studio Team Services Learn how to set up a continuous integration environment for your angular applications in Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services!
Disabling Form Controls When Working With Reactive Forms in Angular When working with Angular Reactive Forms that are times when you need to disable/enable a form control, for example:
node.js get current url nodejs - var http = require('http');var u node.js current url nodejs
Developing RESTful APIs with Loopback Learn how to build and secure RESTful APIs with Loopback.
Testing Components in Angular Using Jasmine: Part 1 What You'll Be CreatingTest Driven Development is a programming practice that has been preached and promoted by every developer community on the planet. And yet it's a routine that is largely...
Implementing GraphQL using Apollo in an Ionic Application: CRUD | Learn how to create a CRUD Ionic Mobile Application using Apollo and GraphQL. This tutorial focuses on Queries and Mutations.
E2E Testing AngularJS applications with TestCafe – Hacker Noon If you write with AngularJS then most likely testing with Protractor is the first thing that comes to your mind. But is it the only option...
Build a Status Update App (w/ Reactions) Using Angular v4 and Firebase We will talk about how to add reactions like "like" "love" "dislike" to Status Updates using Angular and Firebase
Mix and Match: Angular + Custom Elements (Polymer) – Google Developers Experts – Medium In my previous post — Polymer 3.0 Preview — Building a mini card game, We use Polymer 3.0 Preview to create custom elements for our mini...
Raspberry Pi Port Forwarding & Dynamic DNS - Pi My Life Up In this guide I will take you through on how to set up Raspberry Pi port forwarding on the router and also setting up Raspberry Pi Dynamic DNS
10 Major Features Introduced In Angular 4 From the community. Sharing ideas that makes us all better developers.
Why we moved from Angular 2 to Vue.js (and why we didn’t choose React) At Rever ( we just released a new version of our web client using Vue.js. 641 commits and 16 weeks of intense development after with two resources, here we are, very proud of a...
Node.js: Simple TCP Server & Client and Promisify the Client - TechBrij An example of TCP server and client in Node.js and learn how to promisify the client.
Subscribing to Form Value Changes in Angular 2 Subscribing to Form Value Changes in Angular 2
Let’s Talk About Select and Reselect in @ngrx/store In this article, we will learn about the select() operator and when it is better to use reselect when querying a normalized state.
Asynchronous Validation With Angular Reactive Forms The Reactive Forms Module in Angular allows you to add synchronous and asynchronous validators to form elements. Synchronous validators of...
Introducing ngxErrors, declarative form errors for Angular I've been working on an open source project to bring better validation to Angular's reactive forms. In this post we'll take a look at how to use it, why I cr...
Raspberry Pi NGINX: Build your own Web Server - Pi My Life Up In this tutorial we take you through the steps to setting up a Raspberry Pi Nginx server. Nginx is a memory efficient alternative to apache.
RxJS for Angular Developers RxJs is not easy. To be honest, it is sometimes pretty hard to understand. Especially in the beginning. So why should you even bother?
Angular — Supercharge your Router transitions using new animation features (v4.3+) How to animate your App Router transitions using the new animation features in Angular
Transclusion in Angular 2 with ng-content Transclusion is an AngularJS (1.x) term, lost in the rewrite of Angular (v2+), so let's bring it back for this article just concept clarity. The word "transc...
ViewChildren and ContentChildren in Angular In this article I'm going to explain the difference between the concepts of view children and content children in Angular. We will take a look at how we can pass access these two different kinds of children from their parent component. Along the content we are also going to mention what the difference between the properties providers and viewProviders of the @Component decorator is.
Angular 2 Series - Part 5: Forms and Custom Validation Angular 2 forms are powerful and come with many great features. Learn how to create both simple and complex forms, as well as how to do c...
lc-validation-summary ngValidationSummary : Angular directive for providing a validation summary to angular based forms.
Validation summary with custom message for each field in Angular JS | Yasser Shaikh It is a common requirement to list down all the validation errors of a form in one place, however when using Angular, this gets a little tricky to do it the "Angular Way". 1. Showing validation summary of the form - {{ key }} ...
Getting Started with Angular 2 Step by Step: 5 - Forms and Validation - Barbarian Meets Coding - Treatises, Articles and Thoughts on Software Development by Jaime González García (vintharas)
Getting Started with Angular 2 Step by Step, a series of articles to get started with Angular 2. This one talks about forms and validation.
Model Driven Forms • Forms • Angular 4 Learning Objectives Form setup Dynamic select controls Form model Linking the form model to the form template formGroup formGroupName & formControlName Summary Listing Learning Objectives How to create a HTML form with a dynamic select box control. How to define a form model on your...
Angular 2: Creating a powerful form validation component. NOTE: Please note that this article refers to an old version of Angular. Core concepts and ideas may still beuseful but not all examples will work with curre...
Architecting Electron Applications for 60fps | nearForm A deep-dive into optimizations that should be made to achieve smooth rendering, and a low resource footprint for Electron on all platforms
A web animations deep dive with Angular Angular comes with a built-in animation system that lets us create powerful animations based on the Web Animations API. In this article we'll look at two differet approaches, namely imperative and declarative animations.
Get that damn Windows Auto Update working on Electron Windows auto-updates on Electron are not easy. But don't lose hope! There actually is a way how to figure out autoupdate of cross-platform apps on Windows. It's not exactly an easy fix, but it works.
SelfCert: Create a Self-Signed Certificate Interactively (GUI) or Programmatically in .NET undefined
What Progressive Web Apps can do for you In the last year, Progressive Web Apps have become an incredibly popular way to build next generation apps. PWAs bring many advantages to the table, and in today's post I'd like to share why we think you should care. Why should I care about PWAs? PWAs bring unique advantages to the table
Publishing with electron-builder Practical explanation on how to structure your Electron app to publish for OS X and Windows using electron-builder.
Inside a super fast CSS engine: Quantum CSS (aka Stylo) Project Quantum is a major rewrite of Firefox's internals to make Firefox fast. We're swapping in parts from our experimental browser, Servo, and making massive ...
Create Advanced Components in Angular – Netanel Basal In this article, we are going to learn how to create a dynamic component that uses ng-content. We are going to learn advanced techniques...
Angular — Applying Motion principles to a listing – Google Developers Experts – Medium How to apply Motion principles using Angular Animations
Create a Responsive 2 Column Layout with CSS Flex-box In this article I walk you through the creation of a responsive 2 column layout with CSS flex-box.
Quick Tip: Style Form Elements With Pseudo Selectors
In this quick tip, we will show you some of the cool pseudo selectors that are available in web browsers, and which you can use to style built-in elements like select and range.
A Visual Guide to CSS3 Flexbox Properties The Flexbox Layout officially called CSS Flexible Box Layout Module is new layout module in CSS3 made to improve the items align, directions and order in the container even when they are with dynamic or even unknown size. The prime
18 Excellent Resources for Learning Flexbox What is this "flexbox" everyone's talking about? What problems can flexbox help solve? Can you use flexbox in your projects today? These guides, tutorials, websites, and tools will teach you what you need to know about flexbo...
Reorder CSS Columns Using Bootstrap Bootstrap has a great many features. One of the main features that is used in pretty much every Bootstrap project I've ever seen is the grid system. The grid system provides a great tool to scaffold and build out
Free Code Snippets for CSS3 Animation This gallery includes 30 free code snippets for CSS3 animation which you can use in any personal or commercial web design project.
Using Bootstrap 4 Flexbox - Designmodo Bootstrap 4 added Flexbox support. In today's tutorial, we're going to work with Bootstrap Flexbox and how to activate it within your grid components.
51 CSS Timelines - Free Frontend undefined
70 CSS Cards - Free Frontend undefined
Angular Fundamentals: Http Most angular applications require data from external services. The most common way to receive this data, is via http. Today, we are going to take a look at angular's build in features, that make http-request dead simple!
Essential Angular VS Code Extensions When it comes to efficient and effective development experiences, excellent tooling makes all the difference. That's why I love VS Code. VS Code has a great extensibility model, which makes it easy to create awesome extensions that enhance the development experience. It's no secret that I love shortcuts and I
Angular Best Practices — August 2017 Edition – Stephen Fluin – Medium (This post is cross posted from
Set Breakpoints and Debug a Node Application With Chrome DevTools - DZone Performance We take a quick look at how to use the DevTools built into Chrome, as well as some debugging functions built into Node.js, to quickly debug our applications.
Webpack 3 Tutorial For Beginners From Scratch. Webpack 3 Tutorial From Scratch. Simple beginner's guide to learn webpack. Webpack tutorial for beginner. Webpack 3.5 tutorial with the demo.
UXPin releases free Material Design UI library Give your flat designs a boost with this extensive kit.
How To Use PouchDB + SQLite For Local Storage In Ionic 2+ A year ago I wrote a tutorial on how to use PouchDB + SQLite for an Ionic 1 app. Now that Ionic 2 is in beta, I've updated the tutorial for Ionic 2 and the recently released Cordova SQLite Plugin 2. Update: The code in this tutorial is now up to
A Survey of 10 Popular Angular Projects for Your Web Application If you need to build a web application and are looking for a little help to cut down the hours of tedious work involved before you can bring your brilliant idea to life, one of the Angular...
Ionic 3 Consuming REST API using New Angular 4.3 HttpClient Step by step tutorial of how to consuming REST API using new Angular 4.3 HttpClient for Ionic 3 mobile apps.
The Observer Pattern In Javascript as Implemented By Redux - Learn Startup Whats is a Design Pattern? In software development, a design pattern is a reusable solution to common problems. Think of them as commonly accepted patterns to solve similar problems. There are four main types of design patterns. These include Creational Patterns, Structural Patterns, Behavioral Patterns, and Concurrency Patterns. As a developer, day to day, you will probably not be ...
More CSS Charts, with Grid & Custom Properties | CSS-Tricks I loved Robin's recent post, experimenting with CSS Grid for bar-charts. I've actually been using a similar approach on a client project, building a day-pl
PouchDB and CouchDB : Database Per User Very common use-case for PouchDB / CouchDB. How to use Couch_peruser plugin? Having trouble with NoSQL as I have SQL background. Database design.
MEAN Stack: Developing an app with Angular 2+ and the Angular CLI — SitePoint With the release of Angular 2+, it's time to revisit the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node). Manjunath M builds a bucket list app.
Reading configuration files in Angular 2 – Hasan Hameed – Medium Learn how to setup environment based settings in your Angular 2 apps
Angular — Formatters and Parsers – Netanel Basal If you've worked with AngularJS, you probably remember the ngModelController parsers and formatters options.
Real-time server monitoring app with Angular 4 , NodeJS & Chart.js In this, Tutorial we will use Angular 4, Node.js & chart.js for building a real time server monitor that allows observing some OS parameters, such as free
CouchDB Best Practices collect best practices around the CouchDB universe.
Creating a Feature Module · : Angular 2 Training Creating a Feature Module. When our root module start growing, it starts to be evident that some elements (components, directives, etc.) are related in a way that almost feel like they belong to a library that can be "plugged in". In our previous example, we started to see that. Our root module has a ...
Updating Angular 2 Forms with patchValue or setValue Setting model values in Angular (v2+) can be done in a few different ways, however with reactive forms things are extremely easy to do with the new form APIs...
Angular 2 — Implementing a Custom Form Control with Validation (JSON-Input) This post will go over how to create a custom input component which supports validation and is compatible with both ngModel forms and...
Angular 2, NgModel and Custom Form Components I've heard a lot of people express frustration with building forms in Angular 2. I think in large part this derives from bad experiences with FormBuilder, FormGroup and FormControl. This blog post explores a new way of building complex...
Angular 2 Custom Attribute Directive Example This page will walk through angular 2 custom attribute directive example. Angular provides three types of directive: component directive, attribute directive and structural directive.
Material Icons Guide - Google Design Getting icons. The icons are available in several formats and are suitable for different types of projects and platforms, for developers in their apps, and for designers in their mockups or prototypes. Licensing. We have made these icons available for you to incorporate them into your products under the ...
angular undefined
Search Sort Pagination in Angular 4 | CipherTrick In this article, we will learn to implement search sort pagination in Angular applications. This article will teach us arguably the simplest approach.
Angular2 + Typescript display current dateTime component - Plunker DOCTYPE html>
Real-World Angular Series, Part 8a: Lazy Loading, Production Deployment, SSL - DZone Web Dev We begin to wrap up our Angular application by going over Lazy Loading, and how you can implement it in your web app, and get started on our production deploy.
SSL with Docker Swarm, Let’s Encrypt and Nginx Deploying to Docker swarm with Ngin and SSL, curtesy of Let's Encrypt. Configuring certificates, nginx config, compose file, automatic renewal and more!
Creating a structured, hot-reloadable GraphQL API with Express.js, GraphQL is a new way of building APIs through a strongly typed query language. Released by Facebook in 2015, GraphQL is quickly gaining...
Building a Simple Stopwatch App with Electron Few days ago I decided to find a Stopwatch app for my Mac. I went over to the App Store and noticed that there were no good free options available. I thought to myself, how hard would it be to make...
Core Concepts for App Development in Angular – Upstate Interactive In my last post, I showed you how to get your Angular app up and running locally in two minutes, using the Angular CLI.
- Juri Strumpflohner Learn about advanced topics such as dynamic components, ComponentFactoryResolver, ViewContainerRef, ngTemplateOutlet and much more...
A web animations deep dive with Angular Angular comes with a built-in animation system that lets us create powerful animations based on the Web Animations API. In this article we'll look at two differet approaches, namely imperative and declarative animations.
Xel undefined
The New HTTP Client in Angular 4.3 – Austin – Medium In Angular 4.3, a new HTTP Client was introduced. This new client replaces the @angular/http module you are using right now. To prevent...
Building a Canvas component with Free Hand drawing using RxJS and Angular You probably already know the Canvas elements can be used to draw graphics. I'm going to demonstrate how we can use RxJS to draw free hand...
Build a desktop application with Electron - Course by @ccnokes Electron is a framework that makes it easy to create cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Electron and open-source tools give you everything you need to create a compelling desktop app--native user interface elements like menus and dialogs, installers, auto-updates, and more. This course will teach you the core concepts of Electron so that you can leverage it to create your own desktop application for macOS and Windows. W...
Deep dive into Electron’s main and renderer processes Central to Electron is the concept of two or more operating system level processes running concurrently — the "main" and "renderer...
mzabriskie/axios axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
API Reference Using Ionic/AngularJS? You can wrap PouchDB promises in $q.when() . This will notify AngularJS to update the UI when the PouchDB promise has resolved. To use a custom promise implementation with PouchDB, you must redefine a global Promise object before loading PouchDB:
Building an Offline First App with PouchDB This article shows how PouchDB can be used to create a note taking app that works even when an Internet connection is not available.
pouchdb-authentication undefined
Filtered replication: from Couch to Pouch and back Filtered replication can become a vital feature for many applications, when you realize you don't need the whole dataset to be replicated to each client. At the same time, filtered replication can be the wrong solution to your problem if: You're trying to address security concerns. Replicating only the user's ...
ForerunnerDB The world's most advanced browser database. NoSQL, MongoDB-like query language. Try it now.
Knex.js - A SQL Query Builder for Javascript Knex.js (0.13.0). >> GitHub Repository; >> Support; >> FAQ; >> Change Log. Upgrading. – 0.11.x -> 0.12. Installation. – Node.js; – Browser; Config Options: – client; – debug; – pooling; – acquireConnectionTimeout; – fetchAsString; – migrations. Query Builder. – constructor; – timeout; – select; – as; – column ...
sqlite-sync/ - is a framework for synchronizing data between a Sqlite database and an MS SQL/MySQL/Oracle/PostgreSQL database. With this framework your application can work compl...
Angular 2 Pipe to filter array of strings with provided search string In This Article, we will create a new Pipe for filtering array of strings with provided search/filter string. Prerequisites: Angular-cli node.js Visual Code Fire up your Visual Code and inside the ...
Angular2 Pagination Component with Bootstrap I recently started learning Angular2 and I am loving it. This article describes how to create a basic pagination component using bootstrap pagination. The component is quite simple, it takes param...
Node.js Tests: Mocking HTTP Requests Node.js Tests: Mocking HTTP Requests
Angular — Supercharge your Router transitions using new animation features (v4.3+) How to animate your App Router transitions using the new animation features in Angular
How to Create Custom Pipes in Angular 2 Pipes in Angular takes the data and transforms this input data to the desired output
Creating an Angular Universal app with the Angular CLI The Angular CLI just introduced with the 1.3.0-rc.0 version the ability to build your app for the server platform, using node. Here are...
Vue JS 2 — The Complete Guide by Maximilian Schwarzmüller No matter at which Metric you look (Google Trends, Github Stars, Tweets ...) VueJS is the Shooting Star in the World of JavaScript Frameworks...
We are almost there! Our Real-World Angular 🛠🅰️✊ series is coming to an end. Part 7️⃣ of the tutorial series covers deleting data, retrieving relational data from MongoDB, and renewing authentication tokens. ➡️
bapatel1/angular-universal-demo angular-universal-demo - Tutorial about angular4-Universal , Server side rendering (SSR) code tutorial.
Real-World Angular Series - Part 8: Lazy Loading, Production Deployment, SSL Build and deploy a real-world app with MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node (MEAN): lazy loading, production deployment, SSL.
Microservices for beginners, how to get started with right tools | Codebrahma Microservices for beginners, how to get started with the right tools and when to choose the microservices. An introduction to advantages and disadvantages.
Simple server side cache for Express.js with Node.js This blog was written by Guilherme Oenning who is a Senior Software Developer at SoftwareONE. He truly believes that learning never ends...
Server-Side Rendering in Angular 2 with Angular Universal Render your applications on the server for many benefits.
JavaScript — Make Your Code Cleaner With Lodash – Netanel Basal I want to share with you a tip for cleaner code when you need to validate your code with a bunch of if statements.
Introduction · Angular Pipes Table of contents. Installation; Contributing; String. repeat; scan; shorten; stripTags; ucfirst; ucwords; trim; ltrim; rtrim; reverse; slugify; camelize; latinise; lines; underscore; test; match; lpad; rpad. Array. diff; flatten; initial; intersection; reverse; tail; truthify; union; unique; without; pluck; shuffle; every; some ...
The New Angular ::ng-deep and the Shadow-Piercing Combinators Drop The Shadow Piercing combinators (/deep/, >>> and ::shadow) are deprecated for a while by W3C, common browsers, and tools. Sass and Chrome...
Leverage Structural Directives to Create Powerful Components in Angular In this article, we will learn how to create a powerful dropdown component with the help of structural directives.
The Power of Structural Directives in Angular – Netanel Basal What's a Structural Directive?
👂 Listening for Actions in @ngrx/store 👂 – NetanelBasal The Problem
A Taste From The New Angular HTTP Client – Netanel Basal Yesterday Angular version 4.3.0-rc.0 has been released. I want to give you a taste of an exciting feature that we all waited for — an...
Implement ngModelOptions with RxJS and Custom Form Control in Angular If you've worked with AngularJS, you probably remember the ng-model-options directive.
NgRx: Patterns and Techniques – nrwl Victor Savkin is a co-founder of, providing Angular consulting to enterprise teams. He was previously on the Angular core team at...
Citrix-TechSpecialist/Docker-101 Docker-101 - This repository walks students though how to get started with Docker and basic Docker commands.
Real-World Angular Series - Part 6: Reactive Forms and Custom Validation Build and deploy a real-world app with MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node (MEAN): reactive forms and custom validation.
Vue.js v2.4.0 is now released Vue.js v2.4.0 is now released and available. This version features full SSR + async component support in core, easier creation of wrapper components, better performance, and more.
NgRx: Patterns and Techniques – nrwl Victor Savkin is a co-founder of, providing Angular consulting to enterprise teams. He was previously on the Angular core team at...
Continuous Integration with Angular CLI – Hacker Noon Angular CLI is a powerful tool to scaffold and build Angular apps.
Angular Testing In Depth: Components Learn how to test Components in Angular. We will start with writing isolated tests for a component and finish with integration tests for ...
Part 5 of the Real-World Angular Series is out 🎉. This part covers simple animation and using a template-driven form to add and update data! 🛠 💚 🅰️ 🙌 🔗
Swappable Dynamic Components in Vue.js Occasionally you may find that you need to switch between components at the same location arbitrarily. Vue.js' dynamic components make this a cinch.
Introducing npx: an npm package runner – Kat Marchán – Medium Those of you upgrading npm to its latest version, npm@5.2.0, might notice that it installs a new binary alongside the usual npm: npx.
Hosting Docker images on Azure Container Registry | Piotr Gankiewicz 9 July 2017 2 Comments Piotr Gankiewicz read. In one of the previous videos, as well as posts I described how to use Docker and Docker Hub in order to build and deploy applications written with ASP.NET Core. In this post, I'd like to introduce the Azure Container Registry which is an alternative to the ...
ASP.NET Core 2 + VS2017 + Angular-CLI? - Shawn Wildermuth ASP.NET Core 2 + VS2017 + Angular-CLI? - Shawn Wildermuth
MongoDB Indexing Types: How, When and Where Should They Be Used? In this blog post, we will talk about MongoDB indexing, and the different types of indexes that are available in MongoDB. Note: We are hosting a webinar on July 12, 2017, where I will talk about Mo...
What is forwardRef
in Angular and why we need it – Hacker Noon What is it
A Taste From The New Angular HTTP Client – Netanel Basal Angular version 4.3.0-rc.0 is now available. In this release, we can see a new exciting feature we all waited for — an improved version of...
Writing and Testing Custom Angular Validators: The ‘Passwords Matching’ Use Case - DZone Web Dev We take a look at how to use the Angular framework to create custom validators for your web application, and use a password authenticator as our example.
Create & Deploy a microservice in less than 5 min: NodeJs These days projects & developers are happily using microservices because the idea behind microservices is that some types of application become easier to build and maintain when they are broken...
Building a Reactive Application with Ngrx and Angular 2 | Toptal undefined
Create a Photo Gallery with Angular 4 - ( Angular Tutorial ) In this angular 4 tutorial, we are going to create a photo gallery using Angular 4 and Cloudinary. Cloudinary is a service that allows you to seamlessly use
In Part 4 of our Real-World Angular Series, we cover access management with Angular, displaying admin data and setting up detail pages with tabs. Read on! 🛠🅰️❤️🤘
Why Did So Many Startups Choose MongoDB?! NoSQL databases were the future. MongoDB was the database for 'modern' web engineers and used by countless startups. What happened?
Code Sharing Between Web and Mobile with Angular and NativeScript Angular is a platform agnostic framework, where most of its building blocks are not specific to web, mobile, or desktop. Let's have a look at what we need in order to share code between web and native mobile, and some examples showing it in action.
Real-World Angular Series - Part 3: Fetching and Displaying API Data Build and deploy a real-world app with MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node (MEAN): fetching, displaying, and filtering data.
Adding a Soft Shutdown Switch to Headless Raspberry Pi Recently I had to pull one of my Raspberry Pis out of service to make some hardware changes to it. Because this Pi runs headless, in order...
Make a Web Server with ESP8266 In this project, we first examine how to install an ESP8266 add-on on Arduino IDE and then we make a configurable web server with an ESP8266 and show the simplicity of this process.
Let’s learn how to install and setup AngularFire2 4.0 For our Web platform "letslearn" in order to manage Angular training courses, we have obviously chosen Angular4 and Firebase4 to build this...
Great Introduction to Reactive Microservices - DZone Integration This post provides good resources to learn the basics of reactive microservices for backend development and related frameworks, plus a microservices webinar.
Three New Open Source Container Utilities - DZone Integration The Smith, CrashCart, and RailCar tools are useful for building and operating containers, including microcontainers, and are now open source thanks to Oracle.
How to write event-driven IoT microservices that don’t break Today's IoT environments are a potential rat's nest of asynchronous craziness just waiting to happen
Real-World Angular Series - Part 1b: MEAN Setup and Angular Architecture - DZone Web Dev We finished setting up our Angular application's architecture by building the home component, the layout and global components, and quickly lint our work.
Introducing BrowserView for Electron – Figma Design Figma's contribution to the Electron project
pnpm version 1 is out! – pnpm – Medium Today we're excited to announce the release of pnpm 1!
Best YouTube Channels for Developers & Designers - I’m Programmer If you have just Begun with web development or you've not yet captured a great deal of experience, and want to learn more about expertise your skills but not sure where to start from then we can help you out with the consequent resources. The Internet is full with a myriad of resources and tutorials ...
Angular and Service Workers by @PascalPrecht Hello there! How's everyone doing? Obviously talk is about SW; Spent the last weeks researching SW/PWA; A topic that isn't scary and can easily be used by anyone here; What are SW? how are they used in aio? @PascalPrecht. GDE for the Angular Team Angular Master Class by @thoughtram.
Building a NodeJS web server with HAProxy and Let’s Encrypt on Debian Stretch In this guide I'm going to show you how to setup a NodeJS server using HAProxy and Let's Encrypt on Debian Stretch.
Angular Custom Form Controls Made Easy – NetanelBasal Imagine that you need to implement an auto-expand textarea for one of your forms.
New Learning Site for NativeScript Launched is a new video training platform that offers free and premium courses to learn how to use the NativeScript framework. Courses are high quality and up to date and will stay that way.
Building a Node.js App with TypeScript Tutorial | @RisingStack This tutorial teaches how you can build, structure, test and debug a Node.js application written in TypeScript.
Raspberry Pi simulator lets you start tinkering without even owning a Pi - TechRepublic Microsoft is building an online Raspberry Pi simulator that allows users to write code to control hardware.
Ebook Management Software Calibre 3.0 Released Open Source ebook management software Calibre 3.0 is released with new features and improvements.
Integrate admin template in Angular 4 application Integrate admin template in Angular 4 application. Angular4 uses TypeScript as a foundation language to build Single page application.
Leverage Structural Directives to Create Powerful Components in Angular In this article, we will learn how to create a powerful dropdown component with the help of structural directives.
Learn Angular 2 Directives (Structural) - Dot Net Detail Angular 2 Directives. The directive is a class which contains metadata which will be attached to the class by the @Directive decorator.
Automating Jenkins Docker Setup Jenkins is, by far, the most used CI/CD tool in the market. That comes as no surprise since it's bee...
Build desktop apps using Electron: The Beginner’s Guide Electron is a framework for building cross platform desktop applications using Node.js and Chromium. Electron uses web pages as its GUI, so you could also see it as a minimal Chromium browser, cont...
🍾🚀 webpack 3: Official Release!! 🚀🍾 – webpack – Medium Now with Scope Hoisting, "magic comments", and more!
The Illustrated Children’s Guide to Kubernetes Written and performed by Matt Butcher Illustrated by Bailey Beougher Follow the adventures of Phippy the Giraffe, Captain Kube, and Goldie the Gopher as they...
Unambiguous Webpack config with Typescript – Devon Marisa Zuegel – Medium You can write your Webpack config in Typescript, and it'll save you a huge amount of pain. Webpack's docs would lead you to believe that...
7 Rules for REST API URI Design By following the 7 rules for REST API URI design in the post, you will create a much cleaner REST APIs. Design for your clients, not for your data.
How Passwordless Authentication Works - DZone Security Read on to explore the basics of passwordless authentication, see how the various types of passwordless authentication, such as magic links and touch id, work.
Create a kanban board with Angular 4 | In this tutorial, We will be creating a simple kanban board with Angular 4. A Kanban board is a work and workflow visualization tool that enables you to optimize the flow of your work, a basic Kanban board has a three-step workflow: To Do, In Progress, and Done. Live Demo We represent every work item ...
A New Wave of Animation Features in Angular - Angular 4.2 now introduces a wave of new animation features
Introduction to FuseBox — a Faster, Simpler Webpack Alternative — SitePoint Feras Khoursheed introduces you to Fusebox, a lightweight module bundler that serves as a faster, simpler and ultimately more flexible Webpack alternative.
Angular 2: How Do Components Communicate Previously on Angular 2: How to Build a Container Component I explained how to create structural components that marks up the way a view is rendered b
Build blog with Angular 2 Loopback MongoDb Part 7 Loopback ACL, Angular 2 Authentication , Login Part 7: Build your own blog with Angular 2 Cli, Loopback, Mongodb. Subscribe me to see the next part. Check out code on GitHub:
The Ultimate Guide to Progressive Web Applications Progressive Web Apps, aka PWAs, are the best way for developers to make their webapps load faster and more performant. In a nutshell, PWAs are websites that use recent web standards to allow for installation on a user's computer or device, and deliver an app-like experience to those users. Twitte
OpenID Connect Session Management using an Angular application and IdentityServer4 The article shows how the OpenID Connect Session Management can be implemented in an Angular application. The OpenID Connect Session Management 1.0 provides a way of monitoring the user session on ...
Why Do Developers Now Compare Vue.js to JavaScript Giants Angular and React? - Angular News undefined
Introduction To Server Rendered Vue.js Apps With Nuxt The Vue.js framework is one of the top trending framework for web developers this year. Vue.js makes it easy to get started and enables you to build all types of single-page web applications. The Nuxt framework is built on to...
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Raspberry Pi Node.js Server - GPIOs per GUI steuern Tutorial:
Creating a Reusable and Injectable Service in Angular | CipherTrick Here we will learn to build reusable services in Angular applications. A service is used to encapsulate common business logic like making HTTP calls.
Angular and RxJS: Create an API Service to Talk to a REST Backend — SitePoint Jurgen Van de Moere takes an existing Angular 2+ app and adds a REST API service. Learn about RxJS observables and how to mock HTTP services for testing.
Debugging remote Node.js application running in a Docker container - Codefresh How to debug running Docker container with Node application in it, without running it in debug mode and pre-opening remote debug port to the whole world?
Node.js + MySQL Example: Handling 100’s of GigaBytes of Data | @RisingStack This Node.js + MySQL example tutorial shows how you can efficiently handle billions of rows that take up hundreds of gigabytes of storage space.
Convenience Of Angular 2 Bootstrap Pagination - Learn Startup Using Angular 2 Bootstrap Pagination can easily send specific amount of data to web page to put it simple, load it faster & paginate the data
Writing neat asynchronous Node JS code with Promises Write beautiful code with JavaScript Promises
Build a real time app with MEAN2, angular-cli and A small starter app built with MEAN2 and
Build a simple Twitter Bot with Node.js Part 2: DO MORE In case you missed it, recently I published Build a simple Twitter Bot with Node.js in just 38 lines of code. A lot of readers reached out...
Webpack: Adding Glob – Hacker Noon How to drop the entry point file (app.js) and let Webpack find files automatically.
Introducing Bonsai: an open source Webpack analyzer Ryan Albrecht | Pinterest engineer, Growth
Angular Build with Webpack and Babili In the following post I will show that you can shrink the footprint of your Angular Webpack build by switching to ES6 and Babili.
Learn MVC Using Angular Idle Learn MVC Using Angular Idle.
The complete guide to Angular Material Themes – Tomas Trajan – Medium Theme your Angular Material apps like a PRO, examples included 😉
Announcing TypeScript support in Electron The electron npm package now includes a TypeScript definition file that provides detailed annotations of the entire Electron API. These annotation can improve your Electron development experience even if you're writing vanilla JavaScript. Just npm install electron to get up-to-date Electron typings in your project.
How to create Simple JavaScript CLI with Node.js - Coding Defined undefined
🐛🔨 The Contributors Guide to webpack — Part 2 🎨 🖼 Diving Deeper: Tapable, plugins and design patterns!
Here is what you need to know about dynamic components in Angular Create Angular components dynamically like a pro
Microservices and Modularity Gene Hughson discusses how the reasons for choosing microservices are important and that he does not believe improved modularity is a valid reason. Furthermore, this applies equally well to the data architecture where he believes that a disciplined, monolithic team can maintain modularity in a monolithic data architecture.
The new CSS workflow (step 1) – webpack – Medium Current state, minimal css-loader, ICSS2
Load Balancing Node.js Applications With NGINX and Docker - DZone Performance Learn how to create a Node.js application, Docker-ize the Node.js application, load balance using an NGINX instance, and more.
Querying a Normalized State with RxJS in Angular – NetanelBasal This post assumes that you at least have some working knowledge of ngrx/store and RxJS.
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Miniservice: Pragmatic Microservices Architecture - DZone Integration Using HTTP with miniservices keeps the agility, scalability, and functionality of binding of microservices without the prerequisites of event-driven design.
Getting Started with MongoDB, Node.js and Restify – Nick Parsons – Medium With the multitudes of JavaScript frameworks available these days, there are countless options for building APIs. Many users can become...
Node.JS Top 10 Articles for the Past Month (v.May 2017) Since April, we've ranked nearly 1,000 Node.JS articles to pick the Top 10 stories that can help advance your career.
Live Stream to YouTube with your Raspberry Pi and Docker #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi Via Alex Ellis' Blog In this guide we'll set up our Raspberry Pi so that we can stream live video to YouTube to either a public, unlisted or private stream. Using a pre-built Docker ima...
Packing a Kubernetes Microservices App with Helm | @RisingStack This post shows how we packed our Kubernetes microservices app with Helm and made them easy to reproduce in various environments.
wingify/across-tabs across-tabs - Easy communication between cross-origin browser tabs
Getting Started With MongoDB, Node.js, and Restify - DZone Database Learn how to set up a simple API with full CRUD operations using the ever-popular Restify framework backed by a MongoDB database.
C# Coding Style Guidelines - Best Practices - Codingular The C# Language Specification does not define a coding standard, However when coding in C#, using these practices in your own projects will create a consist
mfornos/awesome-microservices awesome-microservices - A curated list of Microservice Architecture related principles and technologies.
Learn how easy it is to load balance #NodeJS applications with Docker and NGINX. 💚 🐳 🔝
Load Balancing Node.js Applications with NGINX and Docker.png
Create lean Node.js image with Docker multi-stage build Starting from Docker 17.05+, you can create a single Dockerfile that can build multiple helper images with compilers, tools, and tests and...
Create Microservices and Set Up a Microservice Architecture With MariaDB, Docker, and Go - DZone Database Learn about high-level architecture of applications and how to create microservices and set up a microservice architecture with MariaDB, Docker, and Go.
🐛🔨 The Contributors Guide to webpack — Part 1 🎨 🖼 A(n) (eco)system overview
5 Docker Utilities You Should Know You can find a lot of cool Docker utilities on the web. To help you, I have collected some useful Docker utilities, which I use in my daily work.
Bitbucket Pipelines: Docker Images and Database Testing - DZone Java Bitbucket Pipelines now supports building, tagging, and pushing Docker images as well as service containers, which better allows for container-based testing.
How to create library in Angular 2 and publish to npm from scratch. If you have been worked in frontend field for a while, you will find you have to do same work as you did before. I bet you (used to) copy...
Developing Microservices - Node, React, and Docker - Michael Herman This tutorial details how to quickly spin up a reproducible development environment with Docker to manage a number of Node.js microservices.
Upgrading from AngularJS to Angular: Talk + Blog Posts + Book Many organizations have large AngularJS 1.x applications deployed to production. These applications may be built by multiple teams from...
Upgrading Angular Applications: Managing Routers and URL Victor Savkin is a co-founder of, providing Angular consulting to enterprise teams. He was previously on the Angular core team at...
Understanding Subjects in RxJS – NetanelBasal Before you start, this article requires basic knowledge in Rx.
Using Docker Compose for NodeJS Development - via @codeship
First in a two-part series, I will cover the development and testing of a simple API using NodeJS and Docker Compose.
Implementing Auth Guard with Componentless Route in Angular I see a lot of different implementations of Auth Guards around the web. The implementation is quite simple. In most cases, you will find...
Combine Webpack with Gulp 4 | CSS-Tricks Webpack is so hot right now! Webpack is great when it comes to module bundling and working with frameworks like Vue or React, but it is a bit more awkward
Announcing Open Source LoopBack JSONSchemas VS Code Extension - StrongLoop Announcing Open Source LoopBack JSONSchemas VS Code Extension to help you avoid typos, find configuration errors early, and discover features & options.
RxJS Subjects for human beings – NetanelBasal I have already published an article on the subject, but this time I want to take a different approach.
Implementing Auth Guard with Componentless Route in Angular I see a lot of different implementations of Auth Guards around the web. The implementation is quite simple. In most cases, you will find...
NgUpgrade in Depth – nrwl Victor Savkin is a co-founder of, providing Angular consulting to enterprise teams. He was previously on the Angular core team at...
Git Commands and Best Practices Cheat Sheet - I’m Programmer Given the success of both our Java 8 Best Practices Cheat Sheet and our Java 8 Streams Cheat Sheet, it looks like cheat sheets are going to become 'a thing' for RebelLabs! This time, we're staring at the happiest source code management tool available today, Git. With every great tool, there is a CLI which ...
Create the toJSON operator in Angular – NetanelBasal When you work with the Angular HTTP service and you want to get the response as JSON you need to do something like this:
How To Interview Senior JavaScript Developers and Architects Hiring the right JavaScript Developers is hard. Use this guide to help!
Refactoring LoopBack SQL Connectors - changes to Model Discovery and Migration This blog post by Loay Gewily and Janny Hou looks at refactoring LoopBack SQL Connectors and changes to Model Discovery and Migration.
RxJS Subjects for human beings – NetanelBasal I have already published an article on the subject, but this time I want to take a different approach.
Total.js Messenger - Total.js Node.js Messenger. Total.js Messenger is a small alternative to Slack. Our solution is small, fast and open-source web application which you can customize it by your needs. Try our great solution as a communication channel in your company or sell it for your customers. Follow @totalframework · Tweet ...
100+ CSS Resources For Web Designers And Developers A serious web designer/developer must call for a skill to write good CSS. CSS is simple, very easy to learn but very powerful language...
Moving Angular Factories to Services With Classes - When I first wrote about the differences between services and factories in Angular, the bottom line was that the difference is semantic and so you ...
Create lean Node.js image with Docker multi-stage build Starting from Docker 17.0.5+, you can create a single Dockerfile that can build multiple helper images with compilers, tools, and tests and...
Angular 4 Upgrade for Spring Security OAuth | Baeldung Let's upgrade our AngularJS application for Spring Security OAuth2 to Angular 4.
Building Enterprise APIs for SOAP Web Services using LoopBack Building Enterprise APIs for SOAP Web Services using LoopBack - StrongLoop
Understanding ngDoCheck and KeyValueDiffers in Angular In this article, we are going to learn why we need the ngDoCheck life cycle hook and the KeyValueDiffers service by recreating the ngStyle...
Inspiration for Custom Decorators in Angular – NetanelBasal This post assumes that you at least have some working knowledge of Angular and Decorators.
Announcing Open Source LoopBack JSONSchemas VS Code Extension - StrongLoop Announcing Open Source LoopBack JSONSchemas VS Code Extension to help you avoid typos, find configuration errors early, and discover features & options.
Simple beginner guide for Webpack +2.0 from scratch — Part IV Hey hey hey! So glad we made it to chapter 4 already, I'm excited. This is a follow up on chapter 3 — you can find chapter 3 here.
CSS Factory Pure CSS - Animating pseudo-elements and stuff.....
Angular 2 Transclusion with ng-content in one go | JavaScript Screencasts And Tutorials Learn how to re-use the same Angular 2 Component to project different contents with ng-content.
Eagle.js undefined
UIkit UIkit, a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.
ESP8266 WIFI Remote Relay Switch In this tutorial I will show you how to convert an old power strip into WIFI remote control. This will allow us to control electrical devices from the Internet via HTTP. For example we will be able to turn on and turn off a heater, fan or light over the internet. To build i will use a popular electr
Angular Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications
6 JavaScript Frameworks/Libraries to Look for in 2017 Last updated on: 17/03/2017JavaScript, the most commonly used language around the globe, continues to to rise in popularity, making it essential for JavaScript developers to stay abreast of top frameworks available for it. However, the stint to pick the best JavaScript framework for your web development or app development project is not easy. You...
Simple beginner guide for Webpack +2.0 from scratch — Part II Hej! This is the follow up on chapter 1, where we set up our first webpack.config.js and got it compiling. Hurray! But we want more, we...
Simple beginner guide for Webpack +2.0 from scratch Hello there. Let me begin by saying you've probably heard of Webpack by now and chances are you might know how to configure Webpack, you...
NgUpgrade with Lazy Loading In this post I will show how to optimize NgUpgrade through lazy loading.
Webtask All you need is code! Run code with an HTTP call. No provisioning. No deployment.
Webtask All you need is code! Run code with an HTTP call. No provisioning. No deployment.
Angular2 – Medium Read writing about Angular2. Every day, thousands of voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium about Angular2.
Make Your Webpack Bundles Clean and Lean - DZone Web Dev If your Webpack applications are too big, then read on to learn how to clean up your code, and make it faster and easier for the end user in the process.
A Better Way to Code – Mike Bostock – Medium Introducing the integrated discovery environment.
Bootstrap tips and tricks - 15+ Awesome tricks for grids, navbars, forms, typography and more Bootstrap is full of incredible features but can seem too complex for many of us. You simply cannot remember all the functions or cannot take one...
Xel undefined
Everything you need to know about debugging Angular applications " Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by...
Pass parameters with EventEmitter I have a directive to initializes a jQueryUI sortable on a DOM element. The jQueryUI sortable also has a set of callback events that trigger on certain actions. For example, when you start or stop
Hello World: Getting started with LoopBack and API Connect "Getting started with LoopBack and API Connect" - an introduction to LoopBack, a server-side JavaScript framework that emphasizes building HTTP APIs.
SpatialOS - Improbable Build game worlds where everything matters
Creating a Multi-Tenant Connector Microservice Using LoopBack This article focuses on creating a Multi-Tenant Connector Microservice using LoopBack. LoopBack-as a Service. This article focuses on LoopBack-as a Service.
A progressive Web application with Vue JS, Webpack & Material Design [Part 1] Progressive web applications are the future. And more and more big companies are starting playing with them (such as Twitter: https:...
Essential Packages for Node.js Application Development We have been developing many nodejs applications and thought to share packages we found to be part of most of nodejs applications. Express framework Express is framework for nodejs which is allowed to set up middlewares and define routing to handle HTTP request. It has great support and a bunch of helpful features. $ npm ... Continue reading "Essential Packages for Node.js Application Development"
Reusing ngrx/effects in Angular (communicating between reducers) After upgrading my open source project, "Echoes Player", to work with the latest stable angular-cli 1.0 version (wrote an article about it), I set down to refactor the application's code. I always like to look at implementations few times and experiment with several approaches. This time, I wanted to take advantage of ngrx/effects observables and...
Using npm as a Build Tool Every developer will love this saying "It is hard to build a software without using a build tool." To get rid of the repetitive...
DreamHouse: Sample Application with Ionic 3 and Angular 4 | Christophe Coenraets Source Code. The source code and installation instructions are available in this repository. 3-Minute Installation. Make sure you have the latest version of Cordova and Ionic: npm install -g cordova npm install -g ionic; Clone the repository: git clone ...
🎊 Event Emitters in Angular 🎊 – NetanelBasal When you start learning Angular one of the first things you learn is how to communicate between child and parent components.
The Power of Structural Directives in Angular – NetanelBasal What's a Structural Directive?
JavaScript — Make Your Code Cleaner With Lodash – NetanelBasal I want to share with you a tip for cleaner code when you need to validate your code with a bunch of if statements.
Implementing Event Modifiers in Angular – NetanelBasal One of my favorite libraries is Vue. There's a cool feature in this library that I want to steal for my Angular projects — Event modifiers.
annyang! Easily add speech recognition to your site undefined
Three vital commands every Docker magician should know The biggest pain of manual experimentation with Docker builds is an overwhelming number of containers / images you can generate in a very...
Using Buefy with Vue.js, Lightweight UI components based on Bulma Usage examples of the responsive UI components of the Buefy library for Vue.js, which is based on the bulma framework.
Angular 2 Bind DropDown List Using Web API In this article, you will learn about Angular 2 bind dropdown list, using Web API.
How to Run Your ESP8266 for Years on a Battery - Open Home Automation For most of the projects I am building with the ESP8266 WiFi chip, I usually don't care too much about the power consumption aspect. I for example build data loggers that are constantly connected to the mains electricity, and appliances controller which also have an easy access to power. However, in some cases, we want to build [...]
Total.js Flow is here: #nodejs #totaljs #iot #nodered #download #visual #programming #interface 1704131010T14sc1.png
Angular Material: Creating a Custom Theme Here's how to customize the colors used by Angular Material components.
Implementing Event Modifiers in Angular – NetanelBasal One of my favorite libraries is Vue. There's a cool feature in this library that I want to steal for my Angular projects — Event modifiers.
Facebook announces React Fiber, a rewrite of its React framework | TechCrunch undefined
Angular With Webpack undefined
Step by Step Tutorial of Ionic 3, Angular 4 and Google Maps Directions Service
Step by step tutorial of Ionic 3, Angular 4 and Google Maps Directions Service using Google Maps Javascript API.
Announcing, the Next Step to Make LoopBack Effortlessly Extensible - StrongLoop Announcing LoopBack Next. With, our goal is to take the solid foundation of LoopBack and make it effortlessly extensible.
Tips and Tricks for Debugging Electron Applications — SitePoint Steve Kinney introduces some tips & tricks for debugging Electron applications and shows how you can use Visual Code to set breakpoints in the main process.
Building token based authentication using NodeJs and RethinkDB Introduction In this tutorial, we will learn how to implement token based authentication in Node.js using JWT. Token-based authentication is a very popular
Node, Express, Mongoose and Passport.js REST API Authentication
How to securing or authenticating Node, Express and Mongoose REST API using Passport.js (Latest versions).
Global Events and Event Delegation in Angular 2 | JavaScript Screencasts And Tutorials Learn how to capture global events and use event delegation for performance optimization in Angular 2.
Get Started with Docker 1.12 on Raspberry Pi Dust off that Pi and get Docker 1.12 up and running in minutes. Learn some cool hacks and optimizations for the best experience including GPIO.
An example of using environment configuration in LoopBack Raymond Camden provides An example of using environment configuration in LoopBack, the popular open source framework, along with a demo.
Microservices With Kubernetes and Docker - DZone DevOps Learn step-by-step with code to use Kubernetes open source platform and Docker to create a continuous delivery configuration for building microservices.
How to make Jenkins build NodeJS, Ruby, and Maven on Docker - ReactJS News Jenkins can speed up repetitive tasks that robots are much better performing and Docker simplifies spinning up VM's for your application in a very simple and repeatable way. What I'm going to cover here is how to setup your Jenkins server in a Docker container and how to fix some of the limits of the ... Continue reading "How to make Jenkins build NodeJS, Ruby, and Maven on Docker"
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Docker from the Ground Up: Working with Containers - Envato Tuts+ Code Tutorials Docker paves the way for the containerization revolution and the modern DevOps approach. The fundamental building block is of course the container. In this two part series you'll learn and gain...
Docker from the Ground Up: Working with Containers - Envato Tuts+ Code Tutorials Docker paves the way for the containerization revolution and the modern DevOps approach. The fundamental building block is of course the container. In this two part series you'll learn and gain...
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Build and Deploy a MongoDB Angular NodeJS App Using nginx in Three Steps With Docker - DZone Web Dev Docker, Angular, and MongoDB, oh my! In this post, we'll learn how create n-tier app using these three powerful development tools in just three easy steps.
Running Jenkins BlueOcean using Docker. – Sergei Filippov – Medium
Docker + Jenkins BlueOcean in docker on macOS = Local fun.
Running Spring Boot Apps on Docker Windows Containers with Ansible: A Complete Guide incl Packer, Vagrant & Powershell - codecentric AG Blog This is a crazy world. It´s not only possible to make Ansible provision Windows machines. No! There are Docker Windows Containers out there and if we need to run our Spring Boot Apps on Windows, we want to run them inside those tiny Windows buckets! Running Spring Boot Apps on Windows – Blog series Part... Read more
continuous integration | angular cli + firebase + travis ci After completing the first step of building your application, the next thing most of us do is pick a hosting platform (like Github Pages) and deploy it. This is awesome, but we always need to make ...
What I have learned using ngrx/Redux with Angular 2 Most of Angular developers including me have some back-end programming background.
Create your first Angular 4 Application using Angular CLI In this post we will be discussing about creating your first Angular 4 application. Angular.JS is one of the most popular JavaScript framework to create web apps. There is not much change between Angular 2 and Angular 4 and a...
Vue.js 2 State Management With Vuex – Introduction Learn Vuex basics and follow the pratical sample of this tutorial to introduce central state management in your Vue.js 2 application.
Composing Vue.js Components Learn how to compose an extend Vue.js components.
Understanding Angular modules (NgModule) and their scopes NgModule is the first basic structure you meet when coding an app with Angular, but it's also the most subtle and complex, because of...
Ionic 3 and Angular 4 Mobile App Example Step by step tutorial of Ionic 3 and Angular 4 Mobile App Example.
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Ionic 2 – Geolocation & Google Maps WRITTEN BY GARETH DUNNE @JSDIARIES Using Ionic Native One of the most straightforward ways to demonstrate Ionic Native and how it works is to use the GeoLocation native plugin. This will allow us ...
CouchDB, PouchDB, and Ionic 2: Adding Comments Over the past few weeks, we have been building out a simple blogging application that is built with Ionic 2, CouchDB, and PouchDB. We have made quite a lot of progress so far, and in this tutorial,...
Webpack and Rollup: the same but different – webpack – Medium This week, Facebook merged a monster pull request into React that replaced its existing build process with one based on Rollup, prompting...
Simple beginner guide for Webpack +2.0 from scratch Hello there. Let me begin by saying you've probably heard of Webpack by now and chances are you might know how to configure Webpack, you...
Exploring The New Meta Service in Angular Version 4 In Angular version 4 we have a new Meta service.
Mock up any REST API in seconds with bouchon – Michel Nemnom – Medium bouchon is a npm module that mocks easily with redux and reselect.
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Introducing API Microgateway: a Programmable Open Source Gateway for your APIs Introducing API Microgateway: a Programmable Open Source Gateway for your APIs
Build and Deploy a MongoDB Angular NodeJS App Using nginx in Three Steps With Docker - DZone Web Dev Docker, Angular, and MongoDB, oh my! In this post, we'll learn how create n-tier app using these three powerful development tools in just three easy steps.
Take Advantage Of The Let Operator in Angular Imagine that you have a general input component for your application.
How to Mock Data for Node.js Applications using Faker.js When we start to build an application, we generally do not want to worry much about data.
Building Chat Application using MEAN Stack (Angular 4) and
Step by step tutorial of building simple chat application using MEAN stack (Angular 4) and
Global Events and Event Delegation in Angular 2 In Angular 2, we are used to listening for events on the Component's DOM elements, however how do we listen to events outside of this range? Two ways to do this: Creating a Host Listener Usin...
Creating a microservice in NodeJs In this post I will show how I implemented the commenting feature for my blog using a microservice api.
Adding Material2 to Angular app We built Tour of Heroes tutorial here, but our styling doesn't look the best.
A Comprehensive Overview of WebPack Webpack is a powerful and popular module bundler that generates static assets based on the modules you define. Learn more about using Webpack.
CORS — a guided tour – Statuscode Cross-origin resource sharing
Creating a custom filter (pipe) in Angular - In this guide, Todd Motto shows how to create a custom pipe that accepts a single value and returns a new value in Angular.
Why You Should Start Using Microservices Microservices: an approach to develop a single application as a suite of small services - in this post you will understand the advantages and new challenges
Handling Multiple Checkboxes in Angular Forms This post assumes that you at least have some working knowledge of Angular reactive forms.
Integrating Vue.js and Integrate directly in your components with
Jedi Angular 2 Tips and Tricks This week, I thought I'd collect a list of unrelated tricks and tips I've learned over the last couple of weeks into one post. Unless you love to read documentation, or you've run into problems that these tips solve, I'm guessing you don't know most of these.
pgaultier/yii2-webpack yii2-webpack - Yii2 Webpack2 asset management
Deploying Node.js Microservices to AWS using Docker | @RisingStack This article focuses on building a simple Node.js microservice and packaging it in a Docker container - then hosting the container on AWS.
MOE undefined
Lovefield: The Data Access Library that Loves You Lovefield is a relational database for web apps. Written in JavaScript, works cross-browser. Provides SQL-like APIs that are fast, safe, and easy to use. Get Started. Download. Install via npm npm install lovefield. Install via bower bower install lovefield. Download latest snapshot Download Zip File. Learn ...
sunnygoyal/jade jade - JAvascript based Database Editor
Gerrit Code Review - Code Review for Git. Gerrit provides web based code review and repository management for the Git version control system. diffy the kung fu review cuckoo. Discuss code. and boost your team's code fu by talking about specifics. Serve Git. as an integrated experience within the larger code review flow.
Projects – Learn about all our projects.
Angular 2 Transclusion with ng-content in one go Transclusion was one of the coolest feature of Angular 1. Angular 2 made this (way) more simple and also changed its name to Projection. What we used to configure in our directives with some symbol...
Securing Your API with OAuth - Using the open-source authorization protocol OAuth to secure your APIs. Manage API access through authorization and authentication: Securing Your API with OAuth, the open-source authorization protocol.
NativeScript Supports Angular 4 Last week, the Angular team released Angular 4.0.0, and today we're happy to announce that NativeScript now supports this latest update 🎉 Angular 4 brings smaller application packages and faster runtime speeds. Let's look at how you can update your NativeScript apps to take advantage of these optimizations.
Angular 4 (latest version of Angular 2) — The Complete Guide This course starts from scratch, you neither need to know Angular 1 nor Angular 2!
Multiple Search Keys in CouchDB - DZone Database Using multiple search keys in CouchDB gives you more control over queries and results, serving as a replacement for the where clause in SQL.
TinyTime – Straightforward Date and Time Formatter
Slaying Monoliths at Netflix with Node.js The growing number of Netflix subscribers -- nearing 85 million at the time of this Node.js Interactive talk -- has generated a number of scaling challenges for the company. In his talk, Yunong Xiao, Principal Software Engineer at Netflix, describes these challenges and explains how the company went from delivering content to a global audience on an ever-growing number of platforms, to supporting all modern browsers, gaming consoles, smart TVs, a...
How to make Jenkins build NodeJS, Ruby, and Maven on Docker - ReactJS News Jenkins can speed up repetitive tasks that robots are much better performing and Docker simplifies spinning up VM's for your application in a very simple and repeatable way. What I'm going to cover here is how to setup your Jenkins server in a Docker container and how to fix some of the limits of the ... Continue reading "How to make Jenkins build NodeJS, Ruby, and Maven on Docker"
Wrap any jQuery plugin with Angular 2 component — case study. Angular like most of nowadays fronted frameworks, works on higher level of abstraction than plain JavaScript is operating on. Because of...
webpack bits: Getting the most out of the CommonsChunkPlugin() – webpack Learning how to identify, measure, and triage issues in your webpack bundles.
How to test Node.js Application using Mocha In this post we will be discussing about testing Nodejs application using Mocha. We all know that testing is an important practice in software development, which will improve the quality of the software.
Angular 4.0 Is Now Released Angular 4.0 is now released and is not only smaller & faster, but also has an improved *ngIf and *ngFor, source maps for templates, and more. *ngIf and *ngFor The template binding syntax now supports a couple helpful changes. You can now use an if/else style syntax, and assign local variables such as when unrolling ... Continue reading "Angular 4.0 Is ...
How does Angular teach you to be a better a Software Engineer Frameworks like Angular implement many of the industry's best practices to tackle challenges faced by the frontend devs around the world...
The Power of Structural Directives in Angular What's a Structural Directive?
Build A Support Ticket Application With AdonisJs AdonisJs is a MVC Framework for Node that is greatly inspired by the Laravel framework and borrows some of it concepts. AdonisJs follows...
Building maintainable Angular 2 applications – Versett We've been using Angular 2 since beta 16. After putting a few projects into production, we've come up with a set of ground rules to help...
Introduction to Angular 2 Animations When it comes to Web Development, Animations can make or break your UX. Too much of them and your website looks like a Vegas Casino. None and your website will be missing the little spark to make i...
Tutorial Building CRUD App from Scratch using MEAN Stack (Angular 2)
Step by step tutorial building CRUD app from scratch using MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular 2 and Node.js).
bertolo1988/saco saco - A pre customized, express server for single page web apps that aims to be production ready.
Guidelines For developing with Angular, ngrx/store, ngrx/effects & AOT With angular-cli tool entering RC-1, I decided to start migrating my open source project "Echoes Player" from angular class boilerplate. Some of the code in "Echoes Player" wasn't AOT compatible, so compilation logged errors to the console. In this post I'm sharing guidelines for making your ngrx related code compatible with AOT. Why I'm Using Angular-cli...
Phaser - News - Multiplayer Tutorial: How to make a multiplayer online game with Phaser, and Node.js. Phaser: The fun, fast and free HTML5 Game Framework
microgateway undefined
The web is swallowing the desktop whole and nobody noticed Without anyone actually noticing, Electron-based web apps have begun swallowing your desktop computer whole.
Configure ESP8266 Wifi with WiFiManager undefined
Code Review of Node.Js Applications: Uncommon Flaws This article covers the left-over vulnerabilities from Part-1. In this article, we will have an in-depth look at some uncommon flaws and how to find them w
Rethinking Offline First sync for Service Workers – Offline Camp Teaching PouchDB to speak Service Worker
Using Bootstrap with Angular Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for web front-end development. It's great for developing responsive, mobile-first web sites. The Bootstrap website is available at Th...
Managing State in Angular with ngrx/store - DZone Web Dev In this post, learn to manage state in an Angular app using ngrx/store, authenticate the app with Auth0, and implement route authorization with route guards.
Angular testing made easy – Clarity Design System Disclaimer: This article is about Angular, as opposed to AngularJS. This means it applies for Angular 2.x, 4.x, and hopefully future...
How To Develop An Interactive Command Line Application Using Node.js – Smashing Magazine In this tutorial, you can learn how to write an interactive and useful command line application using Node.js.
Avoid Hard-Coding WiFi Credentials on Your ESP8266 Using the WiFiManager Library Hello everyone!In this instructable I'm going to talk about how you can avoid hard-coding your WiFi credentials into your Arduino sketches using a really awesome library called WiFiManager. It will only take a couple of minutes to go through these steps.Check out the video or continue reading here to find out how to add it and how it works.
TestCafe: Easier End-to-end Web App Testing with Node.js Vasily Strelyaev introduces TestCafe, a new, open-source Node.js-based end-to-end testing framework for web apps.
Vue.js directive that can scroll to elements on the page. Adds a directive that listens for click events and scrolls to elements.
Understanding Component Architecture: Refactoring an Angular App Jurgen van de Moere takes an existing Angular 2+ app and refactors it into a more modular component architecture, making use of reusable "dumb" components.
Caching Node.js Modules in Docker - WatchMeCode Tired of waiting for 'npm install' every time you touch Docker? It's no secret that 'npm install' can take a long time. An excessive amount of time, even. When you have 30+ modules that each install 30+ modules, which install 30+ modules, that each install ... ad-infinitum ... it's a wonder that your computer has ...
Dockerize your Angular application - platform for developing, shipping and running applications using container virtualization technology Create your Angular application for developing, shipping and running applications using container virtualization technology
Setting up your first Angular (2) Project Using Angular Material (2) This article is part 1 of a 4 part series of using Angular Material2 in your Angular (2) Angular-CLI project.
Testing Routes in Angular 2 Dive back into Angular 2, and learn how to test routes in a new tutorial in our series on test-driven development with Angular 2 and Webpack.
Understanding ViewChildren, ContentChildren, and QueryList in Angular There are times when a parent component needs access to his children. Let's see how we can handle this with Angular.
Browser Push notifications in Angular Applications | CipherTrick Push notifications are a way to make you application more interactive. This article explains how to add web push notifications to Angular 2 Applications.
Configurable Reactive Forms in Angular with dynamic components In this post we're going to explore the creation of dynamic components alongside a Reactive Form setup. If you're new to Reactive Forms, check out one of my ...
Initialize a LoopBack Node.js Project through the CLI - node Video Tutorial LoopBack is a framework built on top of Express for creating APIs. It allows you to create end-to-end REST APIs that can access data from many data sources such as MondoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL or other REST APIs. In this lesson you will learn how to install loopback-cli and create a new LoopBack API project. After creating the basic LoopBack project through the CLI, running the server will give us access to the project and API Explorer urls. The us...
Angular Ngrx Crash Course Part 1: NgrxStore - Why Use a Store ? Learn the benefits of store architectures, when to use them and why, what use cases do they benefit the most ?
CSS Reference CSS Reference is a free visual guide to CSS. It features the most popular properties, and explains them with illustrated and animated examples.
Angular 2 Reactive Forms Validations Following the tuts on Reactive Forms and Observables, today we tackle the validation part! This part is very important, it's your last protection before the data are sent to your server so b...
Angular 2 Reactive Forms Validations Following the tuts on Reactive Forms and Observables, today we tackle the validation part! This part is very important, it's your last protection before the data are sent to your server so b...
Build a Raspberry Pi Security Camera Network - Pi My Life Up Learn to build a Raspberry Pi Security camera setup for your home, business or wherever! in this dead easy to follow guide
Angular HTTP GET Request with Firebase - Gurmandeep Singh Hi Folks, In Previous Post we have seen how to send http post request to Firebase. Today we will see how to send HTTP GET request to firebase. First of all open http.service.ts and replace it with the code below: [crayon-58c596ac8b6dc563914785/] Component Now we are going to create component that will display the data. open ...
Spring Security and OpenID Connect | Baeldung Learn how to set up OpenID Connect (from Google) with a simple Spring Security application.
Step by Step Tutorial Creating Ionic 2 Apps From Scratch
Step by step tutorial to creating ionic 2 apps from scratch starting with blank page to multi page application.
Sass in Angular WRITTEN BY GARETH DUNNE @JSDIARIES in Angular If you missed our last Angular post please check it out here. So SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) are an already well established and renown ...
Selecting A Node.js Image for Docker - Before you begin to run your Node.js application in a Docker container, or even build the app into a container, you have to answer an important question and make a key decision: Which base Node.js image for Docker do I choose for my app? The easy answer – and probably the most common one – ...
Using Material components in Angular 2 Figuring out how to incorporate Material Design components in Angular 2 can be a tricky prospect — if you are also serious about automated...
Step by step tutorial building Ionic 2 REST API Authentication
Step by step tutorial about how to build app authentication using Ionic 2 and REST API.
Write API Tests with Postman and Newman Software testing is a common practice these days in many organisations, and for even individual developers. Googling around, you'll find a number of types...
Web Scraping in Node.js with Multiple Examples Web scraping which can be used for things like email collection, creating a news feed reader, comparing product price from multiple e-commerce sites, data mining from search engines is an alternate way to extract data from the websites which doesn't provide an api for access information. So, whenever possible make
Here’s my minimal setup to write a piece of typescript code Writing 10 lines of typescript should not require advanced devOps knowledge. Here's a minimal build to write and debug any piece of...
Learn TypeScript for beginners See our other Step by Step video series below. Learn MVC 5 Step by Step in 16 hours:- Learn MVC Core (MVC 6) Step by Step :- http://tin...
Learn Angular 2 step by step for Beginners - Lab 1 - CodeProject In this article we will Learn Angular 2 Step by step.; Author: <b>Shivprasad koirala</b>; Updated: 6 Mar 2017; Section: ASP.NET; Chapter: Web Development; Updated: 6 Mar 2017
Universal Web Components Applications built from web components can be easy to understand, grow, and refactor, because they are easy to break up into modular and declarative...
Creating an Angular2 Image Gallery | 4Dev Web Development Tutorials undefined
Building Real-Time Applications With Angular 2, LoopBack and Previously on How To Build A Chart Component in Angular 2 and D3 (Revised Version) I explained how to create a chart component with Angular 2 and D3,
Angular2 Tutorial: Developing a Realtime Chat App | 4Dev Web Development Tutorials undefined
Web Crawling with NodeJS, it’s an interesting world! Today's some fun time! I'll try to scrape a website, I wanted something simple but unique, so I chose to scrape Google search results(Oh the irony!) I am not at all a Javascript expert,...
Angular and Horizon - create realtime application without any backend Angular and Horizon the best way to create realtime application without any backend. You don't need to refresh your browser to see if the data are changed
store.js undefined
SPA^2 using ASP.Net Core 1.1 + Angular 2.4 - part 4 - CodeProject Add JSON Web Token Authentication (JWT) using OpenIDDict to our ASP.Net Core + Angular 2 SPA.; Author: Robert_Dyball; Updated: 2 Mar 2017; Section: Design and Architecture; Chapter: Development Lifecycle; Updated: 2 Mar 2017
SPA^2 using ASP.Net Core 1.1 + Angular 2.4 - part 4 - CodeProject Add JSON Web Token Authentication (JWT) using OpenIDDict to our ASP.Net Core + Angular 2 SPA.; Author: Robert_Dyball; Updated: 2 Mar 2017; Section: Design and Architecture; Chapter: Development Lifecycle; Updated: 2 Mar 2017
TopHN - A fun side project built with Vue.js and RethinkDB TopHN running in a side window so I can see news bubbling up and down in real time while I work away... (Yes, what you see is some actual code from the project - don't laugh!). Over the past couple of years, I have tried to push my ageing brain constantly, and one of the best ways I've foun
Managing State in Angular Apps with ngrx/store and ngrx/effects (Part 3) In this part, we are going to create the todos filters. This will not be like the Redux official todos example because I want to prepare...
A Step-By-Step Guide for Building Master-Detail User Interfaces with Angular TJ VanToll walks through all of the steps required to build the common master-detail style user interface for the web using Angular (aka Angular 2)
API Keys vs OAuth Tokens vs JSON Web Tokens For an API to be a powerful extension of a product, it almost certainly needs authentication. By building API calls that can read, write, and delete user data, you can magnify an app's influence on its users' lives. So, if authentication is a given, the method is the real...
Parsing And Serializing Large Objects Using JSONStream In Node.js Ben Nadel experiments with JSONStream - an npm module that allows for massive objects to be serialized and deserialized as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) by using Node.js streams to incrementally transform the data.
Angular File Uploads with an Express Backend In this tutorial, I will be teaching on how to upload files in Angular 2+.Throughout this tutorial, Angular means Angular version greater than...
Build a To-Do App with Vue.js 2 Vue is a simple and minimal progressive JavaScript framework that can be used to build powerful web applications incrementally.Vue is a lightweight alternative to...
Making HTTP Calls Using Angular 2 | Codeforgeek HTTP Calls are very important and essential part of any application. In our previous tutorial, we covered how to get started with Angular2 using amazing an
AngularJS vs Angular 2 Which One Is Better? - Angular News Now that Angular 2 is getting ready to be launched, many are wondering if they should switch to it from AngularJS. Everyone that has managed to build a single page application using AngularJS should be aware of the fact that Google and all other popular search browser engines are not too friendly with the software. ... Continue reading "AngularJS vs Angular 2 Which One Is Better?" undefined
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Angular 2 Application Architecture: Build Reux-like Apps with RxJs This post is up to date with the Angular 2 Final Release In this post, we are going to walk through how Angular 2 applications can be built in a Functional Reactive style using the RxJs library that is part of Angular 2 (see Managing State in Angular 2 Applications
3 Common Angular 2 Rxjs Pitfalls These are 3 situations that we can come across while building Angular 2 apps using RxJs. We are going to go over why the issue happens and how to fix it.
Managing State in Angular Apps with ngrx/store and ngrx/effects (Part 2) In my previous article, we learned how to create the todos component and how to fetch them from the server.
Angular 2 HTTP Requests with Observables Making HTTP requests is a vital operation in the life of most front-end applications. Angular 2, which is the hottest thing right now has...
Observables and Reactive Programming in Angular 2 This post was last updated 04/08/2016. Please refer to our Angular 2 eBook for the most recent updates. Angular 2 embraces elements of reactive programming, a paradigm focused on how data flows through an application. To follow the...
Angular2 Http with RxJS Observables Subscribing has never been so easy
angular2-rxjs-chat undefined
Functional Reactive Programming for Angular 2 Developers This post is up to date with the Angular 2 Final Release In this post we are going to go over the concept of Functional Reactive Programming from the point of view of an Angular 2 developer. Most of this is applicable for Angular 1 applications, but the examples in
Testing Components in Angular 2 with Jasmine Dive back into Angular 2 and learn how to test components in a new tutorial in our "Test-driven Development with Angular 2 and Webpack" series.
Three things you didn’t know about the AsyncPipe This article explains three lesser known features of the AsyncPipe that help us to write better async code.
Setting Up ReactJS Environment With ES6, Webpack, and Babel - DZone Web Dev Here, you'll learn how to set yourself up with Facebook's JavaScript Library, ReactJS, by using three different web development tools: Webpack, Babel and React.
StrongLoop | Webinar: LoopBack, MongoDB, and Continuous Integration undefined
JosephusPaye/Keen-UI A lightweight but complete collection of essential UI components written with Vue and inspired by Material Design
How to Create Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB CRUD Web Application
Tutorial of creating Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB CRUD Web Application from scratch using Express.js basic feature.
Introduction To Routing In Angular 2 In this article, you will learn about Routing in Angular 2.
Upload Files Or Images To Server Using Node.js - DZone Web Dev In this post, we tackle the question of how to quickly and easily upload files to a server using Node.js, without writing a single line of server side code.
Serverless REST API with Angular, Persistence and Security - DZone Web Dev In this post, I will develop a task list application with Angular that consumes a serverless REST API, and persists data to a MongoDB database hosted by mLab.
Flex Those JavaScript Array Muscles Sometimes we get so wrapped up in new frameworks, coding styles, and tools we forget to stop and get some of the basics back...
Server-Side Rendering in Angular 2 with Angular Universal Server-side rendering is a headache and if you ever worked with Angular 1, you should be worried about how Angular 2 plans to handle...
Setting Up Ngrx/Store In An Angular 2 Project Setting Up Ngrx/Store In An Angular 2 Project
awesome-angular-components undefined
Say Goodbye to ‘…/…/…/…’ in your TypeScript Imports – Decembersoft Don't you hate writing import lines and not being sure how many dot-dot-slashes you need to get to the right place? Sure, you can look over at the project tree but there are so many files that you've got to scroll and scroll. Oh no... Was that '../../../../' or '../../../../../' ? [scrolls back down]. It drives me bananas.
The Beginner’s Guide to Webpack Dependencies | Toptal undefined
Angular-cli and Global SASS Variables If you worked with a tool like SASS you probably used to have a global file with all your variables, like colors, fonts, etc.
Managing State in Angular Apps with ngrx/store and ngrx/effects (Part 1) – Frontend Weekly This post assumes that you at least have some working knowledge of Angular, Rx and Redux.
Building Real-time Chess with Tony Fischer Chess in Washington Square Park (Flickr) Chess is sweet. If you've ever been to Washington Square Park in New York City and watched a few games in action, or been to any of the c...
Google Maps And Local Storage In Angular 2 In this article, you will learn about Google Maps and Local Storage in Angular 2.
Using Zones in Angular for better performance In this article we'll take a look at how to use Zone APIs to improve our app's performance!
Using Zones in Angular for better performance In this article we'll take a look at how to use Zone APIs to improve our app's performance!
Project of the Week: Dat This week's featured project is Dat, a grant-funded, open source, decentralized tool for distributing data sets. Dat is built and maintained by a geodistributed team, many of whom helped write this post.
10 Best Practices for Writing Node.js REST APIs | @RisingStack In this post we cover best practices for writing Node.js RESTful APIs - including route naming, authentication, API testing or using proper cache headers.
Security+ 2.0 MyQ garage door opener Interface newer garage door openers with more than a relay. By David Smyth.
Vue.js Testing: A High Level Overview This post won't tell you how to write tests for Vue.js, it will cover the role of the packages that come into play which Vue.js template installs for you.
Automating Your Node Workflow with Gulp and Nodemon
A lovely how-to covering how to automate a modern workflow using gulpfiles and nodemon.
Introduction to Angular 2 Observables Hi folks, As promised in the form tuts, today we talk about Observables! This part is very important for Angular 2 and also the future of JavaScript in general. Observables are elements that will g...
Angular-cli - configure your webpack project using the eject functionality Version 32.3 of Angular-cli allow you to create your own webpack.config.js adding the plugin and the configuration that you need
Why I Moved to Vue.js from Angular 2 - Angular News In updating my blog recently, one of the changes I wanted to make was to update my use of the JavaScript framework I used for the contact page. I shoehorned Angular 2 into the contact page as an excuse to use it. By removing Angular 2 I was able to eliminate a lot of pieces ... Continue reading "Why I Moved to Vue.js from Angular 2"
Real Time Chat App Use technologies like Node.js,, and Express to create your own form of communication!
Angular Testing In Depth: HTTP Services Learn how to test HTTP services in Angular. We will start by writing tests for requests and finish by refactoring them to a cleaner format.
Node.js + Containers = Magic – Node.js Collection Node.js and containers are commonly used together because they allow both the development and operations teams to to deliver functions...
Managing State in Angular Applications Victor Savkin is a co-founder of, providing Angular consulting to enterprise teams. He was previously on the Angular core team at...
Why use ExpressJS over NodeJS for Server-Side Development? - Angular News ExpressJS is a prebuilt NodeJS framework that can help you in creating server-side web applications faster and smarter. In short, ExpressJS did for NodeJS what Bootstrap did for HTML/CSS and responsive web design. ExpressJS is hands down the most famous NodeJS framework- so much so that when most people talk about NodeJS they surely mean ... Continue reading "Why use ExpressJS over NodeJS for Server-Side Development?"
Build an Angular App with User Authentication in 10 Minutes Angular is one of the hottest JavaScript MVC frameworks today. If you look at the number of jobs on LinkedIn, you'll see that many...
Dynamically Creating Components With Angular
In this article we will learn how to dynamically create components in Angular.
Application Configuration with Webpack: Update
In a previous article, I outlined a method for application configuration in Webpack using the alias directive. The alias approach is ideal...
Making use of RxJS in Angular Angular is built on the top of RxJS. Learn how you can make use of RxJS in your Angular apps for a clearer and more maintainable codebase.
Vue.js Pizza Maker Tutorial to make this now live via Medium: Fun mini application highlig...
New Features in @angular-cli Version 1.0.0-beta.31 (2017–02–09)
System Notifications with Node.js Notifications can be a godsend or the bane of our existence these days. Every app you install on your phone wants access to notifications, as do desktop apps, and now we have a Web Notifications API along with a Web Push API, just in case you don't already have enough notifications in your life. Appointment reminders from Calendar are always ...
- the open realtime server extremely fast and scalable server for large scale realtime projects
Unirest for Node.js - Simplified, lightweight HTTP Request Library Unirest for Node.js Build Status. License Downloads Gitter. Unirest is a set of lightweight HTTP libraries available in multiple languages, built and maintained by Mashape, who also maintain the open-source API Gateway Kong. Installing. To utilize unirest for node.js install the the npm module:.
What’s New In ExpressJS 5.0 Express 5.0 is currently in the alpha release stage and it will not be quite different from Express 4. While the underlying API...
The Fine Art of the Webpack 2 Config Eventually and with great pain, sometimes we are forced to admit that the hype is well-founded. Webpack really changes things.
Git - Git Hooks Git is a member project of Software Freedom Conservancy, which handles legal and financial needs for the project. Conservancy is currently raising funds to continue their mission. Consider becoming a supporter! Git. About · Documentation · Reference · Book · Videos · External Links · Blog · Downloads.
Learn how to improve your Git skills An introductory guide and resource for Git hooks. Learn how to use pre-commit hooks, post-commit hooks, post-receive hooks, and more. Created by Matthew Hudson, a programmer experimenting with combing Git + WebHooks + Webpipes.
Git Hooks | Atlassian Git Tutorial Guide to using Git hooks: scripts that run automatically when a particular event occurs in a Git repo. They let you customize Git's behavior and trigger customizable actions at key points in the development life cycle.
How To Use Git Hooks To Automate Development and Deployment Tasks | DigitalOcean Git is a very robust and mature version control system that has seen great adoption in recent years. One of git's great features is its ability to use 'hooks' to call arbitrary scripts when certain git events occur. In this guide, we'll discuss the ge
Git Hooks for Fun and Profit When certain commands are run, Git searches the .git/hooks directory for suitable hook scripts which are then executed if found. You'll find a small set of example scripts there, but you can also write your own. This article suggests a handful of custom hook actions which can streamline your development and help improve your efficiency.
Run npm scripts in a git pre-commit Hook · Elijah Manor Run npm scripts in a git pre-commit Hook. 20 Jun 2016. If your team is anything like the one I work with, everyone has their own preferred IDE that they use (Sublime Text, Atom, WebStorm, Vim, Visual Studio Code, etc...) and although most of them have integrated linting support that doesn't guarantee ...
How to Implement Conditional Validation in Angular 2 Model-driven Forms In this article, we will learn about how to handle conditional validation in our model-driven form using the latest forms module. If you are...
How to Implement a Custom Validator Directive (Confirm Password) in Angular 2 In this article, we will be exploring Angular 2 built-in and custom validators.IntroductionAngular 2 supports a few very useful native validators:required:...
Server-Side Rendering in Angular 2 with Angular Universal Server-side rendering is a headache and if you ever worked with Angular 1, you should be worried about how Angular 2 plans to handle...
Manage your Filters Like a Pro in Angular With combineLatest In this article, I want to share with you an efficient and clean way to manage your app filters.
Your first unit test using Angular CLI, Karma and WebStorm | WebStorm Blog
This is a guest blog post prepared by Pete Heard. Pete is a full-stack JavaScript developer who has spent over a decade learning to craft robust software using Test Driven Development and advanced Object Oriented Design. He is the founder of Logic Room, a consultancy that helps organisations ...
JSON-Server as a Fake REST API in Frontend Development IntroductionFrontend development is changing day by day and we have to learn a lot more stuff. When we start learning a new framework or...
Steps to Building Authentication and Authorization for RESTful APIs - DZone Security A guide to the difference between authentication and authorization, and why JSON web tokens are so useful for RESTful APIs.
Pattern printing program The program for the pattern is written in C# programming language and will accept a number as input. The loops will iterate based on the number of entry.
Build a NodeJS cinema booking microservice and deploying it with docker (part 3) Hello community this is the 🏰 third article from the series "Build a NodeJS cinema microservice". This series of articles demonstrate how...
New Coffee Break Course: How to Animate Your Angular 2 App What You'll Be CreatingHow your app looks is as important as how it works, and animation is an important part of modern user interfaces. Whether by changing the color of an element to indicate that...
How to Implement Virtual Hosting Proxy Servers in Nodejs
In this post we are going to learn about implementing virtual hosting proxy server in Node.js. A proxy is a way of routing requests from several different sources through one server whether its for caching, security or anythi...
Basic Building Blocks of Angular 2 Architecture - DZone Web Dev Here's a quick intro into the basic building blocks of Angular 2, along with a look-back at the changes from Angular 1.
Intro to Vue.js: Animations | CSS-Tricks This is the fifth part in a five-part series about the JavaScript framework, Vue.js. In this last part of the series, we'll cover Animations (if you know m
Angular 2+ Classes with NgClass and NgStyle In this blog post, I will be we'll be learning about NgClass and NgStyle in Angular v2.x. Throughout this blog post, Angular...
Vue.js 2 & Vue-Resource – Real-World Vue Application With External API Access Vue.js 2 is great for building powerful single-page web applications. In the following we're going to build a real-world Vue.js 2 application which makes use of an external REST API from By using this free API we...
Ground Control to Major Tom: How NASA Uses Node.js During a spacewalk in 2013, Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano found himself in grave danger — water was leaking into his helmet.
A Beginners Guide to Webpack 2 and Module Bundling In this beginner-friendly webpack 2 tutorial, Mark Brown demonstrates how to set up and configure webpack to transform and bundle all your front-end assets.
Setup a React Environment Using webpack and Babel React is a Javascript library, by Facebook, that is used for building user interfaces. It is a bomb library that offers so many...
A Beginner’s Guide to the Dockerfile | Codeship eBook
In this eBook we will give an overview of the Dockerfile – the building block of Docker images and containers.
Offline-First Web Application Using Redux and PouchDB
How to build an offline-first web application in five steps.
Using Git Hooks in Your Development Workflow IntroductionGit, a version control system created by Linus Torvalds, author of the Linux kernel, has become one of the most popular version control...
Writing Unit Tests in Angular 2 - DiscoverSDK Blog Writing Unit Tests in AngularJS 2 – Using Jasmine and Karma - DiscoverSDK Blog
Intro to Vue.js: Vue-cli and Lifecycle Hooks | CSS-Tricks This is the third part in a five part series about the JavaScript framework, Vue.js. We'll cover Vue-cli, and talk a little more about real-life developmen
Custom Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET MVC
Convert ASP.NET Web Servers to Docker with Image2Docker - Docker Blog A major update to Image2Docker was released last week, which adds ASP.NET support to the tool. Now you can take a virtualized web server in Hyper-V and extract a Docker image for each website in the VM – including ASP.NET WebForms, MVC and ... Continued
.NET Core: Zero to Hero Why did Microsoft take the time to build a general-purpose, modular, cross-platform and open source implementation of .NET? What does it mean to your own enterprise and how can you get started fast? W
Intro to Vue.js: Components, Props, and Slots | CSS-Tricks This is the second part in a five-part series about the JavaScript framework, Vue.js. In this part, we'll go over Components, Props, and Slots. This is not
CQRS Explained - Node.js at Scale | @RisingStack This article explains how CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) works and how you can use it. Example repo and real life use-cases inside.
Build a Music Player with Angular & Electron III : Bringing It All Together This post is the last part of "Build a Music Player with Angular and Electron." In the previous post we discussed presentation components...
A Beginners Guide to Webpack 2 and Module Bundling In this beginner-friendly webpack 2 tutorial, Mark Brown demonstrates how to set up and configure webpack to transform and bundle all your front-end assets.
Bttn.css - Demo Bttn.css library demo
Modern JavaScript Date Utility Library date-fns provides the most comprehensive yet simple and consistent toolset for manipulating JavaScript dates in a browser & Node.js.
Vuelidate | A Vue.js library. Simple, lightweight model-based validation for Vue.js
The 21 Most Awesome Awesome Lists for Node.js Developers Our collection of the 21 best Awesome lists - each an absolute gold mine - for Node.js developers to start using today to step up their Node game.
localtunnel expose localhost to the world
Install Debian Linux on the FireTV Hey guys, I was looking for a way to install some Linux applications on the FireTV. After trying out optware (which installs a package manager to android...
Running Console applications in Docker undefined
The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great Web sites and Web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great Web sites and Web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Build a Music Player with Angular & Electron II : Making the UI In the () post on building a music player with Angular and Electron, we were able to successfully setup an environment where our app...
Announcing Ionic 2.0.0 Final Today, I'm incredibly excited to announce Ionic Framework 2.0.0. Before we get into that, though, a little history lesson is in order... Back in March 2015 the Ionic team was given a unique opportunity to take all the lessons learned building a mobile framework on Angular 1 and reimagine
Using Redux in Angular 2 Apps Learn what Redux is, when to use and why, and how to implement it in an Angular 2 app. This tutorial is part of my course "Build Enterprise Apps with Angular...
Build a Music Player with Angular 2+ & Electron I : Setup & Basics Concepts Last year, I wrote a series on how we can make a music player using React. The app was able to run as...
How to use VPNC (VPN) with Docker Here at Digimondo, we heavily utilize Docker containers to run our Firefly SaaS services.
Show loader on every request in Angular 2
Providing feedback to our users is essential for good user experience. Because Angular is single page application when user navigates to...
Docker for Devs: Creating a Developer Image - DZone Cloud Now that you've covered the basics of containerization, it's time to learn the ins and outs of crafting the image that will form the foundation of your Docker experience.
Vue.js Is Good, But Is It Better Than Angular Or React? - AngularJS News
We would like to compare these two frameworks from a developer's perspective with a few simple how-tos for each framework. Overall, Vue provides an answer to the issue of React & Angular and gives you much simpler and easier way to code. Neither Vue.js is new nor less popular from other frameworks as per it's ... Continue reading "Vue.js Is Good, But Is It Better Than Angular Or React?"
Understanding the basics of Two-Factor Authentication
With data breaches resulting in leaked passwords occurring almost daily, two-factor authentication has become an essential tool in the security toolkit.
WiFi security system using WeMos D1mini (ESP8266) and Blynk!
A system that allows you to detect movement, send alert through your smartphone and turn on and off the lights of your home over internet!. By Brayan Andrés Bermúdez and Edgard Daniel Ucha.
Universal JavaScript Console for Browser, Electron, NW.js, Node.js and Windows
I love JavaScript and I love the productivity and flexibility that comes from a good command line interface. If you have read any of my...
VueJS: First Impressions A brief run through of how it was to work with Vue.JS
Things to Consider Before Containerizing Your App - DZone Cloud Before you rush to Dockerize your app, take a breath and see if it's worth doing first. See how your app's various aspects will interact with a container.
Docker for Devs: Containerizing Your Application - DZone Cloud All right, let's talk about Docker. If you want to containerize your app, this guide is for you, taking you through Dockerfiles and creating images.
Using PouchDB and Couchbase NoSQL in Your Node.js Web App - DZone Database Bring some NoSQL goodness to your server-side and browser-based apps using a combination of PouchDB, Couchbase, and, of course, Node.js.
How to Customize Embedded Demos with Cody.js If you are a front-end developer, you often find yourself embedding demos in a website to showcase something. Maybe you are using any of...
Building a PWA using React, Webpack, and other stuff Building a PWA using React and Webpack (and some other stuff)
Turn any input into an address autocomplete with Vue Places Vue Places provides a fast and easy way to use an address search autocomplete JavaScript library on your website, utilizing the Algolia places library.
Building and Securing Koa and Angular 2 with JWT Single Page Applications (SPAs) can benefit greatly from JWT secured backends. Here we will see how to secure an Angular 2 app, backed by...
Electron Simple Samples We recently hosted an Electron hackathon at GitHub HQ for members of Hackbright Academy, a coding school for women founded in San Francisco. To help attendees get a head start on their projects, our own Kevin Sawicki created a few sample Electron applications. undefined
Create a Full Angular Authentication System with Firebase Learn how to create a full authentication system within Angular using Firebase.
Node.js Async Best Practices & Avoiding Callback Hell | @RisingStack This post covers what tools and techniques you have at your disposal when handling Node.js asynchronous operations. Learn how to avoid callback hell !
🎉 webpack 2.2: The Final Release 🎉 – webpack webpack 2, official apparel, and so much more!
Hands-on Docker for Raspberry Pi Learn everything you wanted to know about running Docker on your Raspberry Pi. Get hands-on creating an IoT doorbell with Python/Flask. This is Docker 101
Angular 2 – Module and Route Structures WRITTEN BY GARETH DUNNE @JSDIARIES. In simple terms, modules are the basic building blocks of our Angular 2 application, whereas routes provide us with paths to point to specific parts of our application. These are both core to an Angular 2 application. It is important to create both with good, ...
ESP8266 WiFi Garage Door Opener from any Web Browser The 'brain' is the ESP8266 uC . It is available with on board WiFi and plenty of I/O for smaller projects. All this for well under $10US...
Optimising your application bundle size with webpack
I recently built a React.js application that can be rated as a moderately complex single page application. I was looking to optimise the...
Webpack: An Introduction - Wisdom Geek Webpack is one of the favorite javascript module bundlers for front end development. An introduction on getting started and a basic configuration for it.
What is MQTT and How It Works | Random Nerd Tutorials In this post, I'm going to introduce you to the MQTT protocol.MQTT stands for MQ Telemetry Transport. It is a nice lightweight publish and subscribe system.
Migrating from Expressjs 4 to 5 With the start of 2017, it's time to adapt these changes
How to Create a Cluster of Docker Containers with Docker Swarm and DigitalOcean on Ubuntu 16.04 | DigitalOcean
Docker Swarm is the Docker-native solution for deploying a cluster of Docker hosts. You can use it to quickly deploy a cluster of Docker hosts running either on your local machine or on supported cloud platforms. Before...
Migrating to Webpack 2: some tips and gotchas - A geek with a hat Webpack 2.2 has reached Release Candidate 4, the last pre-release version. Time to update! Why? Because wait times are too darn high!
New Angular 4 is Coming Why The Third Version Will Be Skipped
PhoneGap Apps with Vue.js? Yes please : Devgirl’s Weblog Vue.js. You've probably heard some buzz lately around Vue.js as one of the frameworks to check out in 2017. Vue.js has actually been around since 2014, but seems to be growing in popularity since Vue 2.0 was released last year. The Vue GitHub page has an impressive number of stars and describes ...
Experimenting with Docker and OpenShift - Fedora Magazine Learn how to work with Docker and the OpenShift docker-registry on your own system without an external service in this Fedora Magazine article.
Securing Node.js: Managing Sessions in Express.js - DZone Web Dev Today's web apps are powered by the dynamic user experience. In great contrast, the HTTP protocol powering those same apps is a stateless protocol. What does that mean?
Putting a UI around Docker with Portainer Since we're smart programmers and ops peeps, every task we execute, we do it through a terminal command, right? But from time to time a...
The Beginner’s Guide to Webpack Dependencies | Toptal
Angular — Clean Up your Form Template In my previous article, we talked about how to show form errors on submit.
UIkit UIkit, a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.
Conditioner.js • Frizz Free, Environment-aware, JavaScript Modules A JavaScript Library for Loading and Unloading Behavior Based on Environment Conditions.
Building a Google Chrome Extension with Couchbase and Angular 2 Couchbase. Nic is a Developer Advocate for Couchbase in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has released several native and hybrid mobile applications to iTunes and Google Play and writes about his development experiences related to making web and mobile app development easier to understand.
Responsive Equal Heights with an Angular 2+ Directive Let's look at a very common use case. You has a list of items, you need to display all nicely on screen in card...
Pretty Url in AngularJS and Loopback. Drop the ‘#’ Pretty Url in AngularJS and Loopback.
Optimizing App Loading Time With Angular 2 Lazy Loading - DZone Performance Developing mobile apps with Angular 2 may result in a file that's too large. With lazy loading, we can split our application to feature modules and load them on demand.
Detect Antivirus is installed in a System using C#
In this post we will be detecting if any antivirus is been installed in a system using C# code. There are time where your application want to know that is if any antivirus is being installed in the client system for not, so t...
aspnet/HttpSysServer HttpSysServer - A web server for ASP.NET Core based on the Windows Http Server API.
Minideb: A Minimalist, Debian-Based Docker Image - DZone Cloud Alpine Linux-based Docker images are small, but they can still bloat up quickly. If you're concerned about image size, search for alternatives, like Minideb.
3 Ways to Pass Async Data to Angular 2+ Child Components Let's start with a common use case. You have some data you get from external source (e.g. by calling API). You want to display...
Vue.js 2 Quickstart Tutorial 2017 Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that focuses on building user interfaces. In this video tutorial you'll learn how to get started with Vue.js 2!
Bundling in .NET Core MVC Applications with webpack
Before we begin, I want to give credit where it's due. This article wouldn't have happened if it weren't for the background information provided by Raja Mani. What Is Bundling And Why Would You Need It? Let's say that you have a massive MVC application. It's a multi-page application, with JavaSc
How to Build an Angular 2 Service Angular 2 is a powerful and feature-complete framework that you can use to build the best web apps. Built with TypeScript in mind, Angular 2 takes advantage of futuristic language features such as...
Essential Angular: Change Detection This is the fourth post in the Essential Angular series, which aims to be a short, but at the same time, fairly complete overview of the...
Control My Christmas Tree Stats I used Home Assistant for a publicly controllable Christmas tree and it worked great!
Generating Maps With Mapnik and Docker - DZone Integration I've used OpenStreetMap to render maps, but ran into a problem with my Retina MacBook Pro. I needed special tiles rendered with a big scale factor to make them sharp.
Angular 2 Gotchas and Interview Questions - DZone Web Dev No framework is perfect, and Angular 2 is not exempt from that. Let's look at some of its pitfalls and even get you prepped for your next interview. After reading, you'll be Angular 2 ready.
Docker Command Cheatsheet - DZone Cloud If you're new to Docker or just want to have a list of handy commands, this cheatsheet will help you install, monitor, maintain, and clean up your images and processes.
Node.js Interview Questions and Answers (2017 Edition) | @RisingStack These are the Node.js Interview Questions you should know if you'd like to nail the best job opportunities of 2017! Puzzles and Answers inside as well!
ESP8266 Relay-control Hello, and welcome to my first Instructable!What will this Instructable show me?I will show you in this Instructable how to control a relay board with 4 relays -or even more- with an Android-Smartphone or a Windows-PC. If you use 4 Relays or less you can use an App for Android or Windows of mine. If you want to use more, you have to continue to develop the code yourself. So, you will get the code I developed yet.What do I need?You will need an ES...
Using Form Controls Without FormsModule Or NgModel In Angular 2.4.1 Ben Nadel demonstrates how to use form controls in an Angular 2 application without having to rely on ngModel. This is nice for one-off inputs where you don't want to import the whole FormsModule.
TypeScript String Enums Derived from photo by Markus Spiske /, CC-BY This post expands upon a popular issue/proposal in the TypeScript GitHub repository called 'String enums'. The proposal is to crea...
How to Setup Docker on Ubuntu Server 16.04 Definitive guide on how to install and setup docker on Ubuntu server 16.04.Container is a light weight VM and technically container is bash a process.
Vue.js Server Side Render Template Dead Simple Vue.js Server Side Render Template
Build Google Maps Typeahead Functionality with Vue.js and Laravel 5.3
In my last post we created a Laravel 5.3 application and added authentication. In this tutorial we are going to add Google Maps API...
Quick and Easy ESP8266 plug via openHAB Here's a relativity affordable plug for those whom wish to build their own hardware. This is a hold-over instructable to give me a little more time to finish my Moteino series Parts: D1 Mini NodeMcu 4M bytes Lua WIFI Development Board ESP8266 by WeMos 1CH Relay Shield V2 Version 2 for WEMOS D1 mini ESP8266 WiFi Module Arduino Cheap USB wall charger I get mine from the $1 store Cheap extension cord Wiremold 20.2-cu in 1-Gang Plastic Old Work Wall ...
Make Your Own File Uploader to Add Files to a Raspberry Pi From Anywhere For most modern computers, you can add a file from anywhere using a service like Dropbox or Google Drive. That doesn't quite exist on a Raspberry Pi, but Instructables user audstanley put together a guide to make your own web uploader.
Give your modals URL address with Auxiliary Routes in Angular
In this article, I'm going to show you how you can create modals and provide them with the ability to act like a "real" page with URL...
Awesome Angular2 Architecture Options and Opinions On the subject of Angular2 Architecture, the perception is that Angular 2 is a highly-opinionated architecture. But even though there is a style guide for Angular 2, there are a lot of decisions that still need to be made when working on any but the most trivial of applications. And even then, since most applications take on a life of their own, one could make the case that you need to make these decisions for any application you are building reg...
Node.js Best Practices - How to Become a Better Developer in 2017 | @RisingStack This post discusses the most important Node.js best practices for 2017, so you can become a better developer. ES2015, Promises, Containers, SemVer & more..
Essential Angular: Dependency Injection This is the fourth post in the Essential Angular series, which aims to be a short, but at the same time, fairly complete overview of the...
Building serverless web application with Angular 2, Webtask and Firebase - Code with style! Recently I've been playing a lot with my pet project Tradux. It is a simple trading platform simulator which I built as an exercise in Redux, event sourcing and serverless architectures. I've decided to share some of the knowledge I learned in the form of this tutorial. We're going to build (guess what?) a TODO...
Using Docker for Microservices - DZone Integration Docker is the reason why many software-powered organizations are moving from monolithic code bases to microservices architectures.
Load images easy using Lazy load with Vue 2 Simple Vue component for lazy loading background images, including options like callbacks.
ASP.NET MVC Hotel Booking System Using AngularJS - AngularJS News // To insert Hotel Room Details We can also edit and delete the booking details. alert( "Room Booking Detail Deleted Successfully!!" In the method, we pass all the user input room details to be inserted in the database . Users can add their hotel room details and block rooms for booked dates. In this article, ... Continue reading "ASP.NET MVC Hotel Booking System Using AngularJS"
ReactJS.NET 3.0 - .NET Core and lots of small tweaks | ReactJS.NET .NET integration for ReactJS
Real-time Visitor Globe with Node.js and WebGL | Tutorialzine undefined
A simple messaging app with React Native and
I never thought I would be writing an article on Medium, but I honestly couldn't find a decent guide or example of using React Native with...
MEAN Stack Setup with Angular 2 Learn more: This video will walk you through my basic MEAN starter setup. It uses Angular 2 on the frontend along with node.js and express. ...
Running Solr in Docker: How and Why - DZone Big Data Running Solr on Docker, you can create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. This gives a significant performance boost and reduces the size of the applications.
NgRx/Store - Redux in AngularJs with super powers How to refactor your existing application in AngularJs using ngrx/store implementing the Redux pattern. Redux is not only reactJs!
Adding Authentication to a Web Application with Auth0, React, and JWT - DZone Web Dev
Don't be left in the dark trying to set up an authentication layer. Learn how to use React and Auth0 to enable authenticated-only sections within a web application, as well as to retrieve protected resources, and more!
Essential Angular: Components and Directives This is the third post in the Essential Angular series, which aims to be a short, but at the same time, fairly complete overview of the key...
Everything ESP8266 Title, Statistics, Last post. ESPUSB Community Project ESPUSB - A community project for all to join and collaborate - ESPUSB is a virtualized USB interface for the ESP82xx and ESP32 (when available), 14 Topics 91 Posts, by RichardS. Thu Dec 22, 2016 4:47 pm. ESPlocalizer
Building Optimized Docker Images with ASP.NET Core If you're exploring docker, you'll often see dockerfiles that demonstrate the simplicity of building a docker image by copying your source into a container and voila, you have a docker image with the environment packaged with your app. FROM microsoft/dotnet WORKDIR /app ENV ASPNETCORE_URLS http://+:80 EXPOSE 80 COPY . . RUN dotnet restore ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "run"] While...
Create a MEAN app with Angular 2 and Docker Compose Docker allows us to run applications inside containers. These containers in most cases communicate with each other.Docker containers wrap a piece of software...
Run IIS + ASP.NET on Windows 10 with Docker Learn how to build your existing .NET applications into Windows Containers with Powershell and official Microsoft IIS images. Even better: use Windows 10.
TypeScript: the missing introduction The following is a guest post by James Henry (@MrJamesHenry). I am a member of the ESLint Core Team, and a TypeScript evangelist. I am working with Todd on U...
StrongLoop | Announcing LoopBack 3.0 GA undefined
Using Docker and Docker Compose for Local Development and Small Deployments | Codementor In this tutorial, I'll introduce Docker, what all the hype has been about, what advantages it can give you, and how you can get started using it for you development projects.
Your First Angular 2, ASP.NET Core Project in Visual Studio Code – Part 5
Derived from photo by Markus Spiske /, CC-BY This is part five in a series of posts teaching you how to create your first Angular 2 application with ASP.NET Core in Visual Studio Code. ...
rstacruz/webpack-tricks webpack-tricks - Tips and tricks in using Webpack
Free Intermediate ASP.NET Core 1.0 Training on Microsoft Virtual Academy At the end of October I announced that Maria from my team and I published a Microsoft Virtual Academy on ASP.NET Core. ...
Dockerfile Tips and Tricks - DZone Cloud If you're looking to get started with Docker, these tips will keep your Dockerfile up to snuff. Pin your dependencies, consider the order of your statements, and clean up.
Carry a Docker Engine in your pocket Get a full Docker Engine in your pocket with a Pi Zero and a USB cable. This 15min guide has everything you need to get started with a container in 15mins.
Server-Side Rendering in Angular 2 with Angular Universal Server-side rendering is a headache and if you ever worked with Angular 1, you should be worried about how Angular 2 plans to handle...
Let users know when they are offline with this Vue component Use the vue-online component to display to users an message when they have been disconnected
Create Easy tooltips with Vue 2.x Find out how to have tooltips with tether-tooltip in your project, using the v-tooltip directive.
Component Inheritance in Angular 2 Angular 2.3 is released! One of the exciting new feature is component inheritance. Component inheritance is very powerful and it can increase your code...
Ok… let me explain: it’s going to be Angular 4.0, or just Angular This is a guest blog post by Juri Strumpflohner. Juri is a full-stack developer, architect and tech lead with a passion for frontend development, especially Angular. Juri writes technical articles on his personal blog and is ...
Essential Angular 2: Compilation I wrote an article about the core concepts of Angular 2 a year ago, during one of the early betas. Most of it is still accurate and...
Voca: The ultimate JavaScript string library Voca provides functions to manipulate strings in JavaScript: change case, trim, pad, slugifly, latinise, sprintf, truncate, escape and more
Create a MEAN app with Angular 2 and Docker Compose Docker allows us to run applications inside containers. These containers in most cases communicate with each other.Docker containers wrap a piece of software...
A Better Way to Learn Angular 2 - Thinkster The de facto roadmap for learning Angular 2. This tutorial series will teach you Angular 2's fundamental concepts paired with real world examples, descriptions, and screencasts.
How to make a Twitter bot with Node.js | @RisingStack This post shows how to make a Twitter bot with Node.js the easiest way. Like, follow and tweet automatically. Full source code included!
StrongLoop | Working with LoopBack Authentication and Authorization undefined
A Brief Introduction To ASP.NET Core In this article, you will learn about ASP.NET as an open source framework and you will see various details of ASP.NET. First, we will differentiate .NET Framework (which 4.6/) and .NET Core (ASP.NET 5.0).
Tutsplus - Modern Web Apps With Angular 2 Tutsplus - Modern Web Apps With Angular 2Duration: 3.1 hrs | Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x720 30fps | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, 2 ch | 1.60 GBGenre: eLearning | Language: English
Component Inheritance in Angular 2 Angular 2.3 is released! One of the exciting new feature is component inheritance. Component inheritance is very powerful and it can increase your code...
Managing State in Angular 2 Apps with ngrx/store Pietro Grandi looks at the problems caused by shared mutable state, and how to avoid them with a one-way data flow like Redux with the ngrx/store library.
Server-Side Rendering in Angular 2 with Angular Universal Server-side rendering is a headache and if you ever worked with Angular 1, you should be worried about how Angular 2 plans to handle...
How to Implement CRUD in Node.js With MongoDB - DZone Database You can use Node.js for your database operations. Take your database to the web with JavaScript templating engines to give you a hand on the way.
Why we chose Angular 2 over React for our enterprise software development work - AngularJS News We aren't comparing Angular 2 with standalone React, we are comparing to React plus all of the additional packages required to get functionality parity with Angular 2 (something like React + Redux + React router + Babel). When we built an app in React we REALLY enjoyed the library. Framework: I am going to use ... Continue reading "Why we chose Angular 2 over React for our enterprise software development work"
Why we chose Vue.js over React | Drupal and Symfony2 developers and designers you were trying to find: Pixeljets We're engaged in creation of websites and identity, which work effectively and really help to accomplish your tasks.
Electron is a Web Developer’s Dream Electron is a framework for building cross-platform desktop apps in Javascript, HTML, and CSS. The folks at GitHub somehow managed to cram the Node.js runtime into the Chromium web browser, letting developers combine the flexibility of HTML and CSS with the ever expanding ecosystem of over 380,000 Node modules.
KUTE.js Features | Javascript Animation Engine An in-depth overview with all KUTE.js features, browser compatibility and performance.
Angular 2 ngFor— Array with Unique Values As developers, sometimes we need to render a list and let the user the ability to add more values to the list.
Angular 2 — Testing Guide – Google Developers Experts Nine easy-to-follow examples using TestBed, fixtures, async and fakeAsync/tick.
StrongLoop | Webinar: Build Simple Search APIs with LoopBack and ElasticSearch undefined
Developer’s Introduction To Chatbots | Tutorialzine undefined
JavaScript Promises for Dummies Javascript Promises are not difficult. However, lots of people find it a little bit hard to understand at the beginning. Therefore, I would like...
Build chatbots using Node.js in Motion AI Today we are incredibly excited to unveil Motion AI's new "Node.js Module" which gives anyone the ability to easily code complex chatbots...
5 Must-Have Visual Studio Code Extensions - Stormpath User Identity API There are some Visual Studio Code extensions that we recommend to .NET developers right off the bat. These are our top five!
Rethinking validations for Vue.js The popular approach There are already good validator libraries dedicated for Vue.js like vue-validator or vee-validate. Both those libraries work quite similarly in that they require you to write the...
ASP.NET Identity Core From Scratch - The Blinking Caret This post describes how you can create a website capable of dealing with user registration, email verification and password reset with ASP.NET Identity Core
Angular 2 Article Series undefined
Getting up and Running with the Vue.js 2.0 Framework Guest author Jack Franklin tries out Vue.js 2.0, and walks through building a basic GitHub API demo to put the framework through its paces.
Meet AdonisJs! A Laravel-style MVC Framework for Node.js
Node.js is one of the emerging technologies to write real-time applications using one of your favorite web languages: Javascript. With the ample choices of...
Intro to Angular 2 – Part 6 – ServiceWorkers In the last installment we learned how to run JavaScripts over different threads by using WebWorkers. This time we'll go a few steps further and learn how to use ServiceWorkers to achieve not only separation of code but also to build up client-side proxies. These proxies are the most important building blocks of so-called Progressive Web Apps as they allow web apps to function under rough conditions like slow bandwidths or broken connections. Ser...
Industry-Tailored App Examples: Node.js | ReactJS | AngularJS | Bootstrap Carson Gibbons is the Co-Founder & CMO of Cosmic JS, an API-first Cloud-based Content Management Platform that decouples content from code...
ESP8266 Webserver Data Using POST Requests and JSON In Arduino IDE (Mac and Windows) In this video we show how to send data to, and process it on, an ESP8266 Webserver. We start with the Webserver code we set up in another video (https://yout...
IoT : Androino Doorlock Do you ever leave your key under doormat or other hidden place so another family member can open the door?or when you arrive at your office and realize your door hasn't been locked.what if another person open your door using the key that you leave.That's not safe.Androino Doorlock have the can lock and unlock your door using RFID card or your Android.Just install the app in your android, so you can check your door condition and you c...
Run multiple Node.js apps with different Node.js version in Same server You may come across a situation where you need to run more than one Node.js apps with different Node.js version to avoid dependency conflict.
Understanding passport.js authentication flow Passport.js is a flexible authentication middleware (allowing users to log in) that can be fully customised and works great with connect/express. It is flexible in the sense that it allows for different authentication strategies (think via Twitter, via our own user database - installed via ...
Node.js databases: Using CouchDB Much like the previous two databases we presented here, CouchDB is an open-source key-value store. But it's also a bit more than that. Each record is not an opaque string: it's a JSON document that the engine understands. By default,...
Internet of Things Messaging, Part 1: Introducing MQTT Internet of Things (IoT) messaging using Arduinos and Raspberry Pi's requires low overhead, rich protocols such as MQTT
HTTP in Angular 2 - DiscoverSDK Blog introduction to http handling using angular 2 - DiscoverSDK Blog
The First Object Database for Node: Introducing Realm Node.js Today, we're announcing something completely different: Realm Node.js.
Help < Skyliner Docker Images. Email support or join us on Slack. Skyliner applications are packaged using Docker. Docker allows you to include all aspects of your application, from OS packages to your application's code, in a single deployable artifact.
How to Build an Image with the Dockerfile Lucero covers how to build an image with the Dockerfile, explaining syntax, best practices, basic tools and runtime libraries, packages and shipping.
A Friendly Introduction to Vue.js | appendTo "Vue (pronounced /vjuː/, like view) is a progressive framework for building user interfaces...The core library is focused on the view layer only, and is very easy to pick up." If you already know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, then picking up Vue is a breeze! In the following article, I'll show you how to get up and running with Vue and how to use it to create a simple UI version of a Hello World! program. I'll make sure to highlight some core featur...
Dockerizing Your Homemade IoT Christmas Light Controller - DZone IoT What's better than making your own light controller? Making it into a Docker image. Follow along to learn how it's done.
How to create custom authorization mechanism? - Total.js Blogs This blog post describes how to create custom authorization mechanism fast and easily. Just create one definition file.
How to send multiple emails in Total.js at once? - Total.js Blogs This blog post offers a great instruction for sending multiple emails at once. Create your own newsletter.
45 (and counting) Core Samples | Coding4Fun Blog | Channel 9 I came across this repo by accident and as soon as I saw it I knew I had today's post. I don't know about you, but I learn code by looking at code. Today's project is 45 and count cool ASP.NET code sa
Best of Visual Studio Code: Features, Plugins, Acting Like Atom and Sublime Visual Studio Code is a free, open source, cross platform text editor made by Microsoft. Orginally based on the Atom text editor...
42 of the Most Useful Raspberry Pi Commands Keeping track of all of the useful Raspberry Pi commands can be overwhelming, so here is a list of the most useful and important ones.
Cooking with ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 In this guide, learn how to create an ASP.NET Core application using Kendo UI for Angular 2 from scratch.
Kendo UI for Angular 2 - Telerik One UI Toolkit for Web, Desktop and Mobile. No Compromises. Best in Class UI Components for Angular 2 Development.
Angular 2 and Observables: Data Sharing in a Multi-View Application - Lucidchart
Learn the benefits Observables can provide when you are developing complex web applications.
5 Best Open source project (examples) built using ANGULAR 2 Are you looking for Projects built using Angular 2 then list is for you Presenting you the list of 5 Best Open source project (MIT) built using ANGULAR2
PouchDB and CouchDB : Database Per User Very common use-case for PouchDB / CouchDB. How to use Couch_peruser plugin? Having trouble with NoSQL as I have SQL background. Database design.
Programming the ESP8266 With the Arduino IDE in 3 Simple Steps - DZone IoT Learn how you can get your ESP8266 up and running ASAP using the Arduino IDE.
Multifactor Authentication in your React Apps TL;DR: Security can't be overemphasized when it comes to developing software applications. A single authentication factor system (e.g username and password) is no longer...
Getting Started With The Loopback SDK Builder RESTful API Application built in the IBM's StrongLoop LoopBack Framework with one or multiple client applications built in Angular 2 , NativeScript 2 and Ionic 2
TypeScript 2.0: More Literal Types TypeScript 2.0 introduces more literal types. In addition to string literal types, we can now declare boolean, numeric, and enum literal types.
Complete Migration guide from Angularjs To Angular2 Inthis Tutorial you will learn how to migrate from angularjs to Angular 2 . this is the Complete Migration guide from Angularjs To Angular2 Angular 2.0 is a
Burn SD cards with Etcher - The MagPi Magazine In our Raspberry Pi 101 series, learn how to create Pi SD cards with Etcher
Angular 2 — Improve performance with trackBy The problem:
JSON Formatter and Validator: Advance JSON Formatter with JSON tools undefined undefined
Build A Media Library with React, Redux, and Redux-saga – Part 1 Building applications with React can be overwhelming even after you've understood the elegant philosophy behind it. More so, managing large applications with React can...
Angular 2.0 Top 10 from October In this month, we've ranked nearly 1,000 articles to pick the Top 10 (1%).
Play Your Own Theme Tune When You Enter the Room With Raspberry Pi Have you ever wanted to arrive home to a personal welcome? In this simple Raspberry Pi project we'll use a reed switch to trigger a tune when a door is opened.
PiBakery - The blocks based, easy to use setup tool for Raspberry Pi PiBakery is a program that allows you to customise your Raspberry Pi in the easiest possible way. You can add programs, edit settings and modify files, all through an easy to use block based interface.
Docker Hello World Example In this example we will explore different ways of running basic "Hello, World" containers ...
Installation of mongodb on windows as a service with powershell >> Iris Classon Yesterday 'the' day finally came. The day I got the A-Okay to set up a document database for our system. While I certainly appreciate MS SQL and alike there are different types of databases to cover different types of scenarios. I had not so discreetly made a plea for using a document database ...
Bookshop With React & Redux II: Async Requests With Thunks Previously, we got ourselves started with React with Redux fundamentals and touched all the core concepts of Redux including Actions, Reducers and Stores....
Cage Develop and deploy multi-container Docker applications
Light, Fan, and Dimmer Control With ESP8266 and Cayenne undefined
New in IdentityServer4: Clients without Secrets Over the next weeks I will do short blog posts about new features in IdentityServer4. The primary intention is to highlight a new feature and then defer to our docs for the details (which will also...
Angular 2 — Introduction to Redux – Google Developers Experts How to use Redux in Angular 2 Applications
Token-Based Authentication With Node - Michael Herman This tutorial takes a test-first approach to implementing token-based authentication in a NodeJS app using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).
Angular 2 — Making your component auth-aware By: Netanel Basal (Angular Expert) and Yaron Biton, CTO
Angular 2 Forms — Create Async Validator Directive By: Netanel Basal (Angular Expert) and Yaron Biton, CTO
First Steps: Docker and Containers in Windows Server 2016 - Petri Find out how to deploy an image to a container in Windows Server 2016, create a new image, and upload it to Docker.
How To Build Your Own Amazon Echo With A Raspberry Pi The Amazon Echo is useful to have around the home. It can play podcasts, take reminders and notes, tell you the length of your commute, even control other appliances in your house. But it's unavailable in Australia, and importing it is an expensive proposition if you're not sure you̵...
Node.js code hotswapping with DevTools - Chrome DevTools - Dev Tips Chrome DevTools - Live edit running Node.js code with hotswapping - Subscribe to Dev Tips to get these in your inbox
Setting up your React /ES6 Development environment with Webpack, Express and Babel -You should try learning React, it's 2016. First you need to add React and React DOM as a library in your webpage.
Angular 2 Transclusion using ng-content Wait a minute... What is transclusion?Understanding TransclusionDon't get confused by the term Transclusion. It's best explained using an example.Let's say we have a card...
Get up and running with CouchDb and C# using MyCouch on Windows This will show you how easy it is to get CouchDb up and running on a Windows machine. I will show you how to use the builtin admin tool to secure the server as well as the database that we will create. I will then show you how easy it
Introduction · electron-vue Overview. The aim of this project is to remove the need of manually setting up electron apps using vue. electron-vue takes advantage of vue-cli for scaffolding, webpack and vue-loader , and some of the most used plugins like vue-router , vuex , and more.
Community Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Angular 2 — Explore The Renderer Service By: Netanel Basal (Angular Expert) and Yaron Biton, CTO
Build a Bookshop with React & Redux I: React Redux Flow At some point in your complex React project, you are going to need a state management library. Redux is a good choice because of...
Building Hybrid Applications with Electron Today we've just shipped a new version of the Slack Desktop application for macOS. We built it with Electron, and, as a result, it's faster...
File Upload with Angular 2 and Node.js | Code | CipherTrick In this tutorial, we will learn to implement file upload using Angular 2 and Node.js. First part we will look at File upload with Node.js,second File Upload with Angular 2
Angular 2 Forms — Create Async Validator Directive By: Netanel Basal (Angular Expert) and Yaron Biton, CTO
Angular 2 — Making your component auth-aware By: Netanel Basal (Angular Expert) and Yaron Biton, CTO
Send SMS Messages with Node.js and Express | Tutorial 📱💭 A step-by-step tutorial on how to send SMS messages with Node.js and Express using the Nexmo SMS API and Node.js client library.
Persistent Connections With Node.js and - DZone Web Dev What's the best way to add socket communications to your Node.js application? That's hard to say, but in this article, Cliff Hall shows you one quick and easy way to do it.
feross/electron-workshop electron-workshop - Workshop: Build cross-platform desktop apps with Electron
React Native with Apollo Server and Client — Part 1 We will be using a combination of React Native, Apollo Client, Apollo Server, GraphQL, Express, and MongoDB to build a full stack mobile...
Raspberry Pi OwnCloud 9 Easy install raspberry pi 2,raspberry pi owncloud 8,raspberry pi webserver,raspberry pi smart tv,raspberry pi xbmc kodi,project pi,raspberry pi nas openmediavault
forever-service undefined
Getting Started EventEmitters in NodeJS In this tutorial we will be exploring the built-in events module in NodeJs and particularly the EventEmitter class through a couple of practical examples.
Multiple File upload with Node.js We have covered Ajax file upload in Node.js but it was for single file at a time. In this tutorial we will learn how to do multiple file uploads using Multer and Express in Node.js.
Restarting node server with Agenda jobs Node is the future, it is that simple. With that being said, one of the important things one will look for is how to start cron-jobs,
Building polling app with RethinkDB and Nodejs RethinkDB and Nodejs is perfect combination to build your next real time web application. RethinkDB provides combination of SQL and NoSQL data model
Getting started with RethinkDB RethinkDB is open source document based database system designed for developing real-time application. RethinkDB revolutionise the way data flows in real-time application
Getting started with RaspberryPi without Screen Getting started with RaspberryPi. How to install the Raspbian Jessie on it, and how to configure it so that you would not need any screen to communicate with it !
Getting Started with Webpack Webpack has quickly become one of the most popular choices among web developer build tools. The basics included in the webpack tutorial,It can quickly build, minify, split & do a whole wonder of other things to your code.
Building a RESTful API With Node - OAuth2 Server we will dive into creating an OAuth2 server and allowing access to API endpoints for the authorized user or authorized applications.
Getting Started Node.js and Redis ☞ 8ek9p9l.jpg
Announcing Cage: Develop and deploy complex Docker applications At Faraday, we rely heavily on microservices to analyze data, generate maps and make predictions. All our microservices run inside Docker containers, which makes it easy to run our code either locally or in the cloud. But if you've ever worked on a large project with lots of services, you're
Zero to Hero with React and Redux ☞ Zero to Hero with React & Redux.png
Simple Pagination for Angular 2 Applications | Code | CipherTrick In this tutorial, we will learn to implement pagination inside ngFor directive for Angular 2 Applications. We will try to keep it as simple as possible.
The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great Web sites and Web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great Web sites and Web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Near-Realtime Analytics with MongoDB, Node.js & SmoothieCharts - codecentric Blog In this blog post we'll have a look at how easy it is to do some (near-)realtime analytics with your (big) data. I will use some well-known technologies like MongoDB and node.js and a lesser known JavaScript library called Smoothies Charts for realtime visualization. Streaming Data from MongoDB There is no official API to stream... Read more
Build a real-time polls application with Node.js, Express, AngularJS, and MongoDB undefined
Getting to Know Angular 2’s Module: @NgModule Angular 2 has re-introduced the module concept since RC 5 onwards (and now Final Release!). Why do we say reintroduced instead of just introduced?...
FireLoop - NodeJS Real-Time Platform NodeJS Real-Time Platform. Designed for Modern Real-Time Applications by MEAN Expert. Get Started. Whats new. News from the Blog. News from the Blog, here you will find nice examples, tutorials and guides to get you started and informed about the latests FireLoop Updates. image ...
How to build Real-time App With Angular 2, Loopback & There is something very important I need to announce, I'm very excited to publish now that an amazing feature has been added into the LoopBack SDK Builder; its name FireLoop!
How to create your own TypeScript type definition files (.d.ts) and contribute to DefinitelyTyped on GitHub • Wolk Software Engineering Learn how to create your own type definition files and how to contribute to the TypeScript community at DefinitelyTyped Helping your community is AWESOME It is Saturday evening and it's raining a lot in Ireland. So I decided to spend some time... | Wolk Software Limited | A group of young and ambitious people dedicated to creating cutting-edge applications in combination with beautiful and functional design.
TN1ck/typescript2-react-redux-cssmodules-boilerplate typescript2-react-redux-cssmodules-boilerplate - TypeScript 2.0 boilerplate with react, redux, css-modules and hot-reloading.
Creating Role Based Authentication with Passport in Ionic 2 – Part 2 In this tutorial series, we are walking through how to create a role-based authentication system with Ionic 2 using Passport. In short, we want to create a way to provide different users with diffe...
Creating Role Based Authentication with Passport in Ionic 2 – Part 1 There many ways we can authenticate users in Ionic 2 applications and most of them are quite simple to implement. We could use Ionic Auth, social logins (Facebook, Google, Twitter), Firebase, Super...
felicienfrancois/node-innosetup-compiler node-innosetup-compiler - Node wrapper to compile inno setup scripts (.iss)
Getting Started with Windows Containers
As you probably know, Microsoft announced the RTM of Windows Server 2016 two weeks ago during Microsoft Ignite. Since yesterday, this bits are available and you can start to work with this new version, that brings containers to the Windows ecosystem (and many more features that you can discover here) This article will help you...
FormidableLabs/nodejs-dashboard nodejs-dashboard - Telemetry dashboard for node.js apps from the terminal!
The differences between AngularJS and Aurelia Several people have commented on the fact that this article compares Aurelia to Angular 1.x instead of Angular 2; this is by design.
StrongLoop | The Node.js Debug Module: Advanced Usage undefined
Angular Router: Preloading Modules Lazy loading speeds up our application load time by splitting it into multiple bundles, and loading them on demand. We designed the router...
ZeroMQ & Node.js Tutorial: Cracking JWT Tokens (Part 1) | @RisingStack Learn to build a distributed application with ZeroMQ and Node.js by developing an exciting sample project: a brute-force cracker for JWT tokens. 1st part.
Which Should You Use: Webpack or Browserify & Gulp? | Toptal
What you need to know about Docker Considering it only came into existence in 2013, Docker has experienced a monumental rise in both the consumer and business markets. From such humble beginnings, (the earliest version of the technology was developed by founder Solomon Hykes in his mother's basement), Docker has managed to secure a number of high-profile partners and in 2015 received a valuation in excess of $1 billion. But what exactly is Docker?
Dreams Do Come True! Named Router Outlets in Angular 2 - One Hungry Mind undefined
How to marry ReactJS and Sitecore with Webpack CONTEXT There were a few posts on the internet on how to integrate front-end code into a Sitecore solution. It all started with a post from Alex Shyba. Back in February, he describes the general co...
Visual Studio Code updated with TypeScript 2.0, Format On Save, and more - MSPoweruser Visual Studio Code has been updated once again with a host of new features. Microsoft today released version 1.6 of the code editor, bringing TypeScript 2.
Build a Material Design app with Angular 2 This walkthrough reveals how to create a DialogComponent and to-do app with Angular Material and the Angular CLI.
Resolving route data in Angular 2 We often want to make sure that some certain data is available before a component is instantiated via routing. In this article you'll learn how to resolve route data.
Getting Started With Ionic: Cordova What You'll Be CreatingIn this final installment in the Getting Started with Ionic series, you'll learn how to leverage Cordova to add device hardware capabilities to your app. We'll look at how to...
Getting Started with Web Workers in HTML5 - Multi Threading in JavaScript In this post we will be discussing about web workers in HTML5. Web Workers allows us to write a multi-threaded JavaScript applications. A...
Dockerized Web API in .NET Core This weekend I decided to try setting up a simple Web API with .NET Core and Docker running it on Li
Arduino Experimenter’s Guide for NodeJS ABOUT THIS GUIDE. NodeBots are Arduino-based robots that are controlled by node.js. This guide will step you through assembling and progamming a number of projects using an Arduino-compatible microcontroller and node.js, to help you get started building your own NodeBots.
How to reference an existing .NET Framework Project in an ASP.NET Core 1.0 Web App I had a reader send me a question yesterday. She basically wanted to use her existing .NET Framework libraries in an ...
Identity Server 3 Standalone Implementation Part 2 A basic stand alone implementation of Thinktecture's Identity Server 3. Part 2 of this guide details the implementation of a form post client to explicitly interact with the Identity Server implementation covered in part 1 and dig into some of OpenID Connect's core concepts.
Identity Server 3 Standalone Implementation Part 1 A basic stand alone implementation of Thinktecture's Identity Server 3. Part 1 of this guide details the Identity Server implementation itself using the default implicit flow and the necessary configuration to do this.
JSON Web Token Tutorial: Example using AngularJS & Laravel We will want to publish the package config using the following command: php artisan config:publish tymon/jwt-auth JWT's standard is still not finalized, but there won't be any major cha...
Versioning and Releasing Angular In order for the ecosystem around Angular to thrive, developers need stability from the Angular framework so that reusable components and li...
wysiwyg.css A tiny CSS for generated HTML or Markdown content.
lory Touch enabled minimalistic slider written in vanilla JavaScript
reflexbox undefined
Angular2 OpenID Connect Implicit Flow with IdentityServer4 This article shows how to implement an OpenID Connect Implicit Flow client in Angular2. The Angular2 client is implemented in Typescript and uses IdentityServer4 and an ASP.NET core 1.0 resource se...
StrongLoop | Using LoopBack to Build APIs For APIs undefined
Electrode | Universal React and Node.js Application Platform @WalmartLabs Powered Open source React/Node.js application platform from Walmart Labs. Scaffold an app and deploy to the cloud in minutes with Electrode.
WalmartLabs open sources the application platform that powers | TechCrunch undefined
osrec/currencyFormatter.js currencyFormatter.js - A super simple currency formatting library
Blink a led over WiFi with Node.js, Johnny Five and the Esp8266 module This post builds up on the previous post Blink a led with an Arduino and Johnny-five , now lets turn on/off our led over WiFi Update the ...
Angular 2 lazy loading with Webpack It took me some time to figure out how to setup lazy loading with Angular 2 in combination with Webpack, therefore I wrote this article to...
Using JOINs in MongoDB NoSQL Databases NoSQL databases use denormalized data, so relational JOINs are impossible. Craig explains how MongoDB's new $lookup operator overcomes this restriction.
Introducing PIXEL - Raspberry Pi It was just over two years ago when I walked into Pi Towers for the first time. I only had the vaguest idea of what I was going to be doing, but on the first day Eben and I sat down and played with the Raspbian desktop for half an hour, then he asked me "do ...
Electron’s API Docs as Structured Data Today we're announcing some improvements to Electron's documentation. Every newrelease now includes aJSON filethat describes all of Electron's public APIs in detail. We created this file toenable developers to use Electron's API documentation in interesting new ways.
Get Started With Angular 2 and TypeScript AngularJS turned the front-end development world upside down when it was released, bringing together a number of new or recent web application development practices into a powerful and easy-to-use...
Build a Single Page Application with Angular 2 | CipherTrick Angulat 2 has finally released. This is the time to get started. In this Angular 2 tutorial, we will build a simple single page application with Angular 2.
Angular 2 is out - Get started here Yes. The day has come. Angular 2 is finally released and here's how to get started.
Revisited: Creating An Event-Driven Pre-Bootstrap Loading Screen In Angular 2.0.0
Ben Nadel briefly revisits an earlier post on creating an event-driven pre-bootstrap loading screen in Angular 2; this time, with cleaner abstractions and boundaries that make the implementation more platform-agnostic.
Angular 2: From Services To Reactive Effects With Ngrx/Effects In a former article, I wrote an introduction for integrating ngrx/effects with angular 2 - a functional approach for reacting to a chain of events. Since then, based on this approach, I defined more side effects for several actions in my open source project, Echoes Player. It has really proven itself to be worthwhile in terms of...
Android User Registration and Login with Node.js and MongoDB - Server #1 In this series of tutorials we will develop a complete login, registration and authentication system with Node.js and MongoDB database.
Pareto.js by concretesolutions Pareto.js. An extremely small, intuitive and fast functional utility library for JavaScript. View on GitHub Download .zip Download .tar.gz. pareto.js. An extremely small, intuitive and fast functional utility library for JavaScript. Only 15 core functions; Written in ES2015 ...
433MHz RF Communication from a Raspberry Pi – Behind The Scenes This post will explain how to get up and running with the 433MHz RF Transmitter Receiver modules to send radio frequency signal-codes from a Raspberry Pi to other devices.
StrongLoop | Creating REST APIs from Data Models in API Connect undefined
How to build .NET Microservices ASP.NET Core ASP.Net 5 Tutorial for Beginners ☞ ASP.NET 5 & MVC 6 Tutorial for Beginners ☞ Masterin...
Angular 2 Form Validation Angular 2.0 final was made official just a few days ago and there's never been a better time to dive in. In the last...
.NET Framework on Raspberry Pi How to install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 on Raspberry Pi using Wine and ExaGear Desktop. Step-by-step instruction.
Open source projects for the Internet of Things, from A to Z This guide to 21 open source projects for IoT ranges from standards organizations to open source frameworks and dev tools.
sebhildebrandt/systeminformation systeminformation - System Information Library for Node.JS
Dataplicity: Remotely control your Raspberry Pi Remotely access your Raspberry Pi from anywhere in the world via your web browser without DynDNS, VPN, Static IP or Port Forwarding. Sign up for free today
Great ES6 features to enhance Node.js development | Code | CipherTrick This article contains a list of awesome ES6 features that we use for our Node.js development.
Home Automation with AngularJS and node.js on a Raspberry Pi - codecentric Blog In this blog post I show how you can quickly setup and implement a control software for your switches at home with some modern JavaScript stuff. This project should primarily help me to get more in touch with these kinds of freaky scripting and this is maybe helpful for other Java Developers or people who... Read more
Optimize your Angular 2 Application with Tree Shaking Angular 2 is massive. Just to create a "hello world" application, we might end up with a bundle of more than 2.5 MB. If you have a 50 mbps internet connection, that might not seem problematic but most people...
2.0 The Apache CouchDB development community is proud to announce the immediate availability of version 2.0. See also the official Apache Press Release. CouchDB 2.0 is 99% API compatible with the 1.x s...
4 must-know tips for building cross platform Electron apps Electron, the technology that powers Avocode among many other apps, allows you to very quickly get a cross-platform desktop application up and running. Check out these first-hand tips and avoid ending up in the uncanny valley of apps. Apps that don't feel _quite_ in place among your other apps.
Access your Raspberry Pi over the Internet Accessing Raspberry Pi via the Internet. By Ramin Sangesari.
Riot. Break through. Break through. Riot allows teams to communicate across a wide range of collaboration apps. If some team members use Riot while others use IRC, Slack or Gitter, Riot will allow these team members to seamlessly work together. Riot offers the richest network of communication bridges.
Basic Video Surveillance with the Raspberry Pi - Open Home Automation Sometimes, you would like to monitor your home from another angle that what the Raspberry Pi camera can achieve. In order to do that, you will need to use an external USB camera. In this project we are going to see how to connect an external USB camera to your Raspberry Pi, and make a simple video ...
Angular Router: Declarative Lazy Loading Angular 2 is built with the focus on mobile. That's why we put a lot of effort into making compiled and bundled Angular 2 applications...
Getting Started with Webpack: Module Bundling Magic During application development, building parts of your application as modules helps improve reusability, and readability. With the rise of frontend frameworks like React, Angular...
Home | DefinitelyTyped The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions
bapatel1/nodejs-express-es6-boilerplate nodejs-express-es6-boilerplate - Sample boilerplate project for node.js and express using ES6 & Babel.
bapatel1/nodejs-express-typescript-boilerplate nodejs-express-typescript-boilerplate - Sample boilerplate project for node.js, express using TypeScript and Gulp.
How To Build A Chart Component in Angular 2 and D3 Previously on Building Easy Stats with Angular 2, D3 and LoopBack I explained how to integrate Angular 2 with StrongLoop's LoopBack Framework by using
Building Easy Stats with Angular 2, D3 and LoopBack (Revised Version) Previously on PRESENTING: LoopBack SDK Builder V2 I presented the first stable release of The SDK Builder that seamlessly and beautifully integrates T
Server Side Rendering With StrongLoop Previously on The Ultimate Guide For Native App Development I explained a wonderful way to integrate MongoDB with the IBM StrongLoop's LoopBack Framew
InversifyJS InversifyJS is a lightweight inversion of control (IoC) container for TypeScript and JavaScript apps.
Transpiling ES6 | CSS-Tricks While support for ES6 is always increasing, we can't always assume that users will be using a browser that supports all its features. So, in order to utili
REST API using Node.js This post is a step by step guide to create a CRUD REST Endpoint using Node.js, Express and TypeScript.
Angular2 TypeScript Gulp and ExpressJS undefined
github/gitignore A collection of useful .gitignore templates
Test Your Ionic App on Real Android and iOS Devices with AWS Device Farm Bryan Segale is a specialist in mobile testing and test automation for AWS Mobile. We live in a world in which the variety of device manufacturers, models, operating systems, and screen sizes combine to create a device test matrix that is seemingly infinite in size. Ionic takes care of a lot of the
Announcing PWA support in Ionic 2 As you know, we're huge fans of progressive web apps, which are distributed with just a URL, offer an app-like experience using modern web APIs, and allow users of your app to get instant access to your app's functionality, all without having to download your app from an app store. One of
Using Winston, a versatile logging library for Node.js | thisDaveJ This tutorial explores Winston, a logging library for Node.js that can be used in Node web and CLI applications, including IoT applications using timestamps.
{{ title }} undefined
Node.js + RPi + IKEA = Trophy Lighting An adventure with IKEA shelving and lighting, a Raspberry Pi, and Node.js to create controllable shelf lighting to make your books look smart, trophies look shiny, and guests look impressed with your nerdiness.
Control office lights using SF1 + NodeJS + Arduino Control lights using Salesforce 1 + NodeJS + Arduino. Using the Streaming API to send updates to the board.
nneves/Raspberrypi_GPIO Raspberrypi_GPIO - Remote control appliances via WebInterface by using a RaspberryPi + Node.js + GPIO Relay control board (turning On/Off a coffee machine, toaster, heater, etc from a webpage in yo...
Create a Simple To-Do App With React You could be wondering what is so special about React; What we will do is pick up from a previous post about React...
Building Easy Stats with Angular 2, D3 and LoopBack (Revised Version) Previously on PRESENTING: LoopBack SDK Builder V2 I presented the first stable release of The SDK Builder that seamlessly and beautifully integrates T
Menu Hover Effect - Codepad undefined
Great ES6 features to enhance Node.js development | Code | CipherTrick This article contains a list of awesome ES6 features that we use for our Node.js development.
ASP.NET Core with Angular2 - tutorial In this post, I would like to show you, how to set up an application using ASP.NET Core as an API for Angular2 frontend. The whole project, which you can use as a template, can be found on GitHub.
Building polling app with RethinkDB and Nodejs RethinkDB and Nodejs is perfect combination to build your next real time web application. RethinkDB provides combination of SQL and NoSQL data model
Click here to proceed. undefined
Decode 433 MHz signals w/ Raspberry Pi & 433 MHz Receiver | PrinceTronics This post will show you how to read 433 MHz codes using a Raspberry Pi. This tutorial was made to complement the Voice Controlling project which needed 433 MHz
Making Your Garage Door Email, Tweet, or SMS: Part 1 | Richard L. Lynch At some point, most everyone forgets to close their garage door when leaving for work, or wonders if they closed it before leaving for vacation. This series of posts will cover how to easily build a system that will notify you by email, tweet, or SMS if your garage door has been left open.
#!/bin/bash set -e nvm_has() { type “$1” > /dev/null 2>&1 return … bin/bash set -e nvm_has() { type "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 return $? } if [ -z "$NVM_DIR" ]; then NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" fi nvm_download() { if nvm_has "curl"; then curl $* elif nvm_has "wget"; then # Emulate curl with wget ARGS="$*" ARGS=${ARGS/--progress-bar /--progress=bar } ARGS=${ARGS/-L ...
angular2-ui-switch switch button for angular2
React-MDL: React Components for Material Design Lite react logo. React-MDL. React Components for Material Design Lite. npm install --save react-mdl. –. See the components list to see what you can start using. And the templates to have real examples.
Getting Started with PouchDB Client-Side JavaScript Database Jatin Shridar introduces PouchDB, an in-browser NoSQL, document database. Learn how to store your app data locally and later sync it with a server-side DB.
CSS3 Demo: CSS Dusk / Sunset Animation - CSSReflex CSS3 Demo: CSS Dusk / Sunset Animation
PiBakery - The blocks based, easy to use setup tool for Raspberry Pi PiBakery is a program that allows you to customise your Raspberry Pi in the easiest possible way. You can add programs, edit settings and modify files, all through an easy to use block based interface.
angular2 calendar angular2 calendar. Demo; Installation · Documentation. Loading demo...
Getting Started with CSS Counters As web developers, proper representation of information is an important feature. One way to properly display information is by denoting hierarchy, answering the question...
Implementing cross-cutting concerns in Angular 2 with TypeScript - JAXenter Many software projects involve cross-cutting concerns like logging, caching or security. Designing for these concerns is time well spent as these aspects tend to lead to duplicated or strongly coupled code. Accidental complexity and code that is hard to extend or maintain can occur when the proper design for these aspects is being neglected.
Quick Tip: Working with the JavaScript Battery API | Tutorialzine undefined
Angular 2 Change Detection Explained Wonder how change detection in Angular 2 works? This article is a write-up of that talk and discusses change detection and tricks to make is super fast.
Simple AJAX using HTML attributes undefined
Webpack for The Fast and The Furious – Free Code Camp This is a guide that is meant to help you ease your development workflow and save your time by using a bunch of awesome tools that you've...
52-technologies-in-2016 undefined
Install MongoDB and Node.js on a Raspberry Pi | Yannick Loriot This tutorial is the second part of the series on raspberry pi. In this part we will focus on the installation of MongoDB and Node.js that will run at startup. MongoDB is a popular NOSQL database that...
Rubix WebApp :: Admin Template Rubix Admin Template
CoreUI - Admin Theme Bootstrap 4 & Angular 2 Open Source Admin Template Demo | GitHub Project
Raspberry Pi Garage Door Opener with GaragePi (Example) A protip by chase_chou about pi, raspberry, garage, door, opener, and garagepi.
Arduino WiFi Garage Door Opener undefined
Getting started with Nodejs and Arduino UNO Tutorial NodeBots Day is here! This post is aimed at very basic hello world type examples of using NodeJS as a server to run JavaScript code on Arduino UNO hardware.
Managing Node versions with nvm Working with NodeJS is a lot of fun, managing versions not so much. If you have ever done any serious Node development you have probably ran into some version problems at some point. Luckily that is a problem that is easily solved with nvm. What is nvm? nvm stands for
StrongLoop | Containerizing Node.js Apps with Docker and StrongLoop undefined
Nodal — API Services Made Easy With Node.js Build your next API service with Nodal and focus on creating an effective product in a short timespan while minimizing technical debt.
Electron is Amazing - The Blinking Caret This post is a simple how-to get started with Electron. It contains specifics you need to know if you already are a web dev, and a pomodoro timer as a bonus
Scanning Barcodes with NativeScript and Angular 2 - Nic Raboy walks through how to build a NativeScript app that scans barcodes and retrieves and stores product information from a NoSQL database.
Angular 2 — Introduction to Redux – Google Developer Experts How to use Redux in Angular 2 Applications
Angular 2 — Introduction to new HTTP Module – Google Developer Experts New Data Architecture using Reactive Programming and Observables
Building Apps using Redux with Angular 2 by Gerard Sans Redux is an architecture made famous by Facebook and React. It is based on Flux so it provides a solid base to create complex applications. In this talk we are going to use a basic application to showcase Redux while using Angular 2. undefined
Routing Angular 2 Single Page Apps with the Component Router
We have been so eager here at Scotch to create a comprehensive guide on Angular 2 Component Router. Now that a reliable version...
UIkit A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces. Download UIkit. GitHub · Get Started · 7292 Stargazers · 1409 Forks · @getuikit · Community. Features. UIkit gives you a comprehensive collection of HTML, CSS, and JS components which is simple to use, ...
Adjustment Loaders Based on dribbble shot by Harika Deng
Angular-CLI Meets Webpack the single greatest improvement since 'ng g'
Build a React App with User Authentication React is an awesome way to build web UIs. This JavaScript library allows you to turn complex UIs into simple and reusable components that...
Three Ways to Test Angular 2 Components – Angular 2 In this article we will look at three ways to test Angular components: isolated tests, shallow tests, and integration tests.
ASP.NET Core 1.0 with PostgreSQL and Dapper - CRUD Operations Example - TechBrij CRUD operations in ASP.NET Core with PostgreSQL database using Dapper ORM.
Raspberry Pi Emulator - The Ultimate Retro Gaming Machine A Raspberry Pi Emulator can provide you with hundreds of hours of fun and remembering those good times playing those great retro games.
Moving Chrome apps to desktop apps is now easy, thanks to Electron Chrome Earlier this month, Google announced they were killing off Chrome apps for Mac, Windows, and Linux. While it makes logical sense to remove a feature that a... by Corbin Davenport in Applications, News
ReactJS Event Handling In ES6 flavor - ReactJS support event handling using SyntheticEvents. These synthetic events are wrapper around Browser event.This wrapper provides cross browser supports. In this demo, "We will learn to use synthetic event in a ReactJS component". The following code contains MyButtonComponent in ReactJS.In its render method a button is assigned with a click synthetic event using onClick. This ...
Realtime Chatting App Using Angularjs & IN This tutorial we'll Create a Real-time Chatting App Using Angularjs & Tutorial is divided in Three chapter . In First Chapter We'll learn
Document your Already Existing APIs with Swagger We recently covered speeding your restful api development with Swagger. The article is really clear on how to use swagger, and I would...
Networked Garage Door Opener Using a WiFi chip and a Pro Micro, I can open and close my garage door using my phone from anywhere I want. By Levi Truelove.
Raspberry Pi + Docker: HypriotOS 1.0.0 Linux Brings Containers To Your Pi Short Bytes: HypriotOS 1.0.0 release recently arrived. It enables you to run Docker containers on entire Raspberry Pi family. HypriotOS is a Debian derivative
blacksonic/angular2-aot-webpack angular2-aot-webpack - Angular 2 AOT (Ahead Of Time) offline compilation example with Webpack
Turn any hard drive into networked storage with Raspberry Pi - CNET A NAS solution can cost several hundred dollars. If you have an unused Raspberry Pi and a few hard drives lying around, you can make one yourself without spending a dime.
How to integrate Node.JS/React App with Xero As a software business owner you might want your software to communicate with other apps around the web,full stack javascript application written with Node.JS, Express, React and MongoDB
Angular 2 Charts With RC5 Google keeps dropping release candidates on us, so here are some Angular 2 charts with release candidate 5!
Getting Started with React.js and D3.js Getting Started with React.js and D3.js
typescript-node undefined
Building and Securing a Modern Backend API Many modern applications separate the backend services from the frontend user interface. In this type of architecture, the backend will expose a web based...
Getting started NativeScript Angular 2 and Ionic Framework 2 While there is a big buzz around Angular 2 and the Ionic Framework 2, a new force awakens in the shadow of the cross-platform development world.
Introduction | MobX 
Setting Up Angular 2 with Webpack Take a look at the steps needed to set up a test-driven Angular 2 project with Webpack and TypeScript.
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Using ES7 Async/Await in Node.js & Babel.js Async/Await is a JavaScript ES7/ES2016 language feature that allows you to write,import fetch from 'node-fetch',This blog post explains how to use the ES7 transpiler Babel with Node.js
Introducing Webpack Dashboard> Introducing Webpack Dashboard, a CLI dashboard for your webpack-dev-server
How to run multiple versions of NodeJS with nvm for Windows — Appseed IO Introduction ¶ Node.js is the key for many Javascript applications. As Node.js is still a go-to solution, many versions of it are released and new version...
Building a Node.js RESTful API with Mocha and Chai Are you working with a node.js RESTful API with a server with node.js, packages mocha, chai, mongoose,chai-http....
Get Weather Forecasts on Raspberry Pi - Make Tech Easier From the web to smartphones, there are tons of ways to check weather forecast. In Raspberry Pi, you can also get the weather forecast from the command line.
Angular Router: Declarative Lazy Loading — Angular 2 Angular 2 is built with the focus on mobile. That's why we put a lot of effort into making compiled and bundled Angular 2 applications...
Home Assistant Open-source home automation platform running on Python 3. Track and control all devices at home and automate control. Installation in less than a minute.
Building an Ionic App with Offline Support, Part 1 Service workers, app shell, progressive web apps—anything involving offline support seems to be all the rage these days. Whether it's a new design concept or a shiny new browser feature, developers seem to have many options when it comes to adding better offline support to their apps. All of these o
undefined Screen Shot 2016-08-11 at 2.57.23 PM.png
Node.js + Express - Tutorial - Insert and Get Data with MongoDB undefined
Getting started Node.js template with EmbedJS EJS Embed js tutorial: Quick overview of how to use EJS as a templating engine for your Node and Express applications
Building token based authentication using NodeJs and RethinkDB Introduction In this tutorial, we will learn how to implement token based authentication in Node.js using JWT. Token-based authentication is a very popular
Angular2 Bootstrap Confirm Demo Installation Documentation Loading … Angular2 Bootstrap Confirm. Demo; Installation · Documentation. Loading demo...
Build your Angular 2 App: From Auth to calling an API undefined
Getting started Node.js template with EmbedJS EJS Embed js tutorial: Quick overview of how to use EJS as a templating engine for your Node and Express applications
Building Electron Apps with React + Redux For a long time, I have been trying to find the time to dive into Electron. For those of you who don't know Electron, it is a tool to build...
baffle.js a tiny (~1.8kb) javascript library for obfuscating and revealing text in DOM elements.
Angular 2 HTTP Requests with Observables Making HTTP requests is a vital operation in the life of most front-end applications. Angular 2, which is the hottest thing right now has...
Interactive Angular 2 Charts with ZingChart This is an updated version of our previous ZingChart and Angular 2 blog postSince we last published a blog post about Angular 2...
How to configure a cluster with Node Js This tutorial explains how to have an instance of node for each CPU, thereby taking advantage of the recent hardware.
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Schedule Tasks as a Windows Service using Quartz.Net
StrongLoop | Containerizing Node.js Apps with Docker and StrongLoop undefined
Microsoft Preps Alternate JavaScript Engine for Node.js - The New Stack Microsoft is preparing a JavaScript engine that could be used with Node.js, one that would provide an alternative to the Google V8 engine that the popular runtime relies on today. While the Microsoft developers admit that that, thus far, the engine, called Chakra Core, is not yet as fast as V8, it could soon serve ...
NodeOS - The Node.js Based Operating System | Toptal undefined
A free tutorial to learn HTML and CSS MarkSheet is a free tutorial to learn HTML and CSS. It's short (just as long as a 50 page book), simple (for everyone: beginners, designers, developers), and free (as in 'free beer' and 'free speech'). It consists of 50 lessons across 4 chapters, covering the Web, HTML5, CSS3, and Sass.
Simple Language Translation in Angular 2 (Part 2) This is part two of the two part series on the implementation simple language translation. Please refer to Part 1 for the first...
Simple Language Translation in Angular 2 (Part 1) This is part one of a two part series series where we will learn about implementing translation in our Angular 2 application.
Bind RadioButton List in Angular 2 #angular2 #angularjs #angularjs2 Find out how to bind radiobutton list in Angular 2 using typescript and new features of angular 2 like classes and components.
Debugging Angular 2 Apps with Augury IntroductionAugury is a Google Chrome extension for debugging Angular 2 applications, just like Batarang is for debugging Angular 1.* Apps, and...
Handling Errors with ES6 Over the last couple of months, we've transitioned away from callback-style error handling. Instead, we're handling our errors with ES6 features (mainly promises and classes). In this post, I'll talk...
auth0/angular2-jwt angular2-jwt - Helper library for handling JWTs in Angular 2 apps
Angular 2 HTTP Requests with Observables Making HTTP requests is a vital operation in the life of most front-end applications. Angular 2, which is the hottest thing right now has...
Nodal — API Services Made Easy With Node.js Build your next API service with Nodal and focus on creating an effective product in a short timespan while minimizing technical debt.
web-workers-in-angular-2.0 One really cool thing about Angular 2.0 is that the framework is decoupled from the DOM via a higher level API. In the following post I will show how to take advantage of this by running an Angular application in a web worker.
How to Implement Conditional Validation in Angular 2 Model-driven Forms In this article, we will learn about how to handle conditional validation in our model-driven form using the latest forms module. If you are...
Create a commenting Application with Angular 2 In This Tutorial , we're going to create a commenting Application using angular 2. That will enable users to write comments in our application
Facebook’s new open source project makes it easier to get started with React | TechCrunch undefined
Total.js - Web framework for Node.js Free web framework for building Web sites and Web applications using JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Building a Smart Home Part 1: The Hardware | PubNub Build an AppleTV controlled smart home using a Raspberry Pi, LED, temperature sensor, LED matrix and PubNub's global data stream network.
Top 10 Angular 2.0 Articles for the Past Month. (v.July) — Mybridge for Professionals We've observed close to 1,100 Angular articles posted between June and July 2016.
GraphQL as the new standard for modern Angular apps — Building Apollo Angular, meet GraphQL
Tutorial: Building Redux in TypeScript with Angular 2 << – blog tl;dr - In this post we'll be looking at a data-architecture pattern called Redux. In this post we're going to discuss: the ideas behind Redux, build our own mini version of the Redux Store and hook it up to Angular 2.
Creating a Multiple User App with PouchDB & CouchDB By - Josh Morony In a previous tutorial I covered how to create an offline application that syncs with a remote database when online. We created a todo application that used PouchDB to store data locally, which synced with a ...
Part 2: Creating a Multiple User App with Ionic 2, PouchDB & CouchDB By - Josh Morony In the last tutorial we discussed some strategies for creating a multi user app with PouchDB and CouchDB, specifically in the relation to the todo application created in this tutorial. If you are unfamiliar w...
How to Build Nested Model-driven Forms in Angular 2 Angular has recently introduced a new forms module and deprecated the existing one. With the new forms module, we can build complex forms with...
Maintaining a Private NPM registry for your Organization with Sinopia | The Jackal of Javascript Maintaining a Private NPM registry with Sinopia In this post, we will take a quick dig at setting up our own private Node Package Registry with Sinopia. si
Create a Globally Available Custom Pipe in Angular 2 In this tutorial, we will learn about what is pipe, how to build a custom pipe, how to make the pipe available application wide
Home - Documentation ApproveJs. A simple validation library that doesn't interfere. version 0.0.6 Build Status. When I say, doesn't interfere, I mean it doesn't attach itself to input change events or form submit events. It also doesn't manipulate the DOM for you by automatically displaying errors.
Introduction to Redux using Angular 2 by Gerard Sans Redux, now in version 3, has proved very successful. Inspired by Flux and Elm, is used to handle Application state and bind it to the User Interface. Redux is usually seen with React but it can be used separately. We are going to build a simple Application using Redux covering the basic use cases.
Code Lab: New Data Architecture in Angular 2 (rc.1) by Gerard Sans Angular 2 introduces a new Data Architecture based on Reactive Programming using RxJS 5. We are really excited to see the new approach using Observable sequences aka Observables. We will cover a basic introduction of Angular 2 followed by RxJS 5 and the new HTTP API covering some basic use cases.
Angular 2 Errors Started playing with Angular 2? Maybe you got some of these weird errors too...
Create A Mobile App From Your Angular 2 Web App With NativeScript Learn how to convert your Angular 2 web application into a blazing fast native Android and iOS application using NativeScript and Angular 2.
Angular 2: Passing Data to Routes NOTE: On May 3, 2016 the Angular 2 Release Candidate was announced. This version includes substantial changes in the way the Router is implemented. The information in this blog is correct for Angu...
Angular 2 Router: High-Level Overview NOTE: On May 3, 2016 the Angular 2 Release Candidate was announced. This version includes substantial changes in the way the Router is implemented. The information in this blog is correct for Angu...
patternLock.js An android like pattern lock interface for your hybrid app or website.
hack.css .grid modifiers. To align items with align-items. -top: To top; -middle: To middle; -bottom: To bottom; -stretch: Stretch items; -baseline: To baseline. To layout contents with justify-content. -left: To left; -center: To center; -right: To right; -between: Add spaces between items ...
Routing Angular 2 Single Page Apps with the Component Router We have been so eager here at Scotch to create a comprehensive guide on Angular 2 Component Router. Now that a reliable version...
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How to Build an Amazon Echo Raspberry Pi | From Start To Finish undefined
Type Nugget / Typeset & generate beautiful, bulletproof CSS in browser. We're building Type Nugget - an online typesetting tool that gives you fine control over a robust base for hella fine web type - all via a pleasant user interface. We're keen to use it ourselves, but thought, 'hey, I wonder what features you want us to build in?'
How to Deal with Different Form Controls in Angular 2 In this tutorial we will explore the way to bind these few types of controls to our form:textnumberradioselect (primitive type)select (object)multiple selectcheckbox (boolean)checkbox (toggle...
Build your Angular 2 App: From Auth to calling an API Learn how to create a real world angular 2 app using Pipes, Directives, Components, DI, ES6 and much more! We'll implement from Authentic...
Cleave.js - Format input text content when you are typing import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import Cleave from 'cleave.js/react'; class MyComponent extends React.Component { onChange(event) { // formatted pretty value console.log(; // raw value console.log(; } render() { return ...
Automate JavaScript workflow with Gulp | CipherTrick Gulp will automate the workflow for your JavaScript projects. Gulp lets us perform tasks like minification, jslint, sass compilation etc.
Improve Angular Performance with React Look at ngReact if you want to combine Angular 1 with React.
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Please JS Basic Usage; Multiple Colors; Base Color; Grayscale; Full Random; Value Tuning; Color Schemes; DOWNLOAD. P l e a s e . j s. The Polite Javascript Color Library. Make a random Pleasing color. Please.make_color(); //ezpz. Try It. Make a few. Please.make_color({ colors_returned: 4 //set number of ...
The BIG Firms are using Node.Js for Web and Mobile App Development, Not Java or .NET, Why? - NodeJS development rather than opting for well-established platforms like Java or .NET? How NodeJS can beat Java or .NET in enterprise app development.
create real-time server monitoring app with angularjs and nodejs In this Tutorial, we implement the server application. This application should be able to monitor files and communicate with multiple clients at the same
Easy HTTP/2 Server with Node.js and Express.js The modern Internet with its TCP/IP protocol started around 1975 which is astonishing 41 years ago. For the most part of its existence, we used HTTP and it's successor HTTP/1.1 (version 1.1) to communicate between clients and servers. It served the web well but the way developers build websites has dramatically changed. There are myriads of external resources, images, CSS files, JavaScript assets. The number of resources is only increasing. HTTP2...
Using Local Notifications In Your Ionic 2 Mobile App Learn how to schedule local notifications in your Ionic 2 Android and iOS mobile application developed with Angular 2 and TypeScript.
Monkberry – a JavaScript library for building web user interfaces Monkberry is blazingly fast, small 1kb and simple JavaScript library for building web user interfaces.
Give Your NativeScript Mobile App An Ionic Framework Theme Learn how to apply a CSS theme that will make your NativeScript Android and iOS mobile app look like it was created with Ionic Framework.
How to Setup Raspberry Pi FTP - Pi My Life Up This guide we take a look at setting up Raspberry Pi FTP so you can transfer files to and from your Pi. We also take a look at setting up SFTP.
Authenticating Node.js Applications With Passport Implementing robust authentication strategies for any application can be a daunting task and Node.js applications are no exception to this. In this tutorial, we will
Top 10 Angular 2 Articles for the Past Month. (v.June) — Mybridge for Professionals We've observed nearly 1,500 articles related to Angular.JS posted and updated in May-June 2016.
loopback-example-offline-sync undefined
Design Patterns in Express.js - DZone Web Dev Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. Let's check out the different design patterns that we might see when working with Express.js.
Fuel-UI Demos undefined
Fuel-UI Demos undefined
StrongLoop | Creating REST APIs from Data Models in API Connect undefined
Aurelia vs Angular — a Feature by Feature Comparison Aurelia vs Angular: Jedd Ahyoung compares and contrasts these two powerful frameworks. Ideal for Angular 1 devs not sure about making the jump to Angular 2.
Model-driven Forms in Angular 2 Earlier this year we've talked about template-driven forms in Angular 2 and how they enable us to build sophisticated forms while writing as little JavaScript or TypeScript as possible. Another way to deal with forms is the model-driven approach and in this article we're going to discuss what that looks like.
How to Set up Authentication and authorization In Angular 2 | Dunebook In a real scenario, we usually delegate all the heavy lifting on an authentication service that wraps all the necessary tools for handling user login, logout, and sometimes authentication for granting access to protected areas of our application. we will create a simplified version of such service and will put it in charge of handling ...
Docco Docco is a quick-and-dirty documentation generator, written in Literate CoffeeScript. It produces an HTML document that displays your comments intermingled with your code. All prose is passed through Markdown, and code is passed through Highlight.js syntax highlighting.
Tokens, Sessions and Users, oh my! A strategy for unifying the Loopback token scheme to support access to the loopback generated REST API as well as site content. We want to use site wide BasicAuth to protect the development environment from unauthorized access. Unfortunately the Loopback...
Working with StrongLoop (Part Four) - Locking down the API Welcome to the latest in my series of blog posts on the StrongLoop platform. The last few blog posts have been focused on the API composer (part of StrongLoop Arc) built on top of LoopBack. As I've mentioned, there is a lot more to StrongLoop then just the API stuff and I plan on moving to those other topics soon. For today I'm going to discuss how you can lock down your API. Out of the box, all your models (and APIs) are 100% open. That makes it...
Ionic Framework and LoopBack, Part I: Building a LoopBack REST API undefined
Two Factor Authentication With Loopback The home of Jordan Kasper.
Deploying a Node.js API with Loopback to Azure Web Apps ExpressJS is a terrific starting point for creating APIs with Node.js, but can quickly difficult to manage on large, complex projects. Addressing this issue is an entire ecosystem of frameworks that has grown up around providing opinionated structure to API development, and one such framework is IBM Strongloop's Loopback.
Algolia Places Algolia Places provides a fast, distributed and easy way to use an address search autocomplete JavaScript library on your website. It has been designed to improve the user experience of your HTML forms.
Complete beginners guide to Routing in Angular 2 In this tutorial you will learn Angular 2 Routing from scratch by buildng a real life application . The Angular 2 router was built with componentization in
Using Webpack for Production JavaScript Applications - Course by @kentcdodds Webpack is one of the most popular tools for bundling JavaScript applications and libraries, and it's growing more popular every day. It is so loaded with features that it's sometimes difficult to know what's even possible. In this course, Kent C. Dodds takes you through some of the most valuable features of the Webpack JavaScript module bundler. We'll learn a ton about what it takes to optimize your Webpack configuration and your application...
Offline.js – Handle your users losing their internet connection like a pro Offline.js is a Javascript and CSS library to automatically alert your users when they've lost internet connectivity. It turns any app into an offline app.
Turn a Raspberry Pi Into an Auto Photo Backup Device Want an easy way to back up your memory card to any external hard drive without having to pull out your main computer? A Raspberry Pi computer can help you
Explaining a React TODOs example — Edge Coders I was asked to answer a Quora question about this simple TODOs example, and I think a detailed explanation for it will be helpful to any...
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antonybudianto/angular2-starter angular2-starter - :star: Angular 2 Starter using TypeScript, with extensions option (Updated to 2.0.0-rc.1!)
Nest’s New Update For Farsight Includes More Display Info | Nest has introduced a new update to a feature called Farsight which the company is now rolling out to all Nest devices across the world, although it may ta
Basics | Redux Edit This Page. Basics. Don't be fooled by all the fancy talk about reducers, middleware, store enhancers—Redux is incredibly simple. If you've ever built a Flux application, you will feel right at home. If you're new to Flux, it's easy too! In this guide, we'll walk through the process of ...
London React User Group February 2016 2 for the price 1: building multi platform components at an enterprise level React is obviously built with components in mind, but for our latest project at ...
Deeplinking in Ionic Apps I was doing some research on common challenges developers face while building their Ionic apps, and one of the things that kept coming up was Deeplinking. For those not familiar, Deeplinking makes it possible to direct a user to content hidden deep in a native app, whether that's from anothe
Angular 2 Tutorial For Beginners - Build Your First App - Hello World Step By Step
For more videos tutorials on Angular 2, have a look at the courses available at the Angular University - This is step by step g...
A New Type of Blog Angular 2 with TypeScript
Routing in Angular 2 revisited Routing is hard. If you've followed the development of Angular 2 the last couple of months, especially the router, you've probably noticed that there were many different attempts to get it right. We now have a version 3 of the new component router and in this article we're going to explore its API.
How to Set up Authentication and authorization In Angular 2 | Dunebook In a real scenario, we usually delegate all the heavy lifting on an authentication service that wraps all the necessary tools for handling user login, logout, and sometimes authentication for granting access to protected areas of our application. we will create a simplified version of such service and will put it in charge of handling ...
Mega Boilerplate undefined
Quickstart: Angular2 with TypeScript and Gulp ~ Quickstart: Angular2 with TypeScript and Gulp. Angular2 is around the corner. The new version of the framework is much simpler to learn thanks to easier and more concise concepts like component-based architecture, new dependency injection or built-in modularity. In this step-by-step tutorial you ...
amazing-angular-projects undefined
Bootstrap 4: A Visual Guide to What’s New — .Dev Literally see what's new in the next Bootstrap version such as bigger fonts, cards, a new grid tier and utility classes that impact spacing...
Building a React Universal Blog App: A Step-by-Step Guide A web based application that aims to centralize information about a vast number of subjects from around the web and from it's own community. There are two strands to this project, community and private content.
Setup Ionic 2 with Electron (TypeScript, Angular2) - The Code Campus Recently i faced the challenge to create a cross platform application for desktop, mobile and browser. Since Angular 2 Material is not yet ready but a Angular 1 to Angular 2 migration would be a pain in the ass I decided to go with Ionic 2 as scaffold for all devices. And then, when Angular 2 Material is ready it should replace Ionic 2 on Desktop and in Browser. 1.) The ...
Node.js Tutorial with Visual Studio Code over 4 Hours undefined
Read Excel Files and convert to JSON in Node.js | CipherTrick This article explains you to upload, read and convert excel files to json in Node.js, here we will convert xls to json and xlsx to json.
Download Prota OS for Raspberry Pi undefined
Angular 2: How Do Components Communicate Previously on Angular 2: How to Build a Container Component I explained how to create structural components that marks up the way a view is rendered by providing grid directives with a container, titl
Choosing between Angular 2 and React.js midway through to 2016 React.js and the accompanying ecosystem has gained huge momentum since it's launch in 2013. During 2015 the ecosystem was in a constant state of change and Angular was amidst a huge change. So now midway through to 2016, what should you ch...
How To Use PouchDB + SQLite For Local Storage In Ionic 2 A year ago I wrote a tutorial on how to use PouchDB + SQLite for an Ionic 1 app. Now that Ionic 2 is in beta, I've updated the tutorial for Ionic 2 and the recently released Cordova SQLite Plugin 2. The source code can be found on GitHub. (adsbygoogle = window.
Beginners Guide to Getting Started with Ionic 2 Since the Ionic 2 alpha was first announced I've been creating a lot of new content and tutorials around it, so I wanted to organise some of that content into a cohesive getting started guide...
Syncing Data with PouchDB and Cloudant in Ionic 2 In previous articles I've broadly covered some local storage options for HTML5 mobile applications and more recently backend options for HTML5 mobile applications. Now I'm going to get ...
Building realtime collaborative offline-first apps with React, Redux, PouchDB and WebSockets tl;dr: remote HTTP APIs enabled the development of native web apps, but they're not really suited to the real world of mobile users. A sync-capable client-side database enables you to build offline-first applications. PouchDB is a JavaScript-based database that runs on the server and on the ...
Sync Data Using PouchDB In Your Ionic Framework App : Devgirl’s Weblog Syncing data with the cloud is all the hype lately. Dropbox, Firebase, Parse, Couchbase, everyone is working towards having the easiest solution. There are many others, but those are just a few off the top of my head. One of my subscribers recently asked if I knew how to get PouchDB working with ...
AngularJS wrapper for PouchDB angular-pouchdb is an AngularJS wrapper for PouchDB that uses $q for Pouch Methods
Microsoft’s Official Guide for a DIY, Raspberry Pi-Powered Magic Mirror with Face Detection Smart mirrors have been all the rage this year, and it looks like Microsoft's getting into the game too. While Microsoft's mirror is teased as a commercial product, they've released the source code if you're interested in making one for yourself.
React Style Guide ReactJS News!
Complex Drag and Drop Lists using React.js ReactJS News!
Getting Started with Flux ReactJS News!
How to Structure a React Project? ReactJS News!
React and ag-Grid - the Perfect Match ReactJS News!
React Router & Webpack in Production ReactJS News!
Playing With React and D3 ReactJS News!
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CSS3 Animated Navigation Menu | Tutorialzine Demo Back to the tutorial · Get help · Download this example. Payment; Notifications; Privacy options; Account Settings. Follow us on Twitter · Find us on Facebook · PHP tutorials · jQuery techniques · CSS articles · Everything else ...
We.js framework site Server side javascript framework for build accessible real time applications, sites or blogs
GWTReact/gwt-interop-utils gwt-interop-utils - General purpose utilities for use with GWT JsInterop
Farata/angular2typescript angular2typescript - Code samples from the book Angular 2 Development with TypeScript
Routing using react-router module - ReactJS is an library to develop view part of a SPA – single page application.ReactJS does not provide any routing mechanism by default.We can use react-router NPM module to implement Routing in a application. The react-router NPM module can be found from following link:- In this demo, "We will learn to use react-router module ...
Building an IoT Magic Mirror with Hosted Web Apps and Windows 10 At Build 2016, we demoed a Magic Mirror project powered by a Hosted Web App on Windows 10 IoT Core. This project enhances the basic concept of a "smart" magic mirror concept by personalizing the ex...
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Arduino Create Is an All-In-One Platform to Create and Browse Arduino Projects
You've long had a variety of ways to create and discover new Arduino projects, and now you have an official means with Arduino Create.
How to Get Node.js Logging Right | @RisingStack The aim of this article is to provide help with Node.js logging. Learn how to use the console module, the debug module, the winston library and Trace.
Essence - React Material Design Framework Essence - The Essential Material Design Framework based on ReactJS
Best Google Material Design Frameworks - DevsTrend Best Google Material Design Frameworks-You already know about Google Material Design. Materializecss is a A modern responsive frontend framework for developer which based on Material Design
Hosting a web app with Amazon EC2 for free A web based application that aims to centralize information about a vast number of subjects from around the web and from it's own community. There are two strands to this project, community and private content.
Jenkins for .net in 5 Minutes - just ram This post is part of a series: Jenkins.NET Jenkins.NET Plugins Setup Jenkins.NET Setting up your first job Your first build Breaking the build ...
Using Angular CLI for Angular 2 Projects | Code | CipherTrick Angular CLI makes it easier to develop applications with Angular 2. This artile explores some of the useful features that Angular CLI comes with. It was int
Lazy Loaded TreeView in Angular 2.0 In this article I will show how to create a lazy loaded treeview using RxJs Observables.
Rebass Rebass is a React UI component library that uses inline styles to avoid CSS dependencies and prevent leaky global styles from affecting an application. Rebass components inherit styles where appropriate and can be customized using React Context. Rebass components are built as stateless ...
Learn ReactJS with 20 Free Online Tutorials 20 free online tutorials where you can learn ReactJS from.
Webpack — The Confusing Parts Webpack is the leading module bundler for React and Redux apps. I think folks using Angular 2 and other frameworks are also using it a lot...
Your Timeline for Learning React undefined
React Starter Kit React Starter Kit is a project template for building fast, robust, and modular web applications.
JavaScript ES6+: var, let, or const? — JavaScript Scene Perhaps the most important thing you can learn to be a better coder is to keep things simple. In the context of identifiers, that means...
Streams in Node.js A web based application that aims to centralize information about a vast number of subjects from around the web and from it's own community. There are two strands to this project, community and private content.
node-runnr Execute set of predefined tasks at a given time/times and at certain interval/s.
Complete Guide to Angular 2 forms In This Tutorial you will learn how To deal with Forms in Angular 2 . Basically A form creates a cohesive, effective, and compelling data entry experience
16 HTML/CSS Select Boxes A collection of beautiful custom select elements. Inspiration for Custom Select Elements Some inspiration for styling a custom version of the select element. There are many possibilities and today we are exploring some ideas of how to let the user select a choice in style. Made by Mary Lou. July 10, 2014. Read tutorial Demo Download (98.2kb) Effects Select Box Made by Romswell Roswell Parian Paucar. March 23, 2015. Demo Download (9...
Understanding Generics with RxJS - typescript Video Tutorial Libraries such as RxJS use generics heavily in their definition files to describe how types flow through different interfaces and function calls. We can provide our own type information when we create Observables to enable all of the auto-complete & type-safety features that you would expect from Typescript. This can be achieved with minimal annotations thanks to the power of generics.
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Clone A Raspberry Pi SD Card For Quick Storage Upgrades Learn how to clone or copy a Raspberry Pi SD card which is useful for quick upgrades to the storage or backup purposes.
How to Sprinkle ReactJS into an Existing Web Application Often times when diving into a new technology, whether it be a JavaScript framework or CSS methodology, we are faced with the challenge of...
Drag and Drop in Angular 2 using Native HTML5 API Before I start, I have to come clean — up until very recently I had no idea about the inner workings of drag and drop, I always pulled down...
Pure CSS Interactive Form - Coding - Fribly Interactive input form built with just CSS. Abusing focus state & labels to handle transitions & navigation. Navigate between inputs using Tab (Nex - posted under Coding tagged with: Code, CSS, CSS3, Form, HTML, HTML5, Interaction Design, Interactive, Resource, Responsive, SCSS, Snippets, Transition, UX, Web Design, Web Development by Fribly Editorial
Opaque Tokens in Angular 2 Angular 2's dependency injection improved in many ways. It not only is more flexible when it comes to assembling dependencies from different parts of our app, it also provides a mechanism to avoid name collisions entirely. In this article we're going to explore how opaque tokens make this possible.
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Introduction to Node.js Introduction to Node.js
List of the best Bootstrap Plugins in 2016 Bootstrap itself is full of useful Javascript components that cover many use cases - be it modal window e.g. for user login, carousel for your...
Complete Beginers Guide for Using TypeScript with Angular 2 | Dunebook In the This Tutorial, we are going to take a look at different snippets showing some of the features of TypeScript. In order to be able to run the snippets and play with them yourself, you'll need to install the TypeScript compiler on your computer. Let's take a look at how to do this. TypeScript ...
Raspberry Pi Chromium: Learn How to Install Chromium OS The Raspberry Pi Chromium is a great alternative to Raspbian offering a simple, fast & secure experience for anyone who is on the web a lot.
TypeScript for Node.js - using Visual Studio Code - How to setup a simple Node.js project with TypeScript support in Visual Studio Code - Free and Open source IDE. Detailed step-by-step tutorial.
The rise of APIs | TechCrunch undefined
Dracula A dark theme for Atom, Alfred, Emacs, iTerm, Slack, Sequel Pro, Sublime Text, Textmate,, Vim, Visual Studio Code, Xcode, and Zsh
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Things that Excite Me about Angular 2 Tero Parviainen
Routing in Angular 2.0 In this post I will give an introduction to the new Angular 2.0 router.
AngularClass/awesome-angular2 awesome-angular2 - A curated list of awesome Angular 2 resources by @AngularClass
Dripicons V2 (Free Iconset) A completely free vector line-icon font by Amit Jakhu.
AngularClass/angular2-webpack-starter angular2-webpack-starter - An Angular 2 Starter kit featuring Angular 2 (Router, Http, Forms, Services, Tests, E2E, Dev/Prod), Material Design, Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, TypeScript, TsL...
Quickstart: Angular2 with TypeScript and Gulp ~ Quickstart: Angular2 with TypeScript and Gulp. Angular2 is around the corner. The new version of the framework is much simpler to learn thanks to easier and more concise concepts like component-based architecture, new dependency injection or built-in modularity. In this step-by-step tutorial you ...
Devtron Devtron is an open source tool to help you inspect, monitor, and debug your Electron app. Built on top of the amazing Chrome Developer Tools.
Cross platform JavaScript with Browserify - Sharing Code Between Node.js and the Browser - codecentric Blog Full stack JavaScript! Easier said than done. Especially if you want to use some of your JavaScript code in your Node.js backend as well as in the browser. There are quite a few ways how to achieve that, none of which is entirely straightforward. This post will explain how to use browserify together with Grunt... Read more
Dependency Injection in Angular 2 Dependency injection has always been one of Angular's biggest features and selling points. It allows us to inject dependencies in different code components, without needing to know, how those dependencies are created. However, it turns out that the current dependency injection system in Angular 1 has some problems that need to be solved in Angular 2, in order to build the next generation framework. In this article, we're going to explore the new ...
Build your Angular 2 App: From Auth to calling an API Learn how to create a real world angular 2 app using Pipes, Directives, Components, DI, ES6 and much more! We'll implement from Authentic...
Angular 2 authentication with Auth0 and NodeJS If you've needed to add authentication to an Angular 1.x app, you'll have likely have had some fun and perhaps been lost at where to start. Traditional metho...
angular2-authentication-sample undefined
Authentication in Angular 2 Most of the applications we build require some kind of authentication. In this tutorial I'll show you how to build a sim...
JavaScript Conquered the Web. Now It’s Taking Over the Desktop JavaScript, the lingua franca of the online world, is moving beyond your browser.
Angular 2 cookies with example undefined
Vorlon.JS Vorlon.JS is an open source tool for remotely debugging and testing JavaScript.
Material Kit by Creative Tim A Badass Bootstrap UI Kit based on Material Design.
Office Dev Center - Fabric Home Page Fabric is a responsive, mobile-first, front-end framework that makes it simple to apply CSS, HTML, and JavaScript so your web apps look and feel like Office.
Flipside Are you sure you want to do that? Yes No. Delete. Try clicking different sides of the button. Flipside – A button that seamlessly transitions from action to confirmation. Source on GitHub Tweet this Follow @hakimel.
Chart.js | Open source HTML5 Charts for your website Simple, clean and engaging HTML5 based JavaScript charts. Chart.js is an easy way to include animated, interactive graphs on your website for free.
Magic Animations CSS3 DOWNLOAD from GitHub. Magic Effects. magic twisterInDown twisterInUp swap. Bling. puffIn puffOut vanishIn vanishOut. Static Effects. openDownLeft openDownRight openUpLeft openUpRight openDownLeftRetourn openDownRightRetourn openUpLeftRetourn openUpRightRetourn. Static Effects Out ...
Magic Animations CSS3 DOWNLOAD from GitHub. Magic Effects. magic twisterInDown twisterInUp swap. Bling. puffIn puffOut vanishIn vanishOut. Static Effects. openDownLeft openDownRight openUpLeft openUpRight openDownLeftRetourn openDownRightRetourn openUpLeftRetourn openUpRightRetourn. Static Effects Out ...
Hint.css - A tooltip library in CSS A CSS only tooltip library
StrongLoop | Coming Soon: LoopBack 3.0 undefined
Electron 1.0 is here For two years, Electron has lowered the barrier to developing desktop applications—making it possible for developers to build cross-platform apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Now we're excited ...
Justin Rexroad As developers we often need to look at the tools we use and decide if we are using the right tool for the job....
Node Hero - Node.js Project Structure Tutorial | @RisingStack Learn how you can properly structure a Node.js project to avoid confusion when your applications start to grow. 7th part of the Node Hero tutorial.
Angular 2 Token Based Authentication with Auth0 (signup/signin in 10 minutes) Code at Subscribe Twitter Facebook Pl...
Login Screen and Authentication with Angular2 | 4Dev Web Development Tutorials undefined
Pure CSS Checkbox Inspiration - Coding - Fribly This is a demo for a set of 6 pure CSS checkbox inspiration. Coded by Irko Palenius - posted under Coding tagged with: Checkbox, Code, CSS, CSS3, HTML, HTML5, Resource, Snippets, Switch, Toggle, Transition, Web Design, Web Development by Fribly Editorial
Material Login Form - Coding - Fribly In this demo you'll find an interactive material design login form with a registration form. Coded by Andy Tran - posted under Coding tagged with: Animation, Buttons, Code, CSS, CSS3, Flat, Form, HTML, HTML5, Javascript, jQuery, Login, Material Design, Register, Resource, Responsive, SCSS, Snippets, Transition, Web Design, Web Development by Fribly Editorial
Multi-Level Accordion Menu CSS only | CodyHouse CSS Only; jQuery. Group 1. Sub Group 1. Image; Image; Image. Sub Group 2. Sub Group Level 3. Image; Image. Image. Image; Image. Group 2. Image; Image. Group 3. Image; Image. Group 4. Sub Group 3. Image; Image. Image; Image ...
Creating a Collection of CSS3 Animated Pre-loaders
Pre-loaders are a common sight in modern web design. As users we expect the web to be fast and fluid - we don't like waiting for things. Pre-loaders offer visual fee
9 JavaScript Libraries for Working with Local Storage HTML5's Local Storage API has fantastic browser support and there are plenty of neat little tools and utilities that ease its use, 9 of which are examined here.
Code a Path-Style Flyout Navigation Wheel Menu Designing web interface, you need to pay much attention to the menu of your website or app. To make it as usable and unobtrusive (to get through) as possible. You should probably consider the flyout menu option. This menu usually consists of small circles in the corner which open and reveal a number of links. Easy as a pie. Want to create something similar? See this tutorial.
Quick Tip: The Best Way To Make Sticky Footers | Tutorialzine undefined
How to create Facebook style loading animation using CSS3 Using HTML basic element span and CSS3 properties like 3D transform you can create beautiful and lightweight animations and they don't take so much time to load.
List All the Stored Procedure Modified in Last Few Days - Interview Question of the Week #070 - Journey to SQL Authority with Pinal Dave
There are few questions which never gets old. Today we are going to one such question. Every single time I go for expert panel in the interview and I end up seeing candidate failing to answer this question about the Stored Procedure modification date. If you look at it, this question is indeed a very important question in development environment and on the production server.
Building an Offline First App with PouchDB This article shows how PouchDB can be used to create a note taking app that works even when an Internet connection is not available.
Angular 2: The Future of JavaScript is Now You've probably heard about it. The Angular 2 Release Candidate 1 is out by now, aside the hype of the #ngConf2016 and a bunch of exciting announcements from the Angular Team that literally made me th
Easy CRUD for your Web API with Dapper A dive into Dapper, a nice simple ORM for .Net. In this tutorial I'll show you how to use Dapper with your ASP.Net Web API
Angular Material Icons Angular Material Icons v0.7.0. AngularJS directive to use Material Design icons with custom fill-color and size. For production, use minified version directly from CDN: ...
Real World Lessons on the Pain Points of Node.js Applications #nodejs #node #javascript
Real World Lessons on the Pain Points of Node js Applications.png
10 Best Node.js Frameworks For Developers With the coming of Node.js, JavaScript has come to the forefront. It is bound to happen since it is already a well-known programming language used by developers in browsers. And, with Node.js, it has found a way to server-side implementation thus reducing the complexity of using two different languages at both ends. Today, Node.js offers one of the most innovative solutions to building servers and web/mobile applications. Its single-threaded even...
Comparison Of Four Popular Node.js Frameworks | Toptal undefined
Angular 2 Create And Inject Service With Examples Service Dependency Injection,@injectable. Angular 2 Create Service From Scratch and inject in component.Share data between components. Service Provider.
Reactive programming, HTTP and Angular 2 - JAXenter Reactive Programming and observables are really powerful and go beyond what promises offer. They provide key features like laziness and the ability to cancel them. This allows you to add robustness into Angular 2 applications especially at the level of HTTP to finely control what is executed.
Angular 2 and NodeJS - The Practical Guide to MEAN Stack 2.0 | Udemy undefined
Improving Angular performance with 1 line of code I'm on and I right click over some text and click "Inspect Element" for I'm not sure what reason, as any good...
chris92 Previously, we discussed React's presentation components with few examples backing it up. This is the last section of the "Build a Music Player...
Use :root for Flexible Type Calculate font-size based on the viewport height and width for more fluid type. #CSS #RWD
Screen Shot 2016-05-02 at 12.21.16 PM.png
Data Binding in Angular 2 Explained | Code | CipherTrick This article explains the data binding concept in Angular 2 and the difference in implementation of two-way data binding in Angular 2 to that of Angular 1
PrimeNG undefined
How to Insert Multiple Rows in a Single SQL Query - Interview Question of the Week #069 - Journey to SQL Authority with Pinal Dave
There are so many different databases in the world and many of them use the language SQL for their programming. It is very easy to assume that if they are using SQL, we can easily use code from one database to another database. Unfortunately the reality is very different, not all the scripts from one database works in another database. Today we will see very interesting question where the user asked a question about inserting multiple rows in a s...
Express Angular2 Application Using Typescript [ Server setup ] This will initialize the package.json which will be used by npm. You can provide the values as they are prompted or continue with the defaults.(By pressing Enther key). npm init. Get a simple ExpressJS server up and running. Install ExpressJS. Using npm install express node module.
Native slide toggle / collapse animation using Angular 2 and Animate A year ago I wrote a post about implementing a native slide toggle for AngularJS 1.4.x+, it seems that Angular 2 is mature enough so we can try tackling it with Angular2 and the angular2/animate module. I'v tried to explain every step I took while developing, I'f
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Using Routes In An Angular 2 TypeScript Application Navigate single page Angular 2 TypeScript web applications using routes and views similar to what was needed in Angular 1 applications with the UI-Router.
Best Resources for Learning Angular2 from Scratch Google recently announced the Angular2 beta for public download. This has many developers excited to finally move onto the next phase of Angular developmen
Setting Up an Angular 2 Environment Using Typescript, Npm and Webpack - EloquentWebApp This Angular 2 tutorial serves for anyone looking to get up and running with Angular 2 and TypeScript fast.
WebStorm: Angular 2 Tips and Tricks - Have you already registered for our live webinar on May 11th featuring John Lindquist? This is going to be a great one! Reserve your spot today.
A Fast Angular 2 Setup with Components and the Component Router Todd Motto walks through a really simple boilerplate designed to help developers understand the architectural process behind setting up Angular 2.
Dashboard for University’s students undefined
Browse Dashboard undefined
Typescript Enums vs Booleans when Handling State - typescript Video Tutorial Handling state with Typescript enums, instead of booleans, is preferred because: - Enums are more readable - Enums can have as many states as you need while booleans only have 2 - You only need to keep track of state with 1 variable when using enums
Introduction to Generics in Typescript - typescript Video Tutorial If Typescript is the first language in which you've encountered generics, the concept can be quite difficult to understand. We skip the lecture in this lesson and dive straight into a real-world use-case that is guaranteed to help you understand the need for generics.
TypeScript won I love all the people (great developers!) and the technologies (great ideas!) mentioned in this post 🌹. That said I wou...
chris92 In the previous article we setup an Electron project, discussed the basic concepts of React and created a useless example to get us...
Node.js version 6 is now available Seven months since its first stable release, version 6.0 of the Node.js framework is now available.
The Beginners Guide To Angular 2 The Beginners Guide To Angularjs 2 - ES6 and TypeScript perfect implying that it plays well with ES6 modules, class frameworks, and has sort support.
Complete Guide to Angular 2 forms In This Tutorial you will learn how To deal with Forms in Angular 2 . Basically A form creates a cohesive, effective, and compelling data entry experience
StrongLoop | Working with Geographical Data in your API undefined
NodeJS Scheduler undefined
Node.js Tutorial undefined
CSS Flip Animation on Hover – Flipping Card The CSS flip animations are a great fun of show more information on same DIV element by just flipping it. The beauty of CSS animations is that through many
chris92 Scotch is going to help you learn an awesome library in a really fun way. What could be more fun than making a music...
How I Use Angular 2 with Webpack: Directory Structure Reading time: A disclaimer: I'm not claiming to be an expert here and I'm open to any corrections or input from everyone; this is just what's worked for me so far. Please enjoy! T...
PowerShell Script - Backup Every Database In SQL Server - Journey to SQL Authority with Pinal Dave Using scripts can be a powerful way to automate things that a GUI will fail in many cases. I was working with a client who wanted to write a PowerShell script that would help him automate his backups. This is a pretty simple requirement that can be easily achieved using SMO as shown below in my scripts. I have been using these scripts for a number of years at various places. Let us see how we can backup every database in SQL Server
Building applications with Node & TypeScript An introduction to TypeScript and how to combine it with NodeJs to create awesome applications.
How to build Easy Stats with LoopBack (Part 1) I bet you have been in that situation when a customer request you to build statistical information from a system you have built, many times developers would easily get scared of that situation, it may
10 Minutes with Ionic 2: Calling an API By - Andrew A year ago I wrote a tutorial on how to use PouchDB + SQLite for an Ionic 1 app. Now that Ionic 2 is in beta, I've updated the tutorial for Ionic 2 and the recently released Cordova SQLite Plugin 2. Getting up and...
StrongLoop | Applying Custom Logic in Phases: Using Remote Hooks in LoopBack undefined
nodejs.errno.h node.js errno descriptions. Useful for debugging.
Setting Up an Angular 2 Environment Using Typescript, Npm and Webpack - EloquentWebApp This Angular 2 tutorial serves for anyone looking to get up and running with Angular 2 and TypeScript fast.
Microsoft And Google Collaborate On Angular 2 Framework, TypeScript Language | TechCrunch undefined
Building applications with Node & TypeScript An introduction to TypeScript and how to combine it with NodeJs to create awesome applications.
A Fast Angular 2 Setup with Components and the Component Router Todd Motto walks through a really simple boilerplate designed to help developers understand the architectural process behind setting up Angular 2.
Top 10 Sorting algorithms in C# Sorting algorithms: A sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order. The most-used orders are numerical order and lexicographical order. Efficient sorting is imp...
How to build Easy Stats with LoopBack (Part 1) I bet you have been in that situation when a customer request you to build statistical information from a system you have built, many times developers would easily get scared of that situation, it may
Angular 2 Spinner Component As I posted the little Input Debounce Component some days ago, here is a very little Angular 2 Spinner Component. The component uses a spinner from Tobias Ahlin's SpinKit. For completeness, I'll post the CSS and HTML code for it here, too. Component Code CSS .spinner { width: 40px;
Debugging a ES6 Node.js application in a Docker container using Visual Studio Code | Alexander Zeitler
Yesterday I just tried to debug an ES6 Node.js application using Visual Studio Code and noticed that I couldn't remote debug. So I just asked on Twitter and got some replies from Erich Gamma and Andre Weinand today: @alexzeitler_ @code pls see the remote debugging section here ...
PelekeS Workflow automation is such an essential aspect of modern web development that's it hard to imagine building anything without a build step.Gulp,
How to host your own NuGet Server and Package Feed Hosting your own NuGet Server, particularly when you're a company or even a small workgroup is a super useful thing. ...
Angular 1.5 new component lifecycle hooks - It's only been 2.5 months since Angular 1.5 came out, introducing components. Most companies haven't even had the chance to upgrade yet. Yet, in the ...
Angular 2 beta 15 is out: Adds offline compile support for much improved render speed. Following releases will add build process support for dropping much of Angular 2’s core libraries (compile, dependency injection, change detection, etc.)
for a much smaller library. Screen Shot 2016-04-13 at 8.01.16 PM.png
Gulp Article Series Learn how to build frontend projects using Gulp. Find articles covering cross platform builds for desktop and mobile, see how to configure Build as a Service
NW.js vs Electron (compared 2016) Should you go for NW.js or for Electron to build cross platform desktop applications using web technologies? In this article you'll see both compared
Dockerizing a Node.js web app Installing and running a Node.js app with Docker
PelekeS Workflow automation is such an essential aspect of modern web development that's it hard to imagine building anything without a build step.Gulp,
mgechev/angular2-style-guide angular2-style-guide - Community-driven set of best practices and style guidelines for Angular 2 application development
Bind Select DropDown List in Angular JS 2 #angular2 #angularjs #angular Find out how to bind select dropdown list in Angular JS 2 using typescript and new features of angular 2 like classes and components.
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Cayenne - Pi My Life Up In this tutorial I go through all the basics to getting started with Raspberry Pi Cayenne. If you're interested in sensors, IOT & more then this is for you!
Screenshot Guide: install Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS Xenial Xerus undefined
Developer Support Series Introducing the Awesome Azure WebJobs (Channel 9) Azure WebJobs provide an easy way to run scripts or programs as background processes in the context of an App Service web app, API app, or mobile app. You can use WebJobs to process logs, take actions
Installing Fish Shell on Ubuntu on Windows 10 So hopefully by now you've heard that you can run Bash via Ubuntu on Windows...and not in a VM. You can run the Bash ...
StrongLoop | Remote Methods in Loopback: Creating Custom Endpoints undefined
akveo/blur-admin blur-admin - Free Angular Bootstrap Admin Dashboard
Awesomeness of Angular 2 and Bootstrap 4 in new theme by StrapUI Ani Angular 2 Bootstrap 4 theme by StrapUI is a lightweight, feature rich admin template constructed for instant, simple...
Angular2 File Uploader demo.ts import {Component, NgZone} from 'angular2/core'; import {UPLOAD_DIRECTIVES} from 'ng2-uploader/ng2-uploader'; @Component({ selector: 'demo', templateUrl: 'app/components/demo/demo.html', styleUrls: ['app/components/demo/demo.css'], providers: [], directives: [UPLOAD_DIRECTIVES], ...
Token Based Authentication using ASP.NET Web API 2, Owin, and Identity - Bit of Technology Part 1 of 2 where I'll cover using token based authentication by using ASP.NET Web API 2, Owin middleware, and ASP.NET Identity, the API will support CORS so it can be consumed from any front-end application
JAX-RS Security using JSON Web Encryption(JWE) with AngularJS, Bootstrap, Grid-UI and MongoDB Example JAX-RS Security using JSON Web Encryption(JWE) with AngularJS, Bootstrap, Grid-UI and MongoDB Example In this tutorial we will discuss how to use AngularJS, Bootstrap and Grid-UI to connect to secure JAX-RS RESTful web services using JWE/JWT/JWS for Authentication and Authorization.
Intercept response body in NodeJS express app | Code | CipherTrick An express middleware to log response body, intercept response body or to modify response body, in an NodeJS express app.
Getting Deep with Knex in Node.js undefined
You Can Now Have a Single Live ISO Image with All the Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS Flavors Linux AIO Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS edition released
Smart Doorbell with Azure, Windows10 IoT & UWP App This End to End sample demonstrates the power of Azure Mobile Services & Windows 10 IoT Core which sends notification to your mobile devices By Kishore Gaddam.
NW.js v0.13.3 Released with disable requestAnimationFrame throttling feature nwjs
Access Data using Knex in Node.js undefined
Login with Facebook using Ionic Framework with Example Learn how to login with facebook using Ionic Framework with OAuth Plugin with Example. You can download examples and try by yourself.
Vorlon.js - Remotely Test and Debug JavaScript Code undefined
Write .Net and Node.js code together using Edge.js undefined undefined
Create TCP Server in Nodejs undefined
Proxies in Nodejs undefined
Blast.js - Blast Text Apart to Make it Manipulable undefined
How to Use SQLite Database in Node.js undefined - Great news! Get Xamarin for free as part of #VSCommunity. #VisualStudio #Build2016 10 Xamarin Community edition.png
searsaw Routing is hard.That's a little too broad of a statement. What I really mean is "organizing routing in large applications and APIs so...
Run Bash on Ubuntu on Windows Since we started planning and building Windows 10, we've been talking to a lot of you about what you would like to see in Windows to make it a great place for you to build awesome apps, sites and s...
How to Convert Uploaded Image to Base64 in Node.js undefined
Error handling in Express using Middleware | Code for geek In case of run time error use this technique to not let your app crash instead return response.
Implement Access Control in Node.js — Security and Node.js Most web applications rely on some sort of access control to keep users from accessing information not meant for them. I...
Build Your First Mobile App With Ionic 2 & Angular 2 - Part 7 By - Ashteya Biharisingh In the previous parts we tested the app in the browser for convenien... Read More
Raspberry Pi: Amazon releases recipe for baking a low-cost Alexa voice assistant | ZDNet Alexa is mostly restricted to the US, but Amazon has posted a step-by-step guide on how to build your own companion anywhere in the world
StrongLoop | Examples of Validations for LoopBack Models undefined
Raspberry Pi Chromium: Learn How to Install Chromium OS The Raspberry Pi Chromium is a great alternative to Raspbian offering a simple, fast & secure experience for anyone who is on the web a lot.
Material Design Resume Template undefined
IoT Security: Tips to Protect your Device from Bad Hackers Making stuffs is cool, making secured stuffs is better! We discuss how to secure your Raspberry Pis using Firewall, IDS, and SSL/TLS - by Charif Mahmoudi.
All the Ways to Add CSS to Angular 2 Components Writing styles for large applications can be a really challenging task as styles get easily mixed up and confusing. The major issue is usually...
Hosting Node.js app to DigitalOcean Server | Code for geek Hosting Node.js application to Digital ocean Server is very easy and cheap in cost. You can begin with $5 basic program to host your first Node.js applicat
AngularJS Documentation for component-router If you are looking for information about the old router for AngularJS 1.4 and earlier have a look at the ngRoute module. If you are looking for information about the Component Router for Angular 2 then check out the Angular 2 Router Guide.
VS Extensibility Samples, Extension Extension and more… (Channel 9) This week is going to be a Visual Studio Extension Theme Week and what better way to kick if off then to highlight a number of great resources for creating them! First a shout-out to Carlos Quintero o
Custom Validators in Angular 2 Forms are part of almost every web application out there. Angular strives for making working with forms a breeze. Often, we need to add custom validation capabilities to our application's form. In this article we're going to explore how custom validators can be implemented in Angular 2.
The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great Web sites and Web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Password Hashing — documentation undefined
The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great Web sites and Web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great Web sites and Web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Rfid Sesli Kart Okuyucu Projesi Bu projemizde arduino ile rfid sesli kart okuyucu projesini yapacağız. Rfid ile yapılmış birçok proje bulunmakta. Fakat bu projemizin diğerlerinde farkı kim
The Easiest Way to Add Authentication to Any App TL;DR: Implementing authentication in modern web apps is a pain, but it doesn't have to be. Auth0 is the easiest way to add...
StrongLoop | Node.js API Tip of the Week: Model Driven Development undefined
StrongLoop | Getting Started with the StrongLoop Node.js API Gateway – Step by Step undefined
Angular is a Design Pattern With Angular 2.0 fast approaching and the world of frontend frameworks in a massive transition, there's been a lot of concern about the impending costs of moving to the next generation of Angular. Do developers have to learn yet another new framework? Few teams have spent as much time with A
Demo of the Day: It’s Virtual Chocolate; A Custom VM Dipped in a Chocolatey Box Starter. Delicious. (Channel 9) This is the next episode of Demo of the Day. Jerry Nixon (@jerrynixon), author of Template 10 (, Developer's Guide to Windows 10, XAML for Windows 10 and dozens of Microsoft V
Announcing SQL Server on Linux - The Official Microsoft Blog It's been an incredible year for the data business at Microsoft and an incredible year for data across the industry. This Thursday at our Data Driven event in New York, we will kick off a wave of launch activities for SQL Server 2016 with general availability later this year. This is the most significant release of SQL Server that we have ever done, and brings with it some fantastic new ... Read more >>
complete guide for using D3js with angularjs for beginners First, we will set up an AngularJS template that serves as a boilerplate for the examples and the application. We will see a typical directory structure for
StrongLoop | Building Enterprise APIs with StrongLoop Support for Swagger 2.0 The Swagger 2.0 specification was officially released today and at StrongLoop we are excited to announce that LoopBack is the first Node.js framework to support Swagger 2.0. Using LoopBack you can now take a Swagger 1.2 or 2.0 specification and automatically scaffold a Node-powered REST API.
Creating robust, secure and scalable APIs in Node.js with LoopBack Platforms - We want them fast, cheap AND good. As the appetite grows for agile development practices, continuous deployment/integration and an the ability to 'get things done' faster, the tools and platforms that support these are now at an...
Squeeze the juice out of Node YLD Software Blog 08 Feb 2016 on performance | http. Squeeze the juice out of Node. — an exploration of how Node.js handles HTTP connections —. Why is this Node service only handling X requests per second but neither memory, CPU nor network usage is saturated? How does Node handle HTTP ...
Node.js CMS Frameworks undefined
What are the best databases to use for Node.js applications? Get the answer to "What are the best databases to use for Node.js applications?" See a list of the top 8 options and learn their pros and cons.
Docker Tutorials - YouTube undefined
Docker Tutorial - Docker Container Tutorial for Beginners In this Docker tutorial for beginners, we're going to be running our first Docker container in production. You'll get to see just how fast, easy, and STABLE ...
Postman | Supercharge your API workflow I've used Postman since I started working at Konekt and it has made API development so much easier. We wanted to add HTTP Basic Auth support and Postman has an easy form for generating those headers. We wanted to add JSON input support so I just switch Postman into raw mode, flip the content ...
Visual Studio Code - Cordova Extension Released ~ CodeAndYou undefined
Ionic 2 and Auth0 By - The Official Ionic Blog Implementing authentication isn't quite as simple as it used to be. Features like social login, multifactor authentication, and single sign-on are complicated, error-prone, and generally tough to ...
Microsoft is buying mobile tool vendor Xamarin | ZDNet In a move many have been anticipating, Microsoft is buying mobile tool maker Xamarin for an undisclosed amount.
SQL SERVER - Free SQL Server Formatting Add-in - Journey to SQL Authority with Pinal Dave This article describes the ways in which you can format SQL code using ApexSQL Refactor features and options. ApexSQL Refactor is a free add-in with over 200 formatting options and nearly 15 code refactors. You can qualify object names, expends wildcard, encapsulate SQL code, renames SQL database objects and parameters without breaking dependencies. The add-in ...
daftscience/PiPyMote PiPyMote - Raspberry Pi Remote CEC remote
$4 Wemos D1 mini ESP8266 Board Supports Shields with a Temperature Sensor, a Button, a Relay, or a micro SD slot
Wemos D1 board, a $9 ESP8266 board in Arduino UNO form factor, now has a little brother with Wemos D1 mini. The board looks somewhat similar to NodeMCU with I/Os on the sides and a micro USB port for power and programming, but what could make it more interesting, beside the $4 price tag, ...
All about Asynchronous .NET Application Development | GMI If you are looking to develop Dot Net application for higher performance, keep in mind that you should opt for defining a simple structure with asynchronous processing for it.
Building a Raspberry Pi Baby Monitor - Stuff Babies Need Part one of our Raspberry Pi baby monitor tutorial - build a DIY low power, low cost video baby monitor using a Raspberry Pi and a USB webcam!
SQL SERVER – Difference Between SQL Server Compact Edition (CE) and SQL Server Express Edition I often received question regarding what are difference between SQL Server Compact Edition (CE) and SQL Server Express Edition. In one line – SQL Server CE is for mobile application and embad...
Smart home with arduino Hello.I will show you how to build your own smart home. It shows the temperature both inside and outside, if the window is open or closed, shows when it rains and make alarm when the PIR sensor senses move. I made the application on the android to display all the data (you can also watch it on browser). You can see temperature in your home and other information from all over the world! Application is translated to english and polish. I built it b...
Arduino Rfid sesli kart okuyucu yapımı Arduino Rfid sesli kart okuyucu yapımı
OAuth and .Net | CleanCode NZ Examples of implementing oauth in wcf service and client using Eran Sandler OAuthBase.cs
Authentication with JWT how to force Angular App to refresh I am building a MEAN Stack App, with, doing Authentication with JWT and Passport, I am able to save the token on Local Storage on Login and remove it on Logout, this works perfect, but how the stat...
More XAML Designer Less XAML Typing (Channel 9) In this episode, Robert is joined by Jon Chu to explore how good the Visual Studio XAML Designer and Blend are these days. Robert's New Year's resolution is to spend less time typing XAML and more tim
Setting Up a Secure Node.js Web Application Every application has to live somewhere - a server, a phone, a device - an environment. Node.js is no different. Before deploying we need a secure setup.
ESP 8266 als Wlan Repeater In diesem Post geht es darum, wie man den ESP8266 (hier auf Amazon* ) als Wlan Repeater verwendet. Dadurch kann man die Reichweite eines bestehenden Wlan Netwerkes erweitern, um auch entferntere Geräte mit Informationen aus d...
Raspberry Pi VNC Server - Setup Remote Desktop for your Pi In this video I go through the steps of setting up a simple Raspberry Pi VNC server that will allow you to be able to access your Pi and use it from another computer. Full Tutorial: Now you might be thinking isn't that what SSH is for? Well this method allows you to view and use the GUI as if you were there at the Pi. For some people the command line interface is a little too daunting and prefer to just use the nice graphical user interface (GUI). The Raspberry Pi remote desktop can be accessed from any device that is able to install and use a VNC viewer. This software is available for almost all modern operating systems. You will need to have Raspbian installed for your Raspberry Pi for this to work. You might find this process will work on other Linux distributions. The overall installation process is actually pretty easy and you shouldn't come across many problems. The only real issue I had was getting it to launch automatica...
All about Asynchronous .NET Application Development | GMI If you are looking to develop Dot Net application for higher performance, keep in mind that you should opt for defining a simple structure with asynchronous processing for it.
Never drink bitter tea again with this Lazy Man’s tea steeper powered by #Arduino . giphy-1.gif
Node Js : Develop TCP Server (Network) #mongodb #nodejsserver #nodejs #nodejstutorial d767532d-f4e1-40b9-9d8d-9e73f496e681
Cloud SDK for Node.js to work with emails (EML, MHT, MSG) Using Powerful Aspose.Email Cloud APIs | Blogs -
Aspose.Email for Cloud Aspose.Email for Cloud is a REST API for manipulating email in the cloud. It is a true REST API that can be used with any language:
CLICK HERE to support Pi2Media HT1 - Surround Sound Home Theater PC A completely hackable Raspberry Pi 2 media center with surround sound. | Crowdfunding is a democratic way to support the fundraising needs of your community. Make a contribution today!
How to Create a Smart Device With Arduino and Node.js Using PubNub - Envato Tuts+ Code Tutorial In this tutorial, you'll learn how to get started with Arduino Uno with Johnny-Five, a JavaScript Robotics framework. You'll build a "Hello world" of hardware, and ultimately, create your first true Internet of Things prototype using PubNub data stream APIs to control the hue of an LED remotely. | Difficulty: Intermediate; Length: Medium; Tags: Internet of Things, Arduino, LED Lights, Node.js, JavaScript, Hardware
Visual Studio 2013 Hidden Gem: Paste JSON or XML as C# Classes Ever needed a strongly typed representation of your XML or JSON content? Visual Studio 2013 comes with a handy feature.
A Guided Tour of Windows 10 IoT Core - Michael Crump demonstrates how to set up and start developing for the Internet of Things (IoT) using the latest build of Windows 10 and C#.
What is Windows Remote Arduino and What Can It Do? This post is an overview of the Windows Remote Arduino library, one of the technologies used in the World's Largest Arduino Maker Challenge. Windows Remote Arduino is an open-source Windows library...
19 year old Scottish developer gets Windows 95 running in a web browser Using no downloads, no special software, or no plugins, a 19 year old developer in Scotland managed to get Windows 95 running in a web browser using emscriptem, a emulator that converts C++ code to JavaScript in real time.
10 best IOT Hardware platforms - Gadgetronicx 10 best IOT hardware platforms to learn and prototype IOT devices. List of ten famous IOT development boards hardware for embedded designers, enthusiasts
Upload Files To Node.js Using Angular 2 Learn how to upload files or images to a Node.js back-end using Angular 2, the Multer middleware and TypeScript.
bapatel1/Learning-Angular-2.0 Learning-Angular-2.0 - Learning Angular 2.0 from Angular 2 Tutorial (2016) from Mindspace (
ASP.NET Core 1.0 - Dependency Injection - What it is, and what it is not An in-depth look at the DI services provided out-of-the-box by ASP.NET Core 1.0 (previously ASP.NET 5)
How-to:Delete nested Node_modules folders in Windows explorer
Developing Command Line tool Using Node.js - The Commander.js is a NPM module to develop commands, sub-commands and options to run on the system terminal. You can find the commander.js NPM module in following link:- In this demo, "We will learn to create command and options using Commander.js". We will be building a command named devise and subcommand info with 2 ...
Angular 2.0 Architechture Starting new series – Learning Angular 2.0 on My Github - ##### angular 2.0 building blocks- Module- Component- Template- Metadata- Data Binding- Service- Directive- Dependency Injection ##### 1. M...
The Easiest Way to Add Authentication to Any App TL;DR: Implementing authentication in modern web apps is a pain, but it doesn't have to be. Auth0 is the easiest way to add authentication to your app and you can get started easily with a free plan that inclues up to 7,000 regular active users and two social providers. A user is considered active if [...]
New Node.js SDK for Barcode Generation and Recognition Using Powerful Aspose.Barcode Cloud APIs | Blogs -
Aspose.BarCode for Cloud Aspose.BarCode for Cloud's platform independent document manipulation API is a true REST API that can be used with any language:
Hello World Demo with Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino In this brief tutorial, we walk users through a basic sample using Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino. Enable your Arduino to remotely control the screen of a Windows 10 companion device. To get started with Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino, follow the instructions here: To see the Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino repository, visit our GitHub page here: Download the Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino companion app for your Windows 10 device here: To see the Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino companion app repository, visit our GitHub page here: To learn more about Windows 10 IoT Core, visit out site at:
Introduction to Windows 10 IoT Core - IoT - Internet of Things IoT Event: Introduction to Windows 10 IoT Core. Webinar. On January 21, 2016 from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM.
Microsoft recognizes value of Node.js to Windows 10 IoT developers, reaches new milestone
Node.js is coming to Windows 10 IoT and Microsoft's recently open-sourced Chakra Javascript engine.
Improving Error Handling in ASP.NET Web API 2.1 with OWIN - Jayway Since its initial conception, one of the core philosophies in ASP.NET Web API has been to provide extension hooks for anything and everything – error handling is no exception (sorry...). However, there's still room ...
Getting Started With MVC 6 ( 5) - BornToProgram Getting Started With MVC 6 (Asp.Net 5) using Empty project template and Learn about ASP.NET 5 project structure
.NET Core 1.0 - BornToProgram What is .NET Core 1.0, Limitations of .NET Framework, Advantages of .NET Core
JSON API validation in nodejs undefined
How to make a DIY home alarm system with a raspberry pi and a webcam Convert a simple webcam to a fancy digital peephole viewer with motion detection features
Free AngularJS Unit Testing Course • /r/angularjs Hey everyone, I just launched an AngularJS course on Udemy, covering Unit Testing with Karma, Jasmine and Istanbul. The first few hundred people...
OpenSprinkler OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) is an open-source sprinkler / irrigation extension board for the Raspberry Pi. It is an easy and low-cost solution to transform a Raspberry Pi into a capable sprinkler controller with 8 zones for lawn and garden watering.OpenSprinkler doesn't need an instructable. This instructable simply documents my progress in Home Automation. OpenSprinkler's documentation is great. The end result is amazing. This is the perfect home au...
How to update the firmware of your Arduino Wi-Fi shield (not 101) You probably got an Arduino Wi-Fi shield (not 101) for Christmas, or you have bought one before or after that, but it gives you an errors and the "error" LED is glowing that means you should update its firmware in order to make your IoT project, so I am going to show you how to do itTo do it you gonna need the following things: PC or laptop A to mini B USB cable and few programs Arduino board
Raspberry Pi: Wall Mounted Calendar and Notification Center Before the "digital age" many families used wall calendars to show a monthly view of upcoming events. This modern version of the wall mounted calendar includes the same basic functions: A monthly agenda Sync of family members activities Easy browse between monthsBeyond those basic functions this gadget will also handle: A whether forecast Upcoming events in the surrounding area Live information about the public transport And even more... What you...
Recessed Wall Mount for Rasberry Pi Google Calendar undefined
Remote Wi-Fi DHT11 Temperature an Humidity I2C 2 X 16 LCD Display With Two ESP8266 and Visuino ESP8266 modules are great low cost stand alone controllers with built in Wi-Fi, and I already made a simple Blink instructable with ESP8266 NodeMCU module.The advantage of the ESP8266 over Arduino and other controllers is the builtin Wi-Fi. In this Instructable I will show you how with the help of Visuino you can use two ESP8266 modules to make a remote LCD Display for Temperature and Humidity DHT11 sensor.In the Instructable, I will use 2 NodeMC...
A beginner’s guide to Arduino After some years of experimenting with Arduino, I decided that the time has come to share the knowledge I've acquired. So I here it goes, a guide to Arduino, with the bare basics for beginners and some more advanced explanations for people who are somewhat more familiar with electronics.Every step will consist of a detailed explanation, then a summary, followed by a more advanced approach.If you're a complete beginner, I recommend reading the exp...
Node on Train Using Angularjs. AngularJS is what HTML would have been, had it been designed for building web-apps. What is Angularjs →. Using Connect. An extensible HTTP server framework for node using "plugins" known as middleware. What is Connect →. Using Sequelize. Sequelize is a promise-based ORM for ...
Build Real-Time Web Applications With Node.js - Webinar - Build Real-Time Web Applications With Node.js - Webinar:,Web Application,web based applications,web apps,Mean,Mean Stack,Node.js Tutorial,
Magically format your XAML with XAML Magic (Channel 9) Have a bunch of XAML that is "formatting challenged?" Tired of wasting time playing the XAML format game? Want all your XAML to look the same? Dave Grochocki, building on the work from Nico
Raspberry Pi Touch Screen Car Computer undefined
Web Controlled 8-Channel Powerstrip undefined
See all the cool projects than can be made with basic electronics | 123D Circuits by Autodesk undefined
Microsoft projects Windows 10 IoT Core is a low-cost, small-footprint devices that will be available 'free' for Makers and commercial device builders. Come explore Microsoft projects!
Raspberry Pi Vs Arduino: Which Board is Better for You? - Pi My Life Up In this Raspberry Pi Vs Arduino guide we will be looking at which board is better suited for your next project.
How to Install Windows 10 IoT Core for Raspberry Pi 2 In this tutorial I will be going the process of how to install Windows 10 IoT Core for Raspberry Pi 2.
Installing NodeJS on your RaspberryPi - Here's how I installed NodeJS on my RaspberryPi: Upgrade to the latest OS / Firmware If you have not already upgraded to the latest version of ...
Receiving SMS notifications from your washer & dryer - Previously, I discussed how I built an open source universal remote using a RaspberryPi, an expansion board, and a NodeJS web application. This ...
The complete WPF tutorial Welcome to this WPF tutorial, currently consisting of 103 articles, where you'll learn to make your own applications using the WPF UI framework. If you're brand new to WPF, then we recommend that you start from the first chapter and then read your way through all of it.
Goodbye Child Actions, Hello View Components In previous versions of MVC, we used Child Actions to build reusable components / widgets that consisted of both Razor markup and some backend logic. The backend logic was implemented as a controller
Powerful and free Material Design UI KIT for Bootstrap 300+ material UI elements, 1000+ material icons, 74 CSS animations, SASS files and many more.
Espruino – JavaScript for Microcontrollers Espruino is a solution to code in JavaScript for microcontrollers. Espruino is a small computer that anyone can use to control things around them. Its JavaScript interpreter gives you instant feedback so that you can experiment and develop whatever your level of experience. Even if you can't program, you can still get started quickly with our Web-based graphical code editor! What makes it stand out from other boards? Write code using the extre...
PINE64 - PINE 64 undefined
Dead Easy Raspberry Time Lapse Tutorial A Raspberry Pi Time Lapse project is much easier than you may you think, all you need apart from the standard equipment is a camera. The rest is all done via a script that I will show you how to do in this video in no time. Full guide here: In this project you don't need any special Raspberry Pi Time Lapse camera, all you will need is the basic camera that you're able to get from most good electronics stores. Another great thing about this project is just how portable this is! You're able to get a portable battery pack that will power the PI this means you're able to place in very hard to get places and get some amazing shots. (Up in trees, side of a cliff, etc.) There are projects around that let you make use of a DSLR camera for much sharper high quality pictures if that is what you're after. That said the Pi camera does a pretty good job at taking nice photos. This project will probably take you less than 45 minutes from sta...
Raspberry Pi Web Server Tutorial A Raspberry Pi web server is a great lightweight and affordable server for either the home of a small business. The Pi can handle a small amount of traffic making it great for a development server where you can learn web languages such as PHP. Full Tutorial here: In this Raspberry Pi Web Server tutorial I will take you through the steps for installing apache, PHP, MYSQL and also WordPress. Each of them are relatively easy steps so you shouldn't have too much trouble but if you do please go to my website and leave me a comment. Now as I mentioned above the web server on Raspberry Pi isn't the fastest. This means that if you get a lot of traffic then it will be probably crash out and become irresponsive. That means whilst it is great for a home server or a development server it just won't be able to do very well as a public server. To go for a complete Raspberry Pi web server you can also look at installing a mail server. I will be ...
Raspberry Pi OwnCloud: Your Own Personal Cloud Storage In this project you will learn to how to make a Raspberry Pi Owncloud server. This is a great way to have your very own personal cloud storage that is hosted your home, business or anywhere with internet access. Full Tutorial: As many people are aware privacy is starting to become more and more of an issue. If you're protective of the privacy of your files, then you will probably be interested in this setup. You will need to have a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian installed on it. If you don't you can check out my video on installing Raspbian. This particular tutorial is on the Raspberry Pi 2 Owncloud however this should be backwards compatible with any previous version of the Pi. In this tutorial we will also take a look at mounting a hard drive so the Raspberry Pi cloud server can store the files without running out of room fast. I highly recommended doing this as you will find a SD card really doesn't hold much unless you pay for an e...
Ionic and the Internet of Things | The Official Ionic Blog The Internet of Things (IoT) is officially defined as a "global infrastructure for the information society" that connects the physical to the virtual, using information and communication technology. In other words, the IoT is a concept that essentially allows any device to connect with the ...
Creating a Real Time Chat Application with Ionic 2 and Create a real-time chat application with Ionic 2 and Couchbase using the JavaScript Send messages between platforms and devices.
Ionic and the Internet of Things, Part 5: A Connected Home and a Daft Punk-Inspired Robot Helmet We're constantly excited by the creativity Ionic developers demonstrate when using Ionic for IoT projects. Ionic developer North McCormick, who started Ionic Utah, recently talked with us about two personal IoT projects he bu...
Build Your First Mobile App With Ionic 2 & Angular 2 - Part 2 In this post we are going to set up our development environment for building hybrid mobile apps with Cordova and Ionic 2. This post is part of a multi-part series: Part 1 - Introduction to Hybrid Mobile Apps Part 2...
Ultimate Raspberry Pi Home Server Welcome reader. First please note: This instructable can be done within a day, but a weekend is certainly recommended. In this instructable I hope to teach you key skills involved with setting up and configuring a Linux Server. The knowledge used here can be applied to almost all PC architectures so if you don't own a Pi (Why not dude?) or it's tied up in another project, any old or unused PC will work. In more detail the main skills taught will ...
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Requests and Responses The authorization code grant consists of 2 requests and 2 responses in total. An authorization request + response, and a token request + response. Authorization Request The authorization request is sent to the authorization...
SCIO: The Fun New Way To Learn Coding, Computers and STEM - Electronics-Lab A new board that aims to fill an education gap for programmable boards is on kickstarter. SCIO enables anyone, without the need of previous experience, to experiment with electronics and coding and build various projects based on onboard sensors, work on the cloud, make light shows and even more. Within an hour of openingRead More
Overview | Using an External Drive as a Raspberry Pi Root Filesystem | Adafruit Learning System One of the more noticeable limitations of the Raspberry Pi is using an SD card for its main storage. If you've been using a Pi for a while, you might be looking for more storage, faster access times, or media with a longer lifespan than many SD cards turn out to have.
Back Issues & books - The Magpi Magazine undefined
Stream the #RaspberryPi camera module through your browser Using a combination of the things I've learned up to now and a little help from others on the internet, I've worked out how to embed video from the Raspberry Pi camera module inside a w...
Stream the Raspberry Pi Camera Module from Node.js to an img Tag in the Browser, Part 1 - The Server (Updated) Update 1 Update 2 Preface So, I know this is a pretty specific use case, but it was something I really wanted to be able to do for an open source project I'm working on. The VLC Web Plugin used to be able to handle receivin...
Remote Manage Networked Devices Anywhere Weaved provides software-only networking technology, that allows you to manage networked devices anywhere, even over cellular networks.
Raspberry Pi Pod Experiences with the Raspberry Pi micro computer
Overview | Adafruit’s Raspberry Pi Lesson 7. Remote Control with VNC | Adafruit Learning System In this lesson we will explain how to install and use VNC on your raspberry Pi. This will allow you to see your Raspberry Pi's desktop remotely in a graphical way, using the mouse as if you were sitting in front of your Pi. learn_raspberry_pi_vnc_client4.png ...
DIY Hacking - Sparking the Indian Maker Movement! DIY Hacking is a platform for Makers which works to promote the Maker culture and IoT based products from the country to spark the Indian Maker Movement.
How To Install Remix OS 2.0 on Computer or Laptop. Remix OS 2.0 is yet to be officially announced, Here is a simple guide to install the Remix OS 2.0 on your Computer or Laptop using Bootable USB.
DIY Raspberry Pi Web Server Tutorial - Pi My Life Up Raspberry Pi Web Server is a perfect affordable to get your very own development or home website up and going.
Raspberry Pi OwnCloud: Your Own Personal Cloud Storage - Pi My Life Up The Raspberry Pi Owncloud allows you to have your very own personal cloud storage! Once all setup you can access your cloud from anywhere in the world!
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Setting up your SD card | Introducing the Raspberry Pi Zero | Adafruit Learning System Before you can power up your Pi Zero, you will need to program in the SD card with an Operating System. Much like your computer has Windows, Mac OS X or Linux on it to make it run, the Raspberry Pi needs something to help it boot and run software. That software is Raspbian Linux (a flavor of ...
Connecting via SSH | Node.js Embedded Development on the Raspberry Pi | Adafruit Learning System The Raspberry Pi was designed to make it very easy to get started by connecting a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. But, what if you don't have access to the necessary peripherals or don't want to disconnect them from your main workstation? The answer? Secure Shell (SSH). SSH is a network protocol ...
Raspberry Pi Comparisons - Pi My Life Up These Raspberry Pi comparisons look at some of the other microcomputer boards that are currently on the market and compares them to the Pi.
Raspberry Pi Vs Arduino: Which Board is Better for You? - Pi My Life Up In this Raspberry Pi Vs Arduino guide we will be looking at which board is better suited for your next project.
The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great Web sites and Web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
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Develop command line application using NodeJS | Code for geek Node.js provides utilities to develop command line application. There are some cool application like express-geenrator and nodemon which runs on command li
File Upload with AngularJS and NodeJS | Code | Cipher Trick This article explains a simple implementation to file upload with AngularJS and NodeJS. Multer is used for NodeJS and ngFileUpload for AngularJS
Salt Hash passwords using NodeJS crypto | CipherTrick This article shows, how we can salt hash passwords in NodeJS using crypto.
Manage Session in Express undefined
Chat bot development in #Nodejs Chat bot development in #Nodejs - Chris Parbey - Google+
Angular 2.0–Beginners Guide @import ' 4px}kbd{color:#fff;background-color:#333;border-radius:3px;box-shadow:inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.25)}kbd kbd{padding:0;font-size:100%;box-shadow:none}pre{display:block;margin:0 0 10px;wor...
hajarasoahaingo/docker-nodejs-sass docker-nodejs-sass - Nodejs image with frontend utilities
Useful Ionic 2 Resources ~ CodeAndYou undefined
Web Scraping in Node.js undefined
Creating a full blog system using Node.JS The idea is to create a fully functional blog system.
How to Set up authentication and authorization in angularjs Most, if not all, apps have a requirement to authenticate/authorize user access. We may argue that authentication and authorization are more of a server
ng-knob | Angular.js directive to Knob component powered by d3.js ng-knob is an Angular.js directive to Knob component powered by d3.js
File Upload with AngularJS and NodeJS | Code | Cipher Trick This article explains a simple implementation to file upload with AngularJS and NodeJS. Multer is used for NodeJS and ngFileUpload for AngularJS
10 Best IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) for Node.js - Free Web Design Tutorials Node.js is getting more popular day by day owing its flexibility or performance which is being offered by it. Actually, it offers you server side javascript environment which utilizes event-driven asynchronous model. There are...
Angular 2 Starter by AngularClass This repo serves as a starter for anyone looking to get up and running with Angular 2 and TypeScript fast. Using a Webpack for building our files and assisting with boilerplate. We're also using Protractor for our end-to-end story and Karma for our unit tests.
Angular 2 for AngularJS developers - AngularClass Now that Angular 2 is in beta someone moved our cheese! I have been writing Angular 2 for nearly one year now and I want to share Angular 2 for AngularJS developers. We are going to see that everything's changed but nothing is different.
Query Parameter in SSRS undefined
How to reduce MSDB size from 42Gb to 200Mb Recently I've got a spare minute to see why an old test server was running too slow... I had nothing to do with this, but I was very anxious to find out what
Seamless Ways to Upgrade Angular 1.x to Angular 2 The Scotchmas Day 7 and 8 giveaway can be found at the end of this article. Angular 2 was released a couple of months back and a beta version is just a couple of weeks old. Trust me, I can tell your thoughts about this change. You are probably asking yourself (or actually your computer [...]
Creating dynamic menu from database data using AngularJS Generating dynamic menus is a common task if we have big web application and user will have role-based features. Today I will show you how to build multi-level navigation menu with AngularJS where menu data comes from the database. Visit : css file link :
Highlighter.js : JavaScript library for Highlight the Elements -
Image manipulation using NodeJS & ImageMagick | CipherTrick Image manipulation using NodeJS and imagemagick, with the help of imagemagick node module we can resize, convert, crop and information of images easily.
Creating Tabular Report in SSRS undefined
22 Best JavaScript Libraries Of October 2015 - DevsTrend JavaScript libraries makes your work more easy and fast.So in this post we have put together a list of 10 best new JavaScript Libraries of September 2015.
WPF – How To Load XAML Files Asynchronously In .NET XAML has always been about the visual representation of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and provides a great way of writing declarative syntax that is verbose and markup-based. The WPF classes for visual content exposed by WPF libraries, PresenationFramework.dll & PresentationCore.
10 reasons why Google created AngularJS and how it will change your career AngularJS has risen the ranks of popularity a lot over the last couple of years. Why? Because, not only it has multiple benefits for developers, it's also the only way to realize the true flexibility of JavaScript. Created by Google, AngularJS is the cutting-edge JavaScript MVC framework for building proper architecture and maintainable web applications. [...]
Angular 2 hits beta and it’s a big deal for the future of the Web The future of Web apps is here, and it's going to change the way you code.
SQL Server Tutorials Dive into these step by step tutorials to learn about core SQL Server commands, technologies and best practices. These tutorials are perfect for SQL Server DBAs, Developers and BI Pros.
Import Images to Sql Server using SSIS undefined
SQL SERVER - Easy Way to Import and Export SQL Server Data I know from my personal experience that many SQL Server novice users have issues while uploading and downloading data in various formats. In my practice, this kind of tasks arise very often. I woul...
20 Free Open Source Softwares I Found in Year 2015 As 2015 draws to a close, it's time to share a list of 20 Free Open Source Software I found in 2015, and hope that it sparks your interest in one or more of
20 Free Open Source Softwares I Found in Year 2015 As 2015 draws to a close, it's time to share a list of 20 Free Open Source Software I found in 2015, and hope that it sparks your interest in one or more of
Building Mobile Apps with Angular 2 and NativeScript undefined
SQL SERVER - Getting Started with Project Versions in the SSIS Catalog - Notes from the Field #106
[Notes from Pinal]: We are human and we make mistakes. However, sometimes mistakes are so big that we can't reverse it. Version control is our rescue when we make mistakes. In my life I have been f...
Import Images to Sql Server using SSIS undefined
SQL SERVER - Easy Way to Import and Export SQL Server Data I know from my personal experience that many SQL Server novice users have issues while uploading and downloading data in various formats. In my practice, this kind of tasks arise very often. I woul...
Team Management tools for Managers undefined
Calculating Values using Calculated Values in LINQ linq.png
SQL SERVER - Easy Way to Import and Export SQL Server Data I know from my personal experience that many SQL Server novice users have issues while uploading and downloading data in various formats. In my practice, this kind of tasks arise very often. I woul...
Use of Forever in Nodejs undefined
Just Announced: Chakra (Microsoft Edge’s JavaScript Engine) Goes Open Source! Read all about it: DSCF4523-2-1024x683.jpg
Up close with Google’s Angular 2 JavaScript framework Here's all you need to know about Angular 2, the exciting new successor to Google's wildly popular JavaScript framework, AngularJS
bapatel1/Elmah.Log4Net Elmah.Log4Net - This appender will allow log4net to be configured to send log messages to ELMAH directly. This way ELMAH can be the log manager of record for sites while still allowing specific log...
What are the most famous web apps built on top of Node.js? Here are some Node.js apps that are famous for their scale and ridiculous performance. Walmart switched over to Node.js on a Black Friday, got more than 200 million visitors that day, and never wen...
React.js Basics in One Hour Webinar: Learn React.js Basics in 1 hour from Experts - Google+ Remember when making a website meant slapping some jQuery onto a PHP backend you built over the weekend? Fun! Remember when you then had to update that website and couldn't spend time with your friends because the server was on fire? Lame. Use React, spend more time with friends, and make more money. The average salary for a React engineer in San Francisco is $153,000/year. React.js Webinar will give you everything you need to learn React, hav...
Set up Nodejs with NGINX | Distelli How to set up a server to run Node.js Applications with NGINX
From Zero to hero All about Filters in Angularjs In this Tutorial you will learn about Filters From scratch means. From Zero To building your own filters so lets get started , As with many frameworks,
Multicast Delegates in C# In today's article we will be discussing multicast delegates in C# with example. Multicast Delegates As we discussed last week about delegates here, a delegate points to a function. We saw an example of a delegate pointing t...
How to Set up authentication and authorization in angularjs Most, if not all, apps have a requirement to authenticate/authorize user access. We may argue that authentication and authorization are more of a server
Most popular node js framework 2016 - I’m Programmer best node js framework, best node js framework 2016, framework node js, node.js framework, node js frameworks, node js web framework 2015 2016
How to Convert an Ionic 1 Application to Ionic 2 If you've taken a look at Ionic 2, then you know it looks pretty different to Ionic 1. Should you want to migrate to Ionic 2, this might leave you wondering how to convert your existing Ionic...
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Getting Started With AngularJS 2.0: Forms (Part I) | Beyond Java Let's continue our journey into the universe of Angular2 with exploring forms. Actually, that's something odd: many articles and tutorials on Angular2 spend a lot of time explaining that the old two-way-binding of AngularJS 1.x has been replaced by something different, something superior.
SQL SERVER - Fix: Error: 15138 - The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped
Last day I had excellent fun asking puzzle on SQL Server Login SQL SERVER – Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays – Database Properties – Number of Users. One of the user sent me email asking urgent q...
Automatically Build a SQL Server Script Database Library from Your Script Files Automatically build a SQL Server script library from all of your individual script files.
Tools for Apache Cordova (TACO) Tools for Apache Cordova (TACO)
100 + Best Free Angular JS Tutorials PDF & eBooks Angular JS bridges the gap and allows you to develop applications and dynamic web pages using both HTML and Java Script. It's a framework that makes it easy for developers to design client side applications.
Únete a la comunidad #AngularBeers desde Slack +AngularJS +Ionic slack.png
What are the best Node.js backend microframeworks? Get the answer to "What are the best Node.js backend microframeworks?" See a list of the top 4 options and learn their pros and cons.
Creating HTML documentation in C# using Visual Studio and Sandcastle I had a coworker ask me today about creating documentation in C#/.NET ala javadoc by rendering embedded developer remarks into HTML. It's actually pretty simple to do because most developers use the built-in XML documentation features of Visual Studio when they are authoring their code.
Choosing a JavaScript Documentation Generator - JSDoc vs YUIDoc vs Doxx vs Docco We evaluated different JavaScript document generators to find which one best suited, after thoroughly studying tools like JSDoc, Docco, Doxx and YUIDoc, we decided to use JSDoc.
angular-color-this | Angular module for generating colors from strings angular-color-this is an ng-module for generating colors from strings
Anatomy of a large Angular application Do I really need a strategy? Yes. A fresh application always starts out as that one application that's going to be designed for easy maintenance and development. Unfortunately, it's just a matter o...
#NodeJS : A quick optimization advice — Full Stack Engineering Can you spot the difference between these two files : ¶ that can explain a 50% performance gain : ¶ If you don't, it's...
sequence in sql server 2012 undefined
React v0.14.3 | React A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
Massive set of WPF Samples and Community Projects too (Channel 9) I guess it's a WPF Mini-Theme week. Today we've to two (kind-of) WPF things to highlight. The first is a group of very cool WPF Community project and the second is a massive repro of WPF Samples... WP
3 ways to install the latest Node.js version on a Mac Development is picking pace and Node.js is shipping out a new version frequently. It is nice to have the latest version at hand in your development environment to test out new features. There are a few ways to install Node.js. One of the obvious ones is to simply download the installer from nodejs.o
Containerized Testing for Node Applications using DockUnit This tutorial covers setting up containerized unit testing for Node applications. Containerized unit testing allows you to ensure your software works across a wide variety of platforms. Overview Wr...
Getting started with Docker Container … This tutorial will explain the fundamentals of Docker and start you with some basic usage. What is Docker? Docker is open source software to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight cont...
What makes usage of node.js so popular Node.js development services are so trendy these days for the immense possibilities and functions it offers for the creation of web applications.
Building Cross-platform Desktop Apps with Electron | Toptal undefined
Serving first HTML with node.js Last week I have written hello world with node js i.e how to write first javascript file on the server side and how to execute it with node.js In this tutorial, we will see how to start our own server and throwing first html ...
Getting Started With Jenkins | Attune World Wide This guide covers introduction part of Jenkins.How to install jenkins is coverd with easy to go snapshot.User Configuration and basic configuration of jenkins is also covered.Please follow steps one by one for better understanding. Jenkins Introduction Installation User Configuration Run First Build Job
AngularJS Best Practices Explained by Hack Reactor Graduate Addison Lee #javascript 8c568ecf-98ec-4fb5-8981-1afea4d59af4
Convert XML to JSON In Angular JS | Sibeesh Passion In this post we will see how we can convert an XML file to JSON in Angular JS. As you all know Angular JS is a JavaScript framework for developing applications.
Load XML And Show As li In Angular JS | Sibeesh Passion In this post we will see how we can load an XML file and show as li using ng-repeat in Angular JS. As you all know Angular JS is a JavaScript framework for
Clustered and Non-Clustered Index in SQL Clustered and Non-Clustered Index in SQL.An index is just like an index in a book which contains all the page numbers of the topics in the book
Native Vs Hybrid Mobile App Development - Web Development Tutorial Understanding the difference between Native and Hybrid Mobile Application Development Techniques | Native Vs Hybrid Mobile App Development
Return JSON Response from Webservice in ASP.NET Return JSON Response from Webservice in ASP.NET.WebService return XML output by default. But that can be pretty heavy depending upon the data.
Angular 2 Lessons - Screencast Video Tutorials The best Angular 2 tutorials on the internet.
Chrome DevTools refreshed Device Mode: streamlined navigation bar above viewport. Putting mobile front and centre in Canary: Screen Shot 2015-11-18 at 17.46.54.png
StackExchange/mayflower mayflower - A simple MS SQL Server database migrator using Node.js and TDS.
Use Dapper.NET ORM in ASP.NET MVC - Venkat Baggu Blog Use Dapper.NET ORM in ASP.NET MVC - Venkat Baggu Blog
Dapper.NET and DapperExtensions to Run Stored Procedures Download source (RAR) - 18.1 MB Download source (ZIP) - 20.1 MB Introduction This is my first article on CodeProject. Over the years, we have seen Object-Relational-Mappers (ORM) like NHibernate, E...
Build a RESTful API Using Node and Express 4 With the release of Express 4.0 just a few days ago, lots of our Node apps will have some changes in how they handle routing. With the changes in the Express Router, we have more flexibility in how we can define the routes for our applications. Today we'll be looking at creating a RESTful API [...]
Easy Node Authentication: Google undefined
Test driven Development of Web Apps in Node.Js Test-driven Development of Web Apps in NodeJs Zero to Hero with Node.js Explore MEAN Stack 2015 Zero to Hero with j...
The Anatomy of a JSON Web Token undefined
Looking for Bootstrap theme for Google’s Polymer / Paper Elements ?? Recently, I started new project in my team and I was looking for something new than a regular traditional #Bootstrap themes. I know that Google had released really nice #Polymer framework for desig...
4 Tools for Creating Brilliant Material Design Color Pallets Tools to generate material design color schemes.Primary and accent material design colors that can be used for illustration or to develop your brand colors.
A 90 minute overview of ECMAScript 6 (video) Visit the post for more.
adapt.js Adapt.js is a lightweight (848 bytes minified) JavaScript file that determines which CSS file to load before the browser renders a page. If the browser tilts or resizes, Adapt.js simply checks its width, and serves only the CSS that is needed, when it is needed.
25+ Best Material Design Frameworks >> CSS Author A great list of best material design frameworks for developers, these are good frameworks if you are plan to develop a website or mobile app.
MetroFramework MetroFramework : Brings the new Modern UI alias Metro UI of Windows 8 to .NET Windows Forms applications.
Pure CSS3 Arched Menu - Coding - Fribly Here's a wonderful arched menu demo done in pure CSS3 with no JS at all. Coded by Ana Tudor - posted under Coding tagged with: Code, CSS, CSS3, HTML, HTML5, Menu, Navigation, Resource, SCSS, Snippets, Transition, Web Design, Web Development by Fribly Editorial
Pure CSS3 Responsive Timeline - Coding - Fribly This is not the first CSS timeline we've featured so far but sure is this is one of the prettiest. A pure CSS responsive mobile first timeline coded by fla - posted under Coding tagged with: Code, CSS, CSS3, HTML, HTML5, Resource, Responsive, Snippets, Timeline, Web Design, Web Development by Fribly Editorial
NoSQL vs RDMS? Help this person make the right choice. An interesting discussion you shouldn’t miss. nosql-rdbms.png
Tab Menu Overlay - Coding - Fribly An expanding tab menu overlay created with CSS transforms and jQuery. Perfect for presenting content interactively. Coded by Ettrics - posted under Coding tagged with: Code, CSS, CSS3, HTML, HTML5, Interactive, Javascript, jQuery, Menu, Navigation, Overlay, Resource, Responsive, SCSS, Snippets, Tab, Transition, Web Design, Web Development by Fribly Editorial
minigrid: Minimal Cascading Grid Layout - Coding - Fribly Minigrid is a minimal 2kb zero dependency cascading grid layout. Suitable for creating masonry like layouts. View Demo & Download Here - posted under Coding tagged with: Code, Grid, HTML, HTML5, Javascript, Layout, Masonry, Resource, Responsive, Web Design, Web Development by Fribly Editorial
Material Design Bootstrap The most powerful Material Design framework for Bootstrap.
Android Hybrid & Native Apps undefined
Visual Studio 2015 DataTable/DataSet Visualizer crashes IDE I had the same problem after 4h experimenting I manage to fix it by going to Tools => Options => Debug and turning on Use Managed Compatibility Mode Found better workaroundTools => Options...
Most popular NoSQL database 2015- I’m Programmer Top 5 NoSQL database, nosql database types, what is a nosql database, when to use nosql database, most popular nosql database, Most popular nosql database 2015
Creating Desktop Applications With AngularJS and GitHub’s Electron GitHub's Electron framework (formerly known as Atom Shell) lets you write cross platform desktop application using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It's a variant ofio.js run-time which is focused on desk...
Deploying ASP.NET 5 applications to Docker containers A guide on deploying ASP.NET 5 applications to Docker containers on Azure.
When SHOULD You Use Angular 2? Check this handy flowchart to find out.
Most popular NoSQL database 2015- I’m Programmer Top 5 NoSQL database, nosql database types, what is a nosql database, when to use nosql database, most popular nosql database, Most popular nosql database 2015
Creating Components in Angular 2 with Typescript and ES5 Thomas Greco looks at what's new in Angular 2.0, demonstrating how to write a simple component in TypeScript, then converting the same component to use ES5.
Nodejs Build, Test, and Deploy | Distelli How to build, test, and Deploy Node.js applications to any server using Distelli
Examples of Building a Node.js App With Docker - The New Stack The CTO of Crowdriff has the first of two posts up about building an app with Docker. The post covers how CTO Abhinav Ajgaonkar used Docker as a "replacement for Vagrant when developing a Node app using the Express.js framework." It further details how the app is designed to "persist session information in Redis using the connect-redismiddleware." After reviewing Ajgaonkar's post, I ...
Node.js Archives - Node.js tutorials for Beginners
10 Best Practices for Usability Testing within Agile Teams - Blog •
We've all been there, we start designs for a new project and have the best intentions to test our designs with users. However when priorities are defined, "shipping it" gets in the way and our good intentions are blown away. The good news for Agile teams is that there is a workflow for making usability ...
AngularJS Best Practices Explained by Hack Reactor Graduate Addison Lee - AngularJS Best , An in-depth talk led by Hack Reactor software engineering school graduate and current HiR grad program participant Addison Lee on Angularjs
WatchMaker prem. Sets face like this. Why there is a space on top? How to fix? Appreciate the help… 11/6/15 - 1
WatchMaker prem. Sets face like this. Why there is a space on top? How to fix? Appreciate the help… 11/6/15 - 1
Building a Realtime AngularJS Dashboard using Spring Rest and MongoDB — Part 1 Building a Realtime AngularJS Dashboard using Spring Rest and MongoDB -- Part 1 In this post will show you how to build a RESTful web service using Spring MVC 4.0.6, Spring Data for MongoDB 1.6.
awesome-docker/ at master · veggiemonk/awesome-docker · GitHub undefined
Getting Started with Docker This tutorial will explain the fundamentals of Docker and start you with some basic usage. What is Docker? Docker is open source software to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container. Containers are completely hardware and platform independent so you don't have to worry about whether what you are creating will run [...]
Setting up a Git Server This video will should you how to setup a git server on Ubuntu
Learn Git Branching A interactive Git visualization tool to educate and challenge!
100+ Best Node.js Frameworks >> CSS Author If you are a developer and would like to use node.JS framework, here is a complete list of frameworks available right now.
Using Routes In An Angular 2 TypeScript Application Navigate single page Angular 2 TypeScript web applications using routes and views similar to what was needed in Angular 1 applications with the UI-Router.
MetroTextBox Control Updated - MetroFramework In this video MetroTextBox Control Updated I will show you my changes with MetroTextBox Control to add a more cool appearance and functionality.
Build a Todo App from Scratch with Ionic 2 [VIDEO TUTORIAL] If you've been keeping up with all the latest Ionic 2 and Angular 2 news then you've probably seen a few example applications and had a bit of a play with Ionic 2. Maybe you've in...
How to setup Ionic 2 undefined
Create OWIN Middleware In the last post, we discussed about OWIN and looked at the OWIN specifications. In this tutorial we will show you how to build the OWIN middleware.
angularPrint | An Angular module to selectively print elements angularPrint is an Angular module that allows users to selectively print elements, as well as provides optimizations for tables
SQLITE Db Migration Using Sequelize Instead of making
app.jsheaving with every single routing rule, try to organise it as suggested below. The your-app/app.js contains the below li...
Executing A Git Command In Node.js And Writing The Results To A Text File In one of my recent project, I needed to retrieve & write the last git commit to a file using node.js. I googled a lot but I was not able to find the ...
A Complete List of .NET Open Source Developer Projects | Scott Ge NET Implementations .NET Core – Core .NET Framework; C# Native – Compiles C# to native. Cosmos – C# Open Source Managed Operating System, an operating system "construction kit". Fling OS – C# Operating System designed for people to learn low-level development from.
angularNotifications .custom-style .angular-notification-icons-icon { left: -10px; background: yellow; color: black; width: 30px; height: 30px; font-weight: bolder; font-size: 1.2em; } { transition:0.5s linear all; } ...
Implement Basic Authentication in NodeJS In this post we will be discussing about implementing basic authentication in Node.js and how to process a Basic Authentication request over plain HTTP. Basic authentication is a method for a HTTP ...
JavaScript with ReactJS and Nodejs - Isomorphic JavaScript with ReactJS and Nodejs I'm a NodeJS FAN Master ReactJS: Learn React JS from Scratch Learn And Understand React JS Zero to Hero with Node.js Explore MEAN Stack 2015 ES6 and ES7 the future of Javascript E-book Node.js in Action E-book JavaScript Application Design http://goo...
Most popular NoSQL database 2015- I’m Programmer Top 5 NoSQL database, nosql database types, what is a nosql database, when to use nosql database, most popular nosql database, Most popular nosql database 2015
Node.js tutorial for beginners 2014 - an introduction to Node.js with Express.js - This video is an introduction to Node js using the latest updates to the Express.js framework. Nodejs is an amazing web framework. Nodejs tutorial,leanr
Implement A Barcode Scanner Using React Native Use the react-native-camera component to add barcode scanning support to your React Native mobile application. Supports many different types of barcodes.
Mobile Themes, Templates & Components using Ionic Framework | Ionic Themes High Quality Mobile Themes, Templates & Components using Ionic Framework
Create a Mobile Application Using WordPress, Ionic, and AngularJS - Tuts+ Code Tutorial Creating hybrid, mobile applications with technologies, such as Ionic Framework and Cordova, has become increasingly popular. This tutorial shows you how you can leverage those technologies to build a hybrid, mobile application for your WordPress website. | Difficulty: Intermediate; Length: Medium; Tags: iOS, Android, Xcode, Android Studio, IDEs, Bower, NPM, Node.js, Ionic, WordPress, AngularJS, Mobile Development, Cordova, App Development, Mobil...
Choose Adventure Become a mobile developer in just a few lessons!
BIG update to Ionic Platform: Removed dependency on Angular and a new web client! Check it 👉 ionic-io-init-animation.gif
Creating Desktop Applications With AngularJS and GitHub Electron GitHub's Electron framework (formerly known as Atom Shell) lets you write cross platform desktop application using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It's a variant of io.js run-time which is focused on desktop applications instead of web servers. Electron's rich native APIs enables us to access native things directly from our pages with JavaScript. This tutorial shows [...]
node-express-crud-router undefined
Getting Started with React.js - React.js tutorial: Getting Started with React.js Master ReactJS: Learn React JS from Scratch ☞ Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real World Projects ☞ React Native: Building Native Mobile Apps with JavaScript Learn ReactJS: Code Like A Facebook Developer ☞ JavaScript with ReactJS and Nodejs Learn And Understand React JS
Debugging Node.js Applications for Memory Leaks | Toptal undefined
angular-logger-max | A custom logger with color coding and support angular-logger-max is a utility module for a custom logger with color coding and support
runtime.js — JavaScript library OS Wouldn't it be cool to use the operating system as a regular application dependency you can simply require()?
Getting started with Meteor.js Getting started with Meteor by Kuba Walinski Building Apps with Meteor.js Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real Worl...
Announcing Ionic Lab for Windows! Read about it, plus some new updates to Ionic Lab for iOS:
NodeJS Scheduler undefined
7 Reasons to Upgrade to Node v4 Now – Today Node v4 got released. It is the first stable release after theio.js merge and thus brings us a bunch of shiny, new ES6 language additions. While there'...
Sandeep Kumar Patel Sandeep Kumar Patel is a senior web developer and founder of, a widely- read programming blog since 2012. He has more than four years of experience in object-oriented JavaScript and JSON-based web applications development. He is GATE-2005 Information Technology (IT) qualified and has a Masters degree from VIT University, Vellore
Cross platform Apps with Cordova, AngularJS, and the Ionic Framework Cross platform Apps with Cordova, AngularJS, and the Ionic Framework.png
Express.js Crash Course Details Here Express.js Crash Course.JPG
Create Server-Side MVC Apps with Node.js and Express Details Here Create Server-Side MVC Apps with Node.js and Express.JPG
Node.js Tcp Client Server Programming Details Here: Node.js Tcp Client Server Programming.JPG
Cross platform apps using Ionic, Electron, AngularJS and Firebase with shared codebase — Chapter 1…
This is the first stack that we are going to cover in Project: LEAN and it's about building apps for Web, Android, iOS, ...
Ionic: Hide splash screen when app is ready — Ionic TnT A step by step guild on how to make your splash screen wait for your app to load.
40 NPM Modules We Can’t Live Without — Startup Study Group Buckle up and get ready to get technical. Today we're going to tell you all about the NPM modules we use here at Croissa...
How to convert an object to JSON in Nodejs In this post we are going to discuss about how to convert an object to JSON and JSON to object in NodeJS. It is the need of the time to serialize data, as we have numerous third party services to work with thus we want to giv...
How to monitor a file for modifications in Node.js undefined
Why Node.js beats Java and .Net for Web, mobile, and IoT apps Speed, scalability, productivity, and developer politics all played a role in AnyPresence's selection of Node.js for its enterprise development platform
Pushing the Limits: New Push Features | The Official Ionic Blog Push is growing. Quickly. When our Platform team last checked in with you, we'd sent a few hundred thousand push notifications during our alpha. Now, we've sent over a million! That's a 200% increase each month! We're getting real validation for the Ionic Platform, and the excitement among the ...
Angular 2 Survey Results undefined
undefined Learn Nodejs by building 10 projects.png
AngularJS Directives - Shared and Isolate Scope This video is from the AngularJS Custom Directives video training course and covers shared versus isolate scope in AngularJS directives. Additional informati...
Scaling Node.js to 500 Million Users Scaling Node.js to 500 Million Users Node.js Tutorials: From Zero to Hero with Nodejs Learn Nodejs by building 10 projects http://bit.l...
Error Handling in Nodejs - Developer Center - Joyent Node.js error handling practices
The Incomplete Collection of Node.js Performance Tips Bookmark and ♥ for later reading :)
Angularjs Documentation with Implementations Courtesy of Thanks for great article. Hello everyone, today's, I am going to share the some interesting docs with example and its live demo of AngularJs.In this documentations, I a...
Pushing the Limits: New Push Features | The Official Ionic Blog Push is growing. Quickly. When our Platform team last checked in with you, we'd sent a few hundred thousand push notifications during our alpha. Now, we've sent over a million! That's a 200% increase each month! We're getting real validation for the Ionic Platform, and the excitement among the ...
Node.JS Tutorial | Authenticating and Securing Node.js APIs Node.JS Tutorial: Authenticating and Securing Node.js APIs Zero to Hero with Node.js Learn Nodejs by building 10 projects http://buff.l...
Sending WhatsApp Message using C# Code Hi Friends in this video i will be explaining how to send a WhatsApp Message using the C# code.
Real-time Web Apps with Server-Sent Events (pt 2) This is the second part of a two part series about building real-time web applications with server-sent events. Building Web Apps with Server-Sent Events - Part 1 Reconnecting In this post we are going to look at handling reconnection if...
Real-time Web Apps with Server-Sent Events (pt 1) Recently I've been researching how to build real-time web applications, where content is pushed to clients rather than them having to poll or refresh the browser. A lot of people at this point jump straight to websockets. However, these can...
Building Office Add-ins using Node.JS Learn Nodejs by building 10 projects Zero to Hero with Node.js Machine Learning with Node.js
Learning Node js; Building A Static File Server AngularJs Video Tutorials: Learning Node.js: Building A Static File Server Ben Nadel learns about Node.js by building a static file server. This covers thing...
Web Developers Will Rule The World | The Official Ionic Blog I'm a strong believer that companies truly hit their stride once they know exactly who their target user is, and how that user fits into the higher purpose of the company. Recently, we've found and embraced ours: Ionic empowers web developers to build compelling mobile apps without having to ...
Mini Calculator Project in C# Source Code Mini Calculator Project in C# Source Code OR ============== using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using ...
How to Run Node.js with Express on Mobile Devices Krzysztof Trzeciak looks at how to run node.js express apps on mobile devices.
Building a Microservice using Node.js & Docker Building a Microservice using Node.js & Docker Machine Learning with Node.js Web Development with Nodejs and Expressjs
What is ng-Cloak directive in AngularJs? ~ CodeAndYou undefined
Angular Automation: Gulp Config - AngularJS Video Tutorial In this lesson, we are going to learn how to create a config file to store common values so that we can reuse them multiple times in our
gulpfile.js. As our
gulpfile.jsgrows in complexity, we may find that we are introducing complex and multiple file path references. By creating a
gulp.config.jsfile, we can simplify these references and make it easier to refactor and extend in the future.
Total.js, an unique Framework for Node.js I'm a NodeJS FAN Machine Learning with Node.js Zero to Hero with Node.js JavaScript Tutoria...
Announcing Ionic Lab: Mix it up with our new GUI tool | The Official Ionic Blog Today, we are releasing the public beta for Ionic Lab! Ionic Lab is the result of our first experiment with the Ionic Lab concept, combined with the Ionic CLI, which gives developers an easy way to start, build, run, and emulate Ionic apps – as well as integrate them with the Ionic Platform ...
PDF Viewer with Cordova and AngularJS undefined
10 Best Node.js Frameworks For Developers With the coming of Node.js, JavaScript has come to the forefront. It is bound to happen since it is already a well-known programming language used by developers in browsers. And, with Node.js, it has found a way to server-side implementation thus reducing the complexity of using two different languages at both ends. Today, Node.js offers one of the most innovative solutions to building servers and web/mobile applications. Its single-threaded even...
Observable Node.js Applications at Scale +NodeJS Fan Watch video: #nodejs #javascript #node Observable Node.js Applications at Scale.png
Mastering AngularJS Directives - Tuts+ Code Tutorial Directives are one of the most powerful components of AngularJS, helping you extend basic HTML elements, create reusable and testable code. In this tutorial, I will show you how to use AngularJS directives with real-life best practices. | Difficulty: Intermediate; Length: Long; Tags: AngularJS, JavaScript, HTML5, Web Development
An approach to use jQuery Plugins with AngularJS Lets face it, we can not completely get rid of jQuery and its plugins ecosystem, even though Angular has a built-in subset of jQuery under the name jQLite. At one point or another, we often need so...
20+ Node.js Frameworks for Developing Web Applications Node.js is a JavaScript platform that allows you to develop large scale web applications. We are listing all Useful Node.js Frameworks. Select wisely!
Ionic Platform Services: Making Development Easier | The Official Ionic Blog Over the past two months, we've released open alphas of our first three Ionic platform services. In this short amount of time, we've seen thousands of updates to apps through Ionic Deploy, hundreds of thousands of push notifications sent to devices through Ionic Push, and millions of actions ...
NW.js Basics: Overview of DevTools, Menu and MenuItems - JavaScript Video Tutorial Want to make the app look native but keep the ability to toggle the Chrome dev tools? Throw the toggle in the system menu! Here we cover a few gotchas when setting up menus in a NW.js app.
Your first NW.js desktop application in less than 5 minutes - JavaScript Video Tutorial NW.js can be an invaluable tool for building cross-platform desktop applications with javascript and html. In this lesson, we build a simple NW.js app that will act as the starting point to a much bigger application! In less than five minute, no less. :)
Adding Cortana to your UWP App with Visual Studio 2015 (Channel 9) With Visual Studio 2015 now available and today being the start of the Windows 10 release wave and Cortana being just so cool, this post from Arun Kumar Surya Prakash is a perfect for today... Integra
Memory Leaks and Profiling to Tune Node.js Apps Understanding V8 Garbage Collection, Memory Leaks and Profiling to Tune Node Apps Building apps with Node.js In this talk, Shubhra Kar -...
Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova | The Official Ionic Blog It can be challenging to set up a hybrid app environment on a Windows machine, because you need many different parts, which can be confusing for beginners. Thankfully, the Visual Studio team created the Tools for Apache Cordova package for VS2013 and built the package into VS2015.
A simple proxy to circumvent the SOP A handy Node.js script that helps with front-end development to a remote server without the CORS headers set
AngularJS: Controllers vs Services undefined
Must Use AngularJS Modules for Web Developer | Web Revisions In this article, we have collected some must use AngularJS modules in every web projects.
Create RESTful API Using Node.js & Express 4 Create RESTful APIs using Node.js and Express 4. RestFul api in node js using express 4. Using Express 4 we can easily manage GET and POST requests.
Edit Server Files without Restarting Server in NodeJS undefined
- RArcher Software Ltd. Node.js Performance verses MVC 4. 14 August 2012. Summary: In this (rather long) post I look at using server-side Javascript with Node.js, and see how it performs compared with ASP.NET MVC 4. We see how to host Node.js apps on IIS and Windows Azure, and use Visual Studio 2012's load testing ...
Top 10 Mistakes Node.js Developers Make undefined
UI Grid 3.0 Released! UI Grid's first stable release is here. Join the team for a live Q&A!
Angular Benchpress and Performance Tests Ben Nadel wrote a blog post that explored the performance of rendering a large dataset using Angular (version one) and React. It was a good post and demonstrated the perceptible difference between ...
50+ Best Free Bootstrap Admin Templates >> CSS Author An excellent collection of free bootstrap admin templates for developers, these are enormous timesaver in your workflow, explore for more.
Node Webkit - Build Desktop Apps with Node and Web Technologies | The Jackal of Javascript Getting Started with Node Webkit apps Looking for a real time implementation? Check : Node Webkit powered Dashboard application In this post, we will see h
Resumable File Uploads Users want to share more and more photos and videos. But mobile networks are fragile. Platform APIs are a mess. Every project builds its own file uploader. A thousand one week projects that barely work, when all we need is one real project, done right. We are going to do this right.
Cluster in Node.js tutorial | Code for geek If you run your single Node server on specific port, it runs on single thread. It take advantage of your Single core only and as far as my knowledge every
Highlight search result using Angular filter | Code for geek Highlighting search result improves the user experience and makes the search process less time consuming compare to showing the search result only. We are
Plunker Plunker is an online community for creating, collaborating on and sharing your web development ideas.
Building a HTML5 Mobile App Using AngularJS Building a HTML5 Mobile App Using AngularJS by Sahil Malik AngularJS for ASP NET MVC Developers Explore MEAN Stack 2015
Node.js and SQLite Great introduction to using SQLite with Node.js. Covers everything from installing to running queries against the database.
Extract stacktrace information in Node.js | Code for geek Node.js is great in many features such as clustering, async and many more but it was really bad in debugging. I got work assignment to invoke e-mail when a
Express and Nodejs tutorial for beginners | Code for geek Express and Nodejs tutorial along with step by step working and code available for use. if you want to quick start with geeky guide then this is for you.
Node-Webkit #1: Complete CheatSheet node-webkit is an app runtime based on Chromium and node.js. You can write native apps in HTML and JavaScript with node-webkit. It also lets you call Node.js modules directly from the DOM and enables a new way of writing native applications with all Web technologies. Read more about nod
NodeJS Tutorial: Getting Started with Hapi & Joi NodeJS Tutorial: Getting Started with Hapi & Joi Zero to Hero with Node.js Explore MEAN Stack 2015 ES6 and ES7 the...
Hello NodeJS with Visual Studio Code Hello NodeJS with Visual Studio Code Node.js Tutorials: From Zero to Hero with Nodejs In this video we take a first look at Visual Stud...
📦 Delivery Card by +Ramotion → #UX #UI #uxdesign #uidesign #materialdesign
Getting Started with Ionic | Lesson 1 | Mobile Development for Web Developers This is an extensive, self paced course that will give you all the insight you need to start developing HTML5 mobile applications.
Angular 2.0 Preview | Building the simple todos app with Angular.js 2 undefined
An Introduction to Ionic Push | HTML5 Mobile Tutorials | Ionic, Phaser, Sencha Touch & PhoneGap undefined
SMS Authentication in ASP.NET5 Application In today's blog post, I will be discussing how to set up SMS authentication in ASP.NET5 web application. SMS Authentication in Web Application To begin with, I first created a web application in Visual Studio 2015RC named "S...
willmendesneto/keepr Contribute to keepr development by creating an account on GitHub.
RESTful API Using Node.js & Express 4 In this video tutorial we will learn how to create RESTful APIs using Node.js and Express 4. Using Express 4 we can easily manage GET , POST, PUT & DELETE re...
Routing in Angular 2 A couple of months ago, we've written an article about the new router in Angular, how it can be used and how it differs from the standard router. The article mainly covered the usage of using the new router in Angular 1 apps, and has been written at a time where the router was in a very early state. In this article we would like to explore how to use the new router in Angular 2.
Linux hierarchy on one image, also check: And visit for more Linux resources.
Running a task on a schedule from an MVC web application Running a task on a schedule from an MVC web application
[ 5] Production Ready Web Server on Linux. Run Kestrel In The Background | Druss Blog Create init.d script to control your ASP.NET 5 application hosted in Kestrel web server on Linux. Add you application to autostart.
AngularJS 2.0 Features and Beyond - JavaScript Course undefined
CRUD Operations in MVC 5 Using WebAPI With AngularJS This article explains how to do CRUD operations in MVC 5 using the WebAPI with AngularJS.
Dependency Injection for Future Generations by Pascal Precht at JSConf Budapest 2015 Slides: Because dependency injection is...
Understanding Express.js | Evan Hahn This is aimed at people who have some familiarity with Node.js. They know how to run Node scripts and can install packages with npm. You don't have to be an expert, though -- I promise. This guide was last updated for Express 3.2.5. It's an introduction and mostly deals with concepts.
dblite: sqlite3 for nodejs made easy OK, I know, the well known sqlite3 module is cool and all the glory to it ... well, it didn't work in my case :( The Why node-gyp is great but it's not as portable and does not scale as I'd like to. If you try to use sqlite3 ...
Real-time Data update with Angular.js, Node.js and Real-time Data update with Angular.js, Node.js and
node-webkit autoupdate | @edjafarov @edjafarov blog, javascript, nodejs, compy, component
ExpressJs Router Tutorial undefined
Cluster in Node.js tutorial | Code for geek If you run your single Node server on specific port, it runs on single thread. It take advantage of your Single core only and as far as my knowledge every
Authentication in NodeJS and ExpressJS with PassportJS - Part 1 undefined
StrongLoop | Comparing Express, Restify, hapi and LoopBack for building RESTful APIs undefined
Where Did My ASP.NET Bundles Go in ASP.NET 5? Since ASP.NET 4.5 in 2012, developers have had access to a pair of tools in their ASP.NET toolbox called "bundling and minification". This feature would direct the webserver to combine together CS...
Build Your First Hybrid Mobile App with Visual Studio 2013, AngularJS, Ionic, and Adobe PhoneGap
This walk through will show you how to combine the features of Visual Studio 2013 with the Apache Cordova CTP 3.1, AngularJS, Ionic, and Adobe PhoneGap to create, build, and deploy a hybrid mobile ...
Angular Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications
Using Ionic with Firebase - Firebase Firebase is a realtime backend as a service that allows you to create incredible apps. Save, Store and Update Data in realtime directly from the browser or mobile client using only javascript or native iOS or Android code.
Introduction of Asp.net5 or understand Programming Tutorials Place Introduction of Asp.net5 or understand ASP.NET5: Introduction of Asp.net5: ASP.NET 5 is a new open-source, cross-platform framework for building modern cloud-based Web applications/web sits using .NET. We bui...
The Angular 2 Glossary ng-vegas is a two day, single track conference held May 7th and 8th at the beautiful Westin Lake Last Vegas Resort.
Using Google auth in Javascript This tutorial gives a detailed introduction about integrating the Google auth into a client-side web application
Getting Ready for Angular 2.0 CTO, Yuri Takhteyev, talks the the #AngularJSTO meetup group about what we can expect from Angular 2.0 and how to better prepare for the tra...
Google reCaptcha with AngularJS | Code | Cipher Trick Google introduced the new No Captcha reCaptcha, this tutorial explains how to implement it with angularJS, Google reCaptcha with AngularJs Tutorial.
Popcorn time! Sit back and chill. Overview of #Angular2 by Joe Eames Pluralsight ಠ‿ಠ 22/05/2015 - 1
Display Time Relatively in AngularJS | Code | Cipher Trick Displaying time relatively makes it easier for users to interpret and relate. We will learn to implement this feature in Angular Applications via this blog.
Accessing Google Drive in Javascript This how-to provides a step-by-step guide how to access and store files in Google Drive from Javascript
New Angular Router: Bridging the Gap Between 1.x and 2 ng-vegas is a two day, single track conference held May 7th and 8th at the beautiful Westin Lake Last Vegas Resort.
Easy AngularJS Forms with angular-formly A common problem developers face when creating AngularJS applications is that their HTML can tend to become bloated. HTML is great, but a frustrating part of working on AnguarJS apps for me is when I need to read through a page full of messy markup to figure out what's happening in the app. This tends [...]
Learn Angular JS in 14 days - iLoveCoding Learn the hottest Front-End Javascript Framework in the market today. Make modern web apps and Single-Page Apps with Angular JS, and become a ninja developer in the process.
Develop Your Ionic Apps Using WordPress | The Official Ionic Blog WordPress has made web development easy for millions of people. These days, even non-web developers and people who have never touched a line of HTML code can build and maintain a website. Imagine if something similar existed for mobile app development... Well, actually, it does!
Is ReactJS faster than AngularJS ? Short answer ? Nope. Long answer ? Inside.
Announcing Ionic Push Alpha! | The Official Ionic Blog Push notifications are an essential part of every great app, enticing users to re-engage with the app even when they're away from it. But they're also really challenging to implement, and we wanted to change that. After months of rigorous testing, we're excited to announce the open alpha of ...
Search Sort and Pagination in ng-repeat - AngularJS|CipherTrick In this chapter we will cover three things. Searching in angularjs, sorting in angularjs and pagination in angularjs.
AngularJS Custom Widgets and Architecture Best Practices AngularJS Custom Widgets and Architecture Best Practices Discover AngularJS Zero to Hero with AngularJS at 2015 ES6...
Developing Universal Windows Apps with HTML and JavaScript JavaScript Video Tutorials: Developing Universal Windows Apps with HTML and JavaScript Jump Start ES6 and ES7 the future of Javascript A...
Introduction & Explore to AngularJS at 2015 AngularJS Tutorials Course: Introduction & Explore to AngularJS course created at 2015-1-21 by Jump Start Expert MEAN with MEAN Machine:
ANGULARJS 2.0 features and beyond ANGULARJS 2.0 features and beyond Zero to Hero with AngularJS at 2015 Have burning questions about AngularJS 2.0? Want to know what we'r...
Upgrade to Angular 1.4 Achievement Unlocked! The app is now rendering over 100ms faster. Screen Shot 2015-05-30 at 7.43.03 AM.png
C# 6.0 Detailed Overview Of The New Features | Druss Blog C# 6.0 has a lot of great new features, which save developer's time and make code more clean and short. Here is overview of all new features in C# 6.0
Angular 2 - Hello World (es5) - AngularJS Video Tutorial Angular 2 fully supports using es5 so you don't have to use TypeScript or any other transpiler to get started. John walks you through writing your first component in es5, bootstrapping it, then adding another Angular 2 component to the template.
What Is RxJS? - RxJS Video Tutorial RxJS Observables represent a collection of values over time, and can be accessed in familiar ways similar to arrays. RxJS can be thought of as underscore or lodash for asynchronous operations!
An introduction to Angular 2 - Angular Tips DISCLAIMER: Angular 2 is still on a developer preview, so it has a lot of missing features, broken stuff and it is also subject to change. Ready for ...
Everything about Node.js (How-to) Tutorials interactive lessons The Art of Node (an introduction to Node) Hello World Example Hello World Hello World Web Server Node.js guide Build a blog with Node.js, express and Mon...
Everything about Node.js (How-to) Tutorials interactive lessons The Art of Node (an introduction to Node) Hello World Example Hello World Hello World Web Server Node.js guide Build a blog with Node.js, express and Mon...
Web vs. Native Web vs. native: let's concede defeat
xelita/angular-base64 angular-base64 - Base64 encoding and decoding service for AngularJS applications
monicao/angular-uuid4 angular-uuid4 - Angular service that generates UUIDs/GUIDs
souly1/ng-walkthrough ng-walkthrough - A walkthrough/on-boarding/tour guide/learning page directive which is responsive, dynamic, easy to use
Introduction | Step By Step AngularJS Tutorial AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework developed by Google. It helps you to create single-page applications or one-page web applications that only require HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the client side. It is based on MV-* pattern and allow you to build well structured, easily testable, and maintainable front-end applications.
Watch “AngularJS 2.0: Overview | Pluralsight” on YouTube Visit the post for more.
Creating Your First Desktop App With HTML, JS and Node-WebKit | Tutorialzine Visit the post for more.
Cluster in Node.js tutorial | Code for geek If you run your single Node server on specific port, it runs on single thread. It take advantage of your Single core only and as far as my knowledge every
AngularJS Custom Widgets and Architecture Best Practices AngularJS Custom Widgets and Architecture Best Practices Aaron Smith and Dave Ackerman explore AngularJS custom widgets as well as best practices for archite...
A future called Web Components A future called Web Components Discover how this new concept formed by five new specifications (Templates, Decorators, Shadow DOM, Custom Elements, HTML Impo...
Popcorn time! Sit back and chill. Overview of #Angular2 by Joe Eames Pluralsight ಠ‿ಠ 22/05/2015 - 1
The Top 5 Mistakes AngularJS Developers Make Part 1: Relying on scope undefined
Microsoft Tears Node.js From V8 Programming book reviews, programming tutorials,programming news, C#, Ruby, Python,C, C++, PHP, Visual Basic, Computer book reviews, computer history, programming history, joomla, theory, spreadsheets and more.
JuiceSSH - Free SSH client for Android JuiceSSH was published to the Play Store in December 2012. Since then we've not stopped adding new features and functionality. If like us, you spend most of your life in a terminal window then you'll love some of the ideas we've got that will be coming to JuiceSSH in the coming months.
Setting up a Node web server on an Amazon EC2 instance A start-to-finish guide showing how to set up a Node web server on an Amazon EC2 instance.
PhoneGap: Mobile App Development Framework ~ Google4Tech PhoneGap is a mobile application development framework by adobe system to make one mobile application for all mobile operating system. So we can call PhoneGap as platform independent mobile app development. The app made using PhoneGap can run on all famous mobile operating systems like Android, ...
WCF is Open Source undefined
Read Data from Varbinary Field from Database and Merge into single PDF file We introduce, How to Read data from a VarBinary Field from a Database and How to merge all file's dates in single PDF file in C#. To implement demo to read...
Dynamically Loading Kendo UI Mobile Collapsible A quick example on how to dynamically load a Kendo UI Mobile Collapsible from AJAX-generated content.
Give your element an API – Polycasts #16 Today I'm going to show you how to add public properties and methods to a Polymer element. This will give your tag a programmable interface so it can be mani...
Building Apps for Office with AngularJS and Html5 AngularJs Video Tutorials: Building Apps for Office with AngularJS and Html5 Single Page Applications with jQuery or Angular JS:
Angular 2 in Developer Preview! This time it rhymes; it must be true. * Guide: * API:
Screen Shot 2015-04-30 at 8.01.10 AM.png
One of the most knowledge-concentrated and “deep” episodes, a lot of info about Angular 2:
Screenshot 2015-05-16 21.56.15.png
25 Visual Studio Shortcuts For Developers 25 Visual Studio Shortcuts that every developer must know to boost productivity. The must know hack list for .Net developers.
5 Courses, 19 Hours: Master Google’s Framework for Building Dynamic Web Apps All AngularJS Course Bundle: 5 Courses & 19 Hours of Content: Master Angular Concepts & Create Web Applications
Material design morphing icons undefined
Material Inspired Panel undefined
Lollipop Transition undefined
Dynamically Attaching controllers to a directive In this lesson we will learn a way to dynamically attach controllers to a directive or passing a controller name as an attribute.
Announcing Ionic Templates for Visual Studio | The Official Ionic Blog Today, we are incredibly excited to announce that, in partnership with Microsoft, Ionic templates are now available in Visual Studio. When Microsoft added Apache Cordova Tools into Visual Studio, we knew that Visual Studio was going to become one of the best ways for Windows developers to build ...
Boyan Mihaylov - AngularJS 2.0: A natural evolvement or a new beginning - Codemotion Rome 2015 For only a couple of years AngularJS has become a standard when talking about single-page applications. Its modularity, testability and structure gives devel...
100 Ionic Framework Resources A large list of links to resources for the Ionic Framework. Updated regularly.
Announcing Ionic 1.0! | The Official Ionic Blog Dear Ionites,. You've been patient. You've submitted pull requests. You've been active on the forums. You've built incredible apps. You've presented and formed communities all over the world. You've supported one another and inspired us to collectively push the limits of what's possible.
All ng-vegas videos Angular 2.0 by @ngvegasconf Miss out on ngVegas? Don't worry, the entire video library of all the talks held at the NG Vegas event held on May 7 - 8 in Vegas is available here! Playlist at - Happy ...
AngularJS Interview Questions and Answers This book has been written with the intent of preparing yourself with solid foundations on AngularJS – in a short time without wasting your time in googling.
Interception using Decorator and Lazy Loading with AngularJS | Web Code Geeks Angular provides it's own dependency injection that supports everything from annotations to decorators. Interception is a feature that allows you to extend, intercept, or otherwise manipulate existing services. It makes it easy to monkey-patch existing APIs to suite the specific needs of your application. You can build an app that relies on the built-in services for common functionality such as logging and still apply your own custom behavior as ...
Understanding Providers, Services, and Factories in Angular | Web Code Geeks I've read quite a few posts (as well as questions posed) about the differences between services and factories in Angular. I've seen just as many attempts to explain it and even fell victim to trying to force an explanation for the difference myself. The answer is more simple than you may think and is evident ...
All #ngvegas videos: #angularjs CEgD0eaWAAApYDw.jpg
The Angular 2 Glossary ng-vegas is a two day, single track conference held May 7th and 8th at the beautiful Westin Lake Last Vegas Resort.
Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined. Visual Studio Code is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. Visual Studio Code is free and available on your favorite platform - Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows.
Getting started with Angular 2 developer preview This screencast accompanies our alpha.22 release, which is part of Angular 2 developer preview (pre-beta). It shows how to get started from an empty director...
Ubuntu MATE for the Raspberry Pi 2 undefined
ASP.NET Web API: Beyond the Basics ASP.NET Web API: Beyond the Basics by Ido Flatow Zero to Hero with SQL Server 2014 Like with any framework, there are those who know how...
Test driven Development of Web Apps in Node.Js Test-driven Development of Web Apps in NodeJs Zero to Hero with Node.js Explore MEAN Stack 2015 Zero to Hero with j...
AngularJS for ASP.NET MVC Developers Web Development: AngularJS for ASP.NET MVC Developers by Miguel A Castro Zero to Hero with AngularJS at 2015 Angular continues to take t...
AngularJS for ASP.NET MVC Developers Web Development: AngularJS for ASP.NET MVC Developers by Miguel A Castro Zero to Hero with AngularJS at 2015 Angular continues to take t...
The Ionic Playground | The Official Ionic Blog This is not that thing. You'll have to stay tuned for that! trollface. Instead, I am excited to share the Ionic Playground, a fun new tool that makes it incredibly easy to build Ionic apps and demos in the browser, without having to install anything. To use it, just visit
The Ionic Playground | The Official Ionic Blog This is not that thing. You'll have to stay tuned for that! trollface. Instead, I am excited to share the Ionic Playground, a fun new tool that makes it incredibly easy to build Ionic apps and demos in the browser, without having to install anything. To use it, just visit
shivang doshi undefined
11 Tips to Improve AngularJS Performance 1. Minimize/Avoid Watchers Usually, if your Angular app is slow, it means that you either have too many watcher, or those watchers are working harder then they should. Angular uses dirty che...
GitHub Inside Your Visual Studio undefined
GitHub Inside Your Visual Studio undefined
Angularjs–Bootstrap dual list box Bootstrap Dual Listbox is a responsive dual listbox widget optimized for Twitter Bootstrap. It works on all modern browsers and on touch devices Download and more from GitHub - If you are looking f...
AngularJS – Beginners guide AngularJS – Beginners guideA bunch of links to blog posts, articles, videos, etc for learning AngularJS. This list is in its early stages. Feel free to submit a pull request if you have some links/...
Useful JSON Tools for .net Developers JSON string to C# Class JSON Browser to view proper JSON format JSON Lint – Json format and creation
Beginner’s Guide to AngularJS Thanks to Antonin & for sharing this information. Another really nice Youtube angular series - Happy Coding
ionic/angular: Use The Android And iOS Camera With Ionic Framework Source: Most smart phones on the market have at least one camera if not two. You may want to leverage these cameras to make the next Instagram or SnapChat type application. Lucky for us, the nati...
Angular FAB Button like google apps I am working on IONIC based android hybrid app recently and I come across this really nice angular js plugin "Ng-Material-Floating-Button" from nobitagit. I have used this plugin in my multiple pro...
Angular–material plnkr Another new plnkr which demonstrate following things - Angular 1.4 ngAnimate ngFx angular-material 0.8.3 Features: how to integrate angular-material in angular js app. how to add custom theme to yo...
IONIC Cheatsheet Visit the post for more.
AngularJS Providers: Constant/Value/Service/Factory/Decorator/Provider Constant A constant can be injected everywhere. A constant can not be intercepted by a decorator, that means that the value of a constant should never be changed (though it is still possible...
Futuristic Routing in Angular A few months ago the Angular team announced that there's going to be a completely new router component in one of the future Angular releases. In fact, the new router is being implemented for Angular 2.0 and was planned to be back ported for the 1.3 release. Unfortunately, it turned out that it takes a bit more effort to make the same powerful router available for both development branches based on the same code base, so the team decided to postpo...
5 Courses, 19 Hours: Master Google’s Framework for Building Dynamic Web Apps All AngularJS Course Bundle: 5 Courses & 19 Hours of Content: Master Angular Concepts & Create Web Applications
C# Generics C# Generics: why we need them and how to use them. My other free C# videos: C# Events and Delegates If you enjoy my teaching sty...
Angular Dual Multiselect Directive - Angular Script The Angular Dual Multiselect Directive makes it easy to quickly create a pair of searchable fields for selecting multiple options from a large set of values.
Pure AngularJS Based Off-canvas Side Panels - Angular Script Pure AngularJS based side panels that slides from the edge from the screen when toggled.
Angular Directive For Fullscreen Morphing Modal Window - Angular Script Angular directive for fullscreen modal window with wonderful animation in trending Material Design style.
Floating Labels and Floating Validation for AngularJS - Angular Script Material Design Style floating labels and floating validation for AngularJS.
Google Now Style Flip Card Directive For AngularJS - Angular Script A directive to simulate a card with flipping and zooming in ability as seen in Google now cards.
Gmail-like Chatbar Layout For Angular.js - Angular Script Customizable gmail-like chatbar (layout only) for angular.
Angular Directive For Canvas Based Prismata Loading Animation - Angular Script An AngularJS directive helps you generate a Prismata loading animation (ajax spinner) using Html5 canvas element.
Angular JS For Bootstrap Confirmation Popover - Angular Script Displays a bootstrap confirmation popover (with no jQuery or bootstrap JS!)
AngularJS Form Validation undefined
AngularJS Routing Using UI-Router undefined
The Many Ways To Use ngClass AngularJS provides some great features to help us create interactive applications. They provide things called directives in order to change the DOM and attach specific Angular behaviors to an element we specify. Today we'll be looking at the ngClass directive. This directive let's us do awesome things like: Add/Remove classes based on Angular variables Add/Remove [...]
All About the Built-In AngularJS Filters undefined
Sort and Filter a Table Using Angular When building Angular applications, one of the cornerstones we will use is ng-repeat. Showing data is something that we do in applications like when we show a table of users or whatever other data we need to show our users. Today we'll be looking at a way to sort and filter our tabular data. This [...]
Building Custom AngularJS Filters undefined
Display Time Relatively in Angular undefined
Build Chrome-like Tabs with Bootstrap and AngularJS undefined
Top 18 Most Common AngularJS Developer Mistakes Sheer size of the AngularJS can easily lead to many mistakes. In this article you will learn about most common AngularJS mistakes and how to avoid them.
[Video] Build a Cross Platform App with Ionic - Firebase Firebase is a realtime backend as a service that allows you to create incredible apps. Save, Store and Update Data in realtime directly from the browser or mobile client using only javascript or native iOS or Android code.
Bootstrap-Themed Tree Widget Documentation Applied Internet Technologies timekeeping software